Nausea With Sprintec, Anyone Else?
UpdatedI've been on birth control for about two years now. I recently quit taking Kariva due to the fact that it was causing my hair to fall out and crazy mood swings. I'm now on Sprintec, I have been on it before and both times I've noticed that I get slightly nauseous around dinner time after eating. Does anyone else get this?
20 Replies
It can be a normal side effect. Have you discussed it with your doctor?
When you take the pill, are you taking it on an empty stomach? It may help prevent the nausea if you make sure to take it with a small meal, like some milk and crackers, or when you sit down to eat.
I have only been on Sprintec for a couple days now. And every night I take it at 10 pm. Right before I go to bed. But it makes me nauseous every time I take it. Last night was the worst it has been. I actually almost vomited. It's causing me to not be able to sleep well at all! Anyone know any solutions?!?!?!
I have also been on Sprintec since sunday and its now Thursday. I've been feeling very nauseous since taking it. My acne went from never any acne to a lot of itchy acne. My last birth control Loestrine did the same thing with the acne but im worried about this nausea because its constant. I'm very frustrated
I have been on Sprintec for about 2 years now. Two major things I've noticed is a persistent nausea and bloating simultaneously. It's horrible! When I go to bed I feel sick and extremely tired on the days that I do more than my regular routine. The other thing is weight gain. I've gained about 10 lbs and find it impossible to lose the weight regardless of diet or exercise. It's really messed me up.
Same with, I've noticed to be extremely nausea the first week of taking the pills after that I'm fine but as soon as I start a new pack Ifeel horrible.
It's my second day on birth control,SPRINTEC and I'm extremely sick to my stomach
I'm 20 and I just started taking birth control pills. Today, 4/7/15, I took my 3rd Sprintec pill. I've taken them every day at 12pm so far. Around 2:00pm I found that my temples and the spot on the back of my head near my neck hurt like crazy and I felt nauseous. Unfortunately I threw up around 6pm. No where on the packet tells me what to do if I do throw up and I have to find a new doctor because mine just retired. So I'm kind of worried not to mention I've read a lot of reviews about people getting very sick when it comes to head aches and vomiting.
I am 21 years old and this is my first time ever taking any kind of birth control my gynocologist prescribed me sprintec and ever since I started taking them I feel sick to my stomach and nauseas all the time. I only feel better when I'm on the white pills after I start a new one I go back to being sick. Worse pill ever
I'm having the same problem. I've been on sprintec for a month and the first time I didn't feel nauseated and now I have to force myself to eat because I'm feeling nauseous everyday.
I took sprintec for about 8 months before noticing nausea, I took it at 730 every morning and it caused uncomfortable nauseau throughout the day for me. I stopped taking it for now and I feel better, will try a different pill or method this time around.
I'm 21 and just started Birth control for the first time on 5/15. My doctor prescribed me sprintec. The first day I had a very bad headache that lead to a lot of vomiting, and the next day I had not such a bad headache but serious nausea that lead to serious vomiting where I was concerned i could've caught the stomach flu. I called my doctor and she said for me to take it at night and see if it helps, has this helped anyone else taking sprintec? I didn't take it today 5/17 because I'm afraid of being so sick.
I've been taking Sprintec for about a year now, and I agree, it is something horrible! I started out taking it in the day time but I too, got very nauseous from it so I started taking it before I go to bed. Some nights it's ok, but I almost always wake in the morning with an upset stomach. Nights like tonight, I'm awake after 4 hours of sleep and battling severe nausea! Trying not to throw up, because it usually makes me feel worse! Also, I'm nauseated the whole time I go through the blue pills and no nausea with the white. I'm sure it's not very healthy taking this crap! All I know is our stomachs sure don't like it for a reason.. I used to be on ortho tri cycleen and it never made me feel this way.
I've only been taking Sprintec for two days. Last night I was nauseated about 30 minutes after taking it but took 2 pepto and was fine....but here it is 12 hours later and I was still sick to my stomach, it just comes and goes. I don't know if it's normal to be nauseated that long after taking the pill or if it's something else.
My nausea comes and goes with Sprintec - but when it happens it's awful. I'm 17 and I've been on it on and off of it for about half a year and most of the time I'm fine, but there have been several streaks of nights where I vomit/diarrhea until there's nothing left (and then even more too : ( ). I went on an off brand for a month and just switched back yesterday and that night lo and behold was awful. I'm not sure what to do.
It's my third day and I've thrown up every night
Omg yes I get that same feeling, but before dinner and I have to eat or throw up for the feeling to go away. I really want to stop taking them because my husband and I are TTC. But because my periods were so heavy and long after coming off the IUD in August I needed something to regulate it. I have two more weeks left on the Sprintec and I am done with it. I hope!
I am actually opposite of you. Sprintec was making me very nauseous. I would take the pills at night and wake up feeling terrible. I am now on Kariva hoping that this wont give me the same issue.
I also get very nauseous taking tri sprintec and I have done a trial and error when taking it with food before taking or eating after I take it. I get very nauseous if I take it on an empty stomach. I got so nauseous one time I did vomit. I've been on it for 3 months and the nausea is still persistent
I've been on sprintec also and I felt nauseated everyday I took it, even if I ate before I took it. I haven't felt myself and I've had more anxiety than ever before. Is there anyone that switched from that and are happy with it? If so, what did you switch too?
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