Naltrexone And Alcohol (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been taking naltrexone for a month now to help me quit getting drunk on white wine. My pharmacist said I shouldn't drink any alcohol while taking this drug but would like to know if I went out on a weekend, could I drink a glass of wine or two while taking naltrexone? Would there be any severe side effects?

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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hi....ive had a naltrexone implant for opiate dependence....been in for approx 2 months now....i daily drink 2 pints of stella no reaction.....try not to drink as that is why you're on them in the first place......but as to the question there is no side effect or of luck

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Naltrexone does in fact HELP people who want to stop drinking. If one is unable to stop drinking without this drug or any other, then they are drinking alcohlicly. There is no medical CURE for alcoholism and no drug that will stop someone from picking up. Naltrexone is to reduce cravings and often produces vomitting as a DETERANT to further drinking. - An Alcoholic in Recovery (aka a cancer patient in remission).

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Wouldn't that be defeating the purpose of why you wanted to start taking it?

Not only is it risky to consume alcohol with any medication, but if you wanted to stop drinking, it really makes little sense to go right back to it.

Have you consulted your doctor? Have you undergone any counseling for this issue?

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