Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 3)
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I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Katrina (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

That is a three year old address. He has been two different places since then. He was shut down by the DEA last September (2017) but he was supposed to be making a comeback

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i agree with you he is a fantastic doctor. My problem is I can't find where he is practing. The clinic where he used to work will not say where he is now. they ust plain don't care if you locate him or not. can you tell me where he is now

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Your lucky to get all those most of the doctors are running from writing them but honestly ask your doctor if you can get a application for assistance programs and you can usually get ones straight to the manufacturer

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Curtis V. Cooper Primary Health Care, Inc.

His new address is: # 2 Roberts St. Savannah, Ga. Phone # 912-527-1100. That's whats on the internet. Good luck.

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Re: Chronic pain sufferer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, I've also had a lot of the same problems. I don't no if they still do, but try Chip's Discount Pharmacy in Hazelhurst, Ga. I no they were filling his scripts til Oct.2017. Also try Alma, Ga. Good Luck

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Re: WComp (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

To be honest with you- your young age has a lot to due w/both your meds and your settlement. You can't sue the state here either, that's why a real bulldog attorney helps. Clue: in CA, there is in the AMA(different from the WC rules) that does not allow them to change a 'mental diagnosis' and allows fingers of other diagnoses to be added. This was his pearl. You do have the ability to repeal your settlement and gain Future Medical....but every State Ins Comm is different. For instance, in CA, WC will NOT pay for any pain meds.- Crazy but call your attorney and object to your settlement unless you missed the time limit. In all my years, I have NEVER seen 100% settlement, so U know we had the Bulldog. Yes he got 130K but we are so grateful he took a 7 yr old case, and we got 100%, I have only TKX for him.

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Re: Angry 65 year old (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

Unfortunately in MA there is no Temporary or Long Term Disability. I was 20 at the time, so was clueless about buying private LTD. This means I had a tiny amount of my income coming in. Social Security doesn't want to believe a College student and State Worker could possibly be totally disabled. My mistake again. When I was denied. SSDI, I was too young to know to fight it. From 10/92 to 4/93 I received 0 income. My second surgery, from WC accident was 10/93, then I was Disability Retired in 5/96. I got my lump sum, my Disability Retirement (I worked there exactly 2 months) and 90% of my Health Insurance paid for. On 9/11 I applied for SSDI after my 3rd surgery. I ended up in front of the Judge, who was pissed I was denied. I got that tiny retro check, because I get a pension. I now have had 7 surgeries.

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Re: WComp (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

I worked as a supervisor for a WC company. If your settlement was too low, you can blame your attorney. My Husband after I had to retire at 47 was a Correctional Officer and got Hep C and knew who he got it from bc the inmate had the same genotype which is a rare one. 7 yrs with a do nothing attorney and I fired him. I detoxed off Methadone so I could defend him. Had to do public speaking so I thought okay. Well, his psyche hooked him up w/ a tiger of an attorney and after 12 years and now at stage 3 (cirrhosis) this smart attorney got him 100%. Yes the attorney made his retirement but we get a bi-monthly check for over 1K every year of his life. It takes a smart attorney. I am in CA and our attorney is retired but bless him. And it's true, you cannot get both SDI and WC but U can get Medicare and WC. And I don't know if this is a CA thing, but you could have signed up for Long Term cheap and it's a good % of your wages. It's ERISA or by the gov't and $4 out of your paycheck. It got me thru until I got my SDI which I did all by myself. AND you get it retro from your filing date so $14K came as a nice surprise and got me buy until the 14 mos before SDI approved. Do it yourself, an attorney will take more than 1/3 of your allowance.

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Re: Flea (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

A real good way to die and be denied anything else is to "Doc Shop" or go to multiple pharmacies. Sweets, as a daughter of 2 alcoholics, I reached 60 now 65 and realized I could get by w/ much less medicine bc if we would all just admit it, many times we are searching for the euphoria. I have 8 major problems, 1 is the 3rd most painful disease but again I say in youth we learn and in old age we understand. I now understand that all those meds. that I kept running out of, going thru withdrawal for 3 days and then trying to look okay for the pain Doc was going to kill me if I didn't stop. I finally had my hubby hide the meds and dole out one day at a time bc I couldn't do it myself. TU Jesus, I can now. Taking so many meds is dangerous but if necessary I understand. But be honest w/ yourself if you're running out bc you overdo it. Please learn from an old lady w/ the mind of a 16 yr old...not worth will learn and understand.

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Re: Pooler Gal (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

Because you can't be. That's double dipping. You can only get a WC check or a SSDI check, not both.

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Re: Angry 65 year old (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

I was injured on the job as a State Worker, and went on WC. Walgreens filled every prescription for free.

What sucks is you can't sue the State for Pain and Suffering. I had 2 spinal surgeries due to my accident. They Medically Retired me, and pay a large chunk of my GIC Insurance. My settlement was for $10,000, after the lawyers took their cut.

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Re: Pooler Gal (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

Believe what? I'm trying to find out how I can get 2 months of my records from Bynes bc my current Dr wrote me a 10 day supply & he is waiting on the records from Bynes office bc that was my most recent Dr I've seen. I was seeing this doctor & left to go to Bynes, & now I'm back at their office.

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Re: Pooler Gal (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I didn't see where you live but Hubby just got case settled w/ State Comp. I can tell U with absolute certainty that Workers Comp., at least State Comp DOES NOT pay for any Pain Medication for ANY reason. This was approved by our State Insurance for CA work injuries you will have to 'pony up' for any pain meds, Sorry.

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Re: cardiB (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

If you believe all that, I have a mountain in Florida I need to sell!

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Being there's so much wrong why aren't u on disability while u were getting workers comp. the dr's are there to support your problems if u are in chronic pain and unable to work. if you are still living on a settlement from the Ports it must have beena pretty significant amount, but stills makes me wonder why you are not on medical disability. Responding to dr Bynes he work for a community center government facility for low income and if you have a large settlement doesn't sound like u should have qualified for gov assistance. He has a Bad name all over and no pharmacy will fill his scripts.

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Re: Allison (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

It is up to the State Medical Board if a doctor has their license suspended or revoked. A doctor has their license suspended while the State Medical Board does their investigation. This happens after a complaint has been made.

If a prescription is not a Schedule II or Schedule III a pharmacy can still fill a doctors prescriptions as long as the State Medical Board has only suspended the doctor from writing Controlled Dangerous Substances. It is common for doctors to work in jobs where they are not required to write Controlled Dangerous Substances while they are under investigation. It all depends on the allegations against the doctor.

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Re: Allison (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

He should have been shut down just for trea ting you for multiple issues he has no specialty in. You should have been seeing the specialist you really needed.

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Re: Michelle (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

How do we get our records from Dr Bynes office? I only went to him a few times and my new Dr is REQUESTING my records from Bynes before he will prescribe me anything else!!!

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Re: 9mmMike (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

What is deal with Dr.? Why won't they his? Y'all going every where. Are they written on one script. If not can u not do 1 at a time?

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Re: Desperate (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

I feel for you...I just found out that Dr.Bynes got shut down...I would try looking for physicians that specialize in treating cancer!Best wishes...I am looking myself for several specialists as I have a neurological disorder called Trigenimial Neurologia,TMJD..which requires an oral surgeon.
.urological problems (urologist)and anxiety and depression (a Physciatrist).That is why I chose Dr.Bynes because he treated all my health issues and I spoke with him and there is more to the story than what people are writing on here.

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