Need Dr. To Prescribe Subutex-naloxone Allergy (Page 3)
UpdatedI am seeking help. I am from the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. I am an addict of 18 years. It is time to quit. I have friends who have left the addiction circle. They have successfully taken buprenorphine.
Here is my problem. I am severely allergic to the blocker in suboxone - naloxone. It is not an option for me. I have a dear friend who gave me her remaining subutex tablets. She tapered off and is clean and doing well now. I have been clean for 1 week which is a PHENOMENAL accomplishment for me! I am afraid of what will happen if I cannot find a doctor who will prescribe the subutex.
Please, will someone out there lead me in the direction of a Physician/MD/Doctor that will write me Subutex? I have called so many places. I have tried, and other directories. My last resort is to ask my friends on here. I will travel if I have to. I am just so afraid of falling short. Someone please help me. Thanks guys!
Hey could you possibly help me with a doctor. I live in kentucky and suboxone does not help me at all but no one will prescribe it where I love because of so many Iv users. It sucks cause I've been looking for a subutex doctor for 2 years.
I am on subutex because I am allergic to the buffers in suboxone. I am disabled and medicaid don't pay for it it is as well very exspencive. Can you tell me some body or company that will pay for it for me I am in there for pain management.
Richie and rodinalabama,
Thank you so much for responding and offering to share your drs in Atlanta that prescribe subutex. Please let me know who they are. Thanks again! I'm not very familiar w this site or how to post a reply directly on to you, to share my contact info. If u can offer a suggestion as to how to do that so I can get the name of the drs, I'd be very appreciative. I'm so tired of this life. My life is passing me by. I need a dr to help. My husband says there's no shame in getting help, but I can't help but feel full of shame and guilt. Please help me put and end to this chapter of my life. I look forward to hearing back from you.
hey i was on here trying to also found a tek doctor i live in mooresville. you ever have any luck
Hey there i seen your post about a doctor in Mooresville that prescribes subutex and was curious if you could tell me who ut is. I'm currently tapering off methadone so i can switch to subutex. I just wanna do it at a regular doctor office.
I am going back to previous doctor. Who gave me subutex for 2.5 yrs and been on them 4 yrs total... he said due
e toNew laws I need. Have proof... what part are u from and I think I can go to a med express.
I need a Dr in mooresville that will prescribe em.... I've called 400 clinics.... {edited for privacy}
Where u going in Louisville? I'm needing help in a bad way and am having problems finding a dr in eastern ky. Any help will be greatly appreciated ... Good luck on your sobriety!!
I'm looking for a pain management dr as well my dr is retiring and I have less than 3 months to find another please any help would be appreciated im currently on subutex which has helped me more than I can tell u I've since enrolled n college and able to hold a job and 3 kids I really really need ur help please
I severely need a subutex doctor mine is retiring and since I've been on subutex I am now in college and working part time full time mother of 3 I really want to continue my road of sobriety please I need a new doctor I do not want to relapse please
Can someone answer this question for me...its suppose to be a subetex anyways the pill its orange its sorta a long pill its oval with the number 153 on it..Is this a 8mg subetex
Im in New Orleans Louisiana and have the same issues finding a Dr who will prescribe subutex
I'm in the same boat is most of you all I've been on subutex for almost two years an now in tn its gonna be took away does any body know where I can find a doctor close to tn
I am allrigitc to naloxone I need help I am a prescriber
does anyone know a doctor in AL that perscribes subtex? I am momving to AL and I have been on subutex for over a year. I cannot take suboxone due to the noloxone in it. So if there is anyone that knows of a doctor in Alabama or NC please let me know.
Ppl in TN or KY plz tell me how hard it is to document my allergic reaction to suboxone? I've been on subutex for 2 yrs now they put me on suboxone and Im craving h again, I need help. Please any suggestions are welcomed.
I am in the mooresville area and am in desperate need of a doc to get subutex. Please help me. Thanks.
I was getting subutex for3 years and then the new law was passed and I don't have a primary care physician cause I don't have insurance.I have had higher blood pressure and I am having withdraws from coming off the there anything I can do in the Morristown tn area to get my meds back or at least help me out with the withdrawals?please help me I am sick and don't want to go back to opiate addiction!
I am almost at relapse and need help finding a Dr in ky who prescribes subutex I am on the strip and was on the subutex for 10 months and they switched me I am having awful side effects plus urges and I can't seem to find a Dr in ky who will prescribe them unless ur pregnant please help
I go to tn to the doctor and they changed the law and I have been getting subutex for3 yrs and now they want to put me on suboxone! It gave me migraines and I get a rash. Frankly I just can't afford to pay for suboxone! I need a Dr number in another state other than tn. Please thank you!
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