Naproxen And Aspirin
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I've taken Excedrin for 40+ years, to get rid of a caffeine headache that coffee can't. On occasion I also take Naproxen for athritis in the hips, but I never take it together with Excedrin, because of the instructions on the Naproxen Rx leaflet. How long should I wait before taking a Naproxen after taking Excedrin? Thank you for any feedback. -Ella

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Hello, Ella! How are you? I'm sorry that you've not received an answer, yet.

Doubling up on a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory increases your risks of bleeding and developing stomach ulceration, which is why you are instructed not to take them together. It may also cause overdose symptoms in some people, that the FDA lists as possibly including vomiting, headache and severe dizziness.

As to when you can take the next one, to switch off, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, the normal instructions would be to just switch from one to the other at the next dosing time and the same for switching back. However, it is always best to double check with your doctor or pharmacist to be safe.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I can't believe that NO ONE would have an answer for the above question. -Ella

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