Naltrexone And Constipation (Top voted first)


I got horribly constipated about 5 days after starting naltrexone 50mg. So I stopped. Are there any known methods of taking naltrexone and preventing constipation? BTW, I have a good diet and never get constipated.

5 Replies

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I take a stool softener plus laxative in the morning and night time. I have the same problem so I asked my local pharmacy and that's what they recommended. Hope this helps.

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Oh this is so interesting, I take low-dose naltrexone, 0.5 mg in the morning, and it gave me diarrhea every day for the first seven days, then it stopped. I only get constipated on the days I don’t take it, but I think that’s because I also take oxycodone three times a day so when I don’t take the LDN in the morning it’s almost like my body is opioid naïve again.

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What did you already try to alleviate it?

In many cases, it can be as simple as increasing your fiber and fluid intake.

Ref: Naltrexone Information

Did you experience any of the other side effects the FDA warns about, such as nausea, anxiety, dizziness, or loss of appetite?

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What are the brands you take?

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the doc used to recommend Loperamide Hcl . don't know if this will help or not...

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