Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Top voted first)


I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Pharmacists have doctorates and know FAR more about medications and what should not be taken than your doctor. Not to mention pharmacies make money by filling prescriptions...If a pharmacist denies your prescription, there is a good reason for it.

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Mike I'm right there with ya!!! I've been trying for months to find a pharmacy for his scripts... I've even drove all the way to the other side of Jacksonville (don't even try another state.. especially florida... they will just tell you that they will not fill out of state what so ever) I've been to augusta, macon and every single place all in between... no luck!! I wish I could find some where as well... the places that were filling it won't now and I'm completely out of my medicines with written prescriptions in hand that I can't find a single place to fill them.. anywhere... before going to him I had been going to pain management for many many years getting the same prescriptions.. well my doctor moved out of state to go work for a huge hospital, I transferred to wonderful Dr. Bynes and boom can't get them filled... even with Insurance.... I had even used the same pharmacy for over 8 yrs and they won't even fill them.... if anyone could help find a pharmacy I can promise you I will definitely compensate you for the heads! It'll be worth your while!!!

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As a local pharmacist, yes it is protected by our license to refuse ANY prescription we do not feel comfortable filling. Which includes multiple controls, doctors we are unfamiliar with, etc. The DEA is in fact watching him and I have personally had a DEA agent call our store asking questions about prescription we had previously filled for him, which is why we stopped accepting them. The amount of controls he writes for are extremely dangerous when taken in combination. The best and most logical advice would be to find another pain management doctor that is not being investigated by the DEA....

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Did you ever find someone to fill Dr. Bynes prescriptions?

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Legitimate refusal: A pharmacist can refuse to fill a valid/on-time prescription for a controlled substance if doing so would harm the patient, such as when the patient is allergic to the medication, the medication would adversely interact with other medications that the patient is taking, or the prescribed dose is above the recommended dosage, although some specialists can and do prescribed above normal doses for a patient and the practice is perfectly legal.
So it really has nothing to do with being red flagged or the dr. Under investigation . The rph risks their license and livelihood when filling a rx they belief may be harmful to the patient.

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I'm sorry something about this doesn't feel right to me. I have a much more painful and many more back injuries than what you listed. I have never heard of any doctor anywhere writing eight prescriptions who would give you fentanyl, which is a 100 times stronger than heroin and then at the same time give you seven other scripts for heavy narcotics. I don't know what your pain is but I have exactly what you have and even much more additional back injuries, pinching nerves and herniated discs. I'm not saying you're not in pain but since the crackdown across the country regular Family doctors are not giving scripts for pain at least in my state. They will investigate every last doctor. The only ones that can write it now are pain management doctors. The drug enforcement agency is investigating any doctor that's not pain management who writes a controlled substance in the state where I live and many if not most states are aware of the severe opioid addiction problem. My insurance is not taken by any pain management doctors so I suffer. Many doctors are being arrested because they would just write scripts out like they were pieces of candy. This is watched and monitored, why do you think the pharmacies give so many problems when people try to fill a script even if he wrote you the prescription separately. Fentanyl is not given for the injuries you described, never.

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please find another doctor. pharmacies do not fill for him because he write for too many controls and they dont want to the risk. please find another doctor.

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I suffer from an autoimmune disorder (sickle cell anemia) So Iam not a stranger to excruciating pain. This doctor is responsible for more human suffering then most can fathom.Nothing is worse then convincing suffering folks they need these levels of controls getting them hooked and then where or who to they go to for relief??I have yet to meet one medical professional to agree that the levels of narcotics he has prescribed can be considered medically indicated.EVERYONE DESERVES RELIEF but only after careful consideration and sound medical judgment.. God bless you all and best of luck finding an establishment to legally fill those Rx's.

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If I was in your position I'd take whatever they are willing to fill. You are truly blessed to have compassionate doctors and with the state of Rx's being used and abused these days. In NJ they look at you cross eyed if you attempt to fill more than one csn at a time. It's sad so many folks needlessly suffering when Rx's are available to ease pain and suffering. I may not agree with the liberal prescribing of some but to withhold relief from true suffering pain patients disgusts me. Best wishes.

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Wow! Did you go from no meds to all of those? They could bring down a team of horses. Back in the day, that would knock me on my ass. Opiates, Benzos and muscle relaxers are a toxic cocktail. I fight for chronic pain patients, but even I wouldn't fill those.

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Unfortunately this s*** is going to happen at every pharmacy you go to with Dr. Bynes. He is blackballed by the DEA and all the pharmacists are scared to fill for him. He doesn't care because guess what... He's still getting your money to see him regardless if you get them filled or not. My best advice to anyone out there is find a pain management Dr. that isn't blackballed like he is. They aren't going to write you everything you want but having something is better than nothing and you won't have to go all over the state trying to get your s*** filled so it will save you a lot of damn time.

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No offense intended but "Good" doctors in their proper faculties could never fathom prescribing the controls this legalized drug pusher routinely does.As a chronic pain patient working in the medical field for many years I have never encountered a responsible prescriber that would ever consider prescribing the combination of controlled dangerous substances that he routinely prescribes. NO LEGIT PHARMACY ANYWHERE WILL FILL ANY SCRIPT FOR HIM. I have witnessed far to many unintentional overdose complications by legit. chronic pain patients to even consider him a medical professional. Not to mention the unmitigated hell of
Withdrawal and detoxification following cessation of opioid drug therapy. Anyone that visits his practice be prepared to be disappointed if prescribed a CDS. Please find a competent pain management specialist that treats patients with a variety of appropriate medications tailored for modern day pain control protocol's. Best Wishes to you all......

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Re: Sally Sue (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

As a recovering addict from Pain Pill addiction I couldn't believe any doctor was still over prescribing Addictive Prescription Medications in such a huge quantity and so many variations at 1 time to so many people! If You aren't suffering from life ending pain such as Cancer then You don't need all these types of drugs!!!! Thank God there are Professionals that are taking the Opiod Epidemic seriously, and You care!!!

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Re: Lunar (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Bynes surrendered his medical license. He won't be opening anytime soon:

Search Criteria To Look Up a Licensed Provider -
Last Name: Bynes
License Number: 036932

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The amount and type of meds you are trying to fill is completely outside the standard of care, regardless of who is prescribing them. At this point we don't mix soma and Xanax with high dose opioids. The pharmacies are protecting themselves legally by not filling this script. You are likely to have to make some changes in your med list.

Dr. Tim

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I'm thinking if I was paying a doctor good money to be diagnosed and write my prescriptions and then I can't feel them anywhere, he's the one I'd be calling and asking because basically he just screwed you for your co-pays or your cash payments which aren't cheap and then you can't fill the prescriptions he wrote. So I would be calling him to find out how to fill those prescriptions and if he can't tell you that he should refund you money that you paid him since you can't truly be treated by him because you can't feel the pain prescriptions period I will get through all of this and more trust me it it's no fun I know. But what he's writing the combination of medications that I've seen on here nobody's going to fill all that not together. My suggestion is find another doctor and quick. No they're not going to write you the amount a medication and the different kinds that he's been writing but they will write you what you need to truly get out of pain or at least get relief. Unfortunately for me there's not enough pain medication out there to get me out of pain so I have to get by on what my daughter gives me which is still more than the average person could even take in a day. But the fault he relies on Dr. Bynes . If he's going to write a prescription and charge you for doing so, then he damn well should be able to tell you where you can fill it!

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Re: michael9mm (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

You will not be getting narcotics from him when he's fighting to stay out of prison! This is happening all over USA! Too many people have died from overdoses of opioids & I am sure they were in excruciating pain also....

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Re: Big mike (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

Since you seem unwilling to simply click on the links provided to verify that in fact Dr. Bynes no longer has a medical license, and you still believe he is going to open up a new clinic, I have copied the first paragraph of the Medical Board's order for you so that you and others won't hold on to this false hope:

"I, FRANK HOWARD BYNES JR, holder of license number 036932 to practice medicine in the State of Georgia pursuant to O.C.G.A. ch. 34, T.43, as amended, hereby freely, knowingly and voluntarily surrender said license to the Georgia Composite Medical Board. I hereby acknowledge that this surrender shall be considered to be and have the same effect as a revocation of my license, and I knowingly relinquish and forfeit all right, title and privilege of practicing medicine in the State of Georgia, unless and until such time as my license may be reinstated, in the sole discretion of the Board."

This was dated and went into effect on September 22nd. I hope this provides some clarity for you. If you indeed have legitimate issues with chronic pain, I wish you well in your search for a new doctor.

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Tammy --

We now know for a fact that he voluntarily surrendered his medical license. You wouldn't do that if you were planning to go into pain management. Don't get me wrong, we LOVED the man, he was caring and compassionate and we are having a very difficult time finding a replacement. I wish that we had the luxury of "waiting a couple of weeks" for him to reopen his office or start a practice somewhere else but
the facts that I know for certain don't support that happening.

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Re: Lifelongpain (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

You can not be in that much pain, your a drug addicted fool

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