Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 4)


I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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I've been to Dr. Frank Bynes. He is a very caring and compassionate dr. He knows what he's doing - hell, he's the dr. The meds he prescribed will kill anyone, IF NOT TAKEN AS PRESCRIBED BY THE DR.! HELL THAT GOES FOR ASPIRIN, NY- QUILL, VITAMINS, HEART MEDS, BLOOD-PRESSURE MEDS.. YES, YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON VITAMINS!!! All this is is the government trying to have control and Dr. Bynes is not having that s***. How are they going to tell him how to do his job?! Would they listen to him if he tried to tell them how to do theirs? HELL NO!!! Like i told the pharmacist, if i wanted to i could bend the block, get twice as much as what was prescribed by the dr. quicker than it took me to stand there and look at her crazy as hell. If i want to abuse drugs then i would - WITHOUT the help of any professional. BELIEVE THAT. It's just bs that you cannot go to a Dr. and he be allowed to treat his patient as he see's fit. And we are in America, right?

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I just read your post, and I don't care how far I've got to drive, I really need help finding a pharmacy to fill Dr. BYNES scripts. My pharmacy, after 6 yrs, decided to STOP filling for everyone altogether this month that goes to BYNES. Please let me know if U have ANY helpful info on a pharmacy. Thanks so much.

{edited for privacy}

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Dear Mike, if you could please steer me in the right direction of a pharmacy I have called 30+ and have been turned down. I have been out of medicine for about a week. Please help. {edited for privacy}. Thank you.

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America has changed. Pharmacies should have to fill any script that comes in if it's a legit script. Who is a pharmacy not to fill a script? It should be a law against a pharmacy overriding a decision of a doctor that is legit. It's the DEA threatening the pharmacy. I have had 2 pharmacies tell me that. If the Dr can write the script and the law allows it, then there should be a law against the pharmacy not filling. It's not the Dr killing people, it's the pharmacy that won't fill the people's prescription. So they are turning to the streets to get them and being sold the wrong s***, that's what's killing them. These pharmacies are filling cash patient's s*** and charging double. Then after all the cash patients, they take medicaid patients. S*** needs to stop. Need to find a lawyer to fight this s***. People are suffering that truly need their pain med.

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Pharmacists have doctorates and know FAR more about medications and what should not be taken than your doctor. Not to mention pharmacies make money by filling prescriptions...If a pharmacist denies your prescription, there is a good reason for it.

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I'm in Savannah too, I'm also on Fentanyl and liquid Oxycodone and a few other prescriptions, I was told to call dr Bynes because I'm switching dr now, but I guess that's not possible now huh? And as far as this last reply, maybe your state is different and how the drugs are prescribed, not everywhere is the same so don't judge.

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Re: Mike (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I'm having same issues with pain, I'm also on Fentanyl and liquid Oxycodone and a few others. I was given dr bynes number because I'm switching dr's but I guess he's not in practice any longer.

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Re: Jay (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Dr. Frank H. Bynes, Jr., IS ABSOLUTELY STILL IN HIS PRACTICE. My last previous appointment with him was August 28, 2017, Monday- we had a fine chat, and I departed with my controlled substance prescriptions, and my non-controlled. My next scheduled appointment with Dr. Bynes is September 29, 2017. And you "guess" Dr. Bynes is no longer practicing medicine, without full DEA prescription writing privileges??? Where do you get such erroneous information? Reply with specific information.

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Re: michael9mm (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Hey mike, I saw the "permanently closed" on his profile and read some of the replies, that's when I thought he wasn't still practicing. I'm in trouble, I am leaving my primary care dr because they keep giving me a hard time giving me my scripts on time. I'm in a wheelchair (broken neck) and transport couldn't come take me to the dr's office so dr's office didn't write my script cause I didn't come in, BUT THE S*** WASN'T MY FAULT. So I'm tired of all the hassle there. But you need a referral before seeing pain management. These couple weeks before seeing a new dr will be the toughest thing I ever go through.

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Re: michael9mm (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

I heard Dr. Bynes got shut down last night (September 20,2017). Someone said they went by his office today and all the computers and files were gone.

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Re: Lovely (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

I meant to say September 21st not 20th. So supposedly he got shut down last night on September 20th.

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Re: michael9mm (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Information posted is correct. DEA came in made patients leave after searching them, confiscated money, patient files, etc from office and closed the doors. Post new location of bynes when somebody gets it. I saw him on Sept 19th and all was good. Thank goodness I went ahead and filled.

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I called Dr. David Nelson's office, and the lady there told me that for new patients he no longer prescribes any opioids for pain except buprenorphine. I know that works well for some people, but it doesn't help me. What other doctor can I see for meds? I don't want any more shots, because they didn't do that much, and my surgery didn't help for very long either. Help!

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Re: michael9mm (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

He is shut down. I saw with my own eyes an empty office.

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I got lucky and had my scripts filled, I called human resources and told them my situation at my dr office, they contacted and got it for me since it wasn't my fault...That lady there saved me. But I still have to find another dr... I was told my dr from about 10 years ago is still at his practice but visits will cost me $75. He will fill my patches and liquid oxy, I was told he has even prescribed fentanyl lollipops, so I set an appointment for next month. I can't explain how relieved I am right now. I hope many of you can get your meds too.

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Re: Jay (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

Can I ask where you saw the permanently closed on what profile of his?

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I change patches every 48 hours instead of 72 hours, I get 3 boxes a month. Does everyone else agree the patches don't work for 3 days, or am I the only one. I been on them for about 7 years now. I take 3 different pain meds along with anti anxiety meds. I'm on T-Shots too, once every 2 weeks, 300 mil. I got my meds a couple hours after I posted earlier, I was kinda panicked...We all know that feeling don't we.

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Re: Lovely (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

It says it in red, I just typed in his name and it popped up at the top of the page Lovely.

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I read about how the pharmacies wouldn't fill many of your scripts, yeah they can be suspicious when you call asking about opioids and you're not one of their regular customers, I found that out a long time ago. Many times they won't even tell you if they have them in stock when you call. Too bad there isn't like a pain support group here in the city where people can try to help one another by sending people to their dr and pharmacy. I lived here all my life and within past 10 to 15 years things have changed drastically when it comes to medication. Just about everyone I know is in pain management or has a family member on meds for pain or anxiety. My pain has gotten a lot worse through the years, from my neck to my foot is always in excruciating pain especially when trying to sleep, I hardly ever get sleep.

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Re: Jay (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

What page are you putting his name in at? Like on what site or are you putting his name in google?

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