Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 11)
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I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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You can't just fill the prescription over the internet? I thought if you have a Dr's prescription you could go use a web based pharmacy?

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Dear Mike. Again I would suggest that you make a robust attempt to make a conservative effort to tailor your medication regenine to perhaps two medications, like Fentanyl patches and Neurontin or Dilaudid, Carisoprodol and Neurontin. In ny opinion. no doctor will write all of these medications unless you are terminally ill with severe bone pain or some intractable pain issues like this. I do understand your issues and your pain management issues, but because of the CDC has issued these killer regulations that have scared doctors to death, a conservative approach of less is more may meet your needs more effectively. You have absolutely nothing to lose. The path you are on, unfortunately. will not get you anywhere, except to be labeled as a doctor shopper and medication seeker and to be flagged as that in the computer system, a huge dead end. Good luck. I hooe you are successful in your endeavors. Momo.

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I suffer from an autoimmune disorder (sickle cell anemia) So Iam not a stranger to excruciating pain. This doctor is responsible for more human suffering then most can fathom.Nothing is worse then convincing suffering folks they need these levels of controls getting them hooked and then where or who to they go to for relief??I have yet to meet one medical professional to agree that the levels of narcotics he has prescribed can be considered medically indicated.EVERYONE DESERVES RELIEF but only after careful consideration and sound medical judgment.. God bless you all and best of luck finding an establishment to legally fill those Rx's.

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Express drugs in Derenne Ave, but Bakers Pride fills for Dr Bynes. I hope they put him away for a long time. My friend nearly lost her life taking too many.

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MB I too have a longer list on l3-4to l5 s1, plus the spongy stuff is gone outta my knee and migraine headaches. That is a lot of meds, they want 1ER med every 8_12 hours, they are wanting no more than 2 breakthroughs, and cdc trying to take my clonazepam away, and I step o ed down from xanaz to clonazepam in these times:: the list of rx s listed above would and could have been done in the past years 10, 15 ,20 years ago

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Sounds to me that the pharmacy thinks Dr. Burned is over over prescribing medications to you, especially since Fentanyl is 50times stronger than morphine alone and the pharmacist does not want to lose their license. Personally, the total of all of these medications would be for someone who is terminally ill and in severe pain. These days being cautious about how many pain meds you take is the prudent road. I would suggest the following: try a combination of the Fentanyl, Neurontin and maybe Soma and that's it. The more you pour into your body the more your pain receptors become over saturated and then nothing works. Try cutting back. I'm quite sure all the pharmacies have flagged Dr. Bones and probably have reported him to the Medical Board and the DEA by now. You may lose him if you don't try a conservative approach. But good luck. Momo

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Unfortunately this s*** is going to happen at every pharmacy you go to with Dr. Bynes. He is blackballed by the DEA and all the pharmacists are scared to fill for him. He doesn't care because guess what... He's still getting your money to see him regardless if you get them filled or not. My best advice to anyone out there is find a pain management Dr. that isn't blackballed like he is. They aren't going to write you everything you want but having something is better than nothing and you won't have to go all over the state trying to get your s*** filled so it will save you a lot of damn time.

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Regardless of what the doctor writes, a PHARMACIST shouldn't have the right to deny anyone what is prescribed for that person! I highly doubt, even using same pharmacy forever, the pharmacist has your medical records nor truly is it ANY of their business. Their JOB is to fill prescriptions the doctor treating the patient sees appropriate, NOT deny relief to the patient /customer in pain! Perhaps the pharmacist can go get his medical degree and become a doctor, not a dictator!

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Well if you consider rational free thinking consumers concerned about the ultimate diversion of these insane amount of cds he routinely prescribed, count me in as one of those civilian DEA agents. Proud to protect those who are functionally incapable of protecting themselves from those who would profit from the disabled. Drug addiction is a disease so those who would encourage or facilitate that disease to progress that make them a BIG TIME ENABLER. Should you profit from that, makes you a criminal just like Dr. F. Bynes, M.D..... FACT!

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Hello. I am an RN of 42 years practice here in the US. Do not pharmacy shop for prescriptions. Now a days many, if not most, are connected by the internet. In the US you can be prosecuted for going to different pharmacies for restricted medicines.
There are usually pharmacies in large hospitals. If your doctor works at one, you could check. If he/she does their hospital will know them. I advise all of you who go to this man to get involved with a pain management clinic. This man seems somewhat shady to me. Good luck.

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Truuuuu everything they just said is accurate but also sound like the Feds lol

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What pharmacy takes dr. Bynes prescriptions?? Please help!!!

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Call 912-239-4991. Bynes new office called me with their address too. AND WATCH FOR THESE CIVILIAN NARCOTICS AGENTS ON THIS SITE.

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I'm sorry something about this doesn't feel right to me. I have a much more painful and many more back injuries than what you listed. I have never heard of any doctor anywhere writing eight prescriptions who would give you fentanyl, which is a 100 times stronger than heroin and then at the same time give you seven other scripts for heavy narcotics. I don't know what your pain is but I have exactly what you have and even much more additional back injuries, pinching nerves and herniated discs. I'm not saying you're not in pain but since the crackdown across the country regular Family doctors are not giving scripts for pain at least in my state. They will investigate every last doctor. The only ones that can write it now are pain management doctors. The drug enforcement agency is investigating any doctor that's not pain management who writes a controlled substance in the state where I live and many if not most states are aware of the severe opioid addiction problem. My insurance is not taken by any pain management doctors so I suffer. Many doctors are being arrested because they would just write scripts out like they were pieces of candy. This is watched and monitored, why do you think the pharmacies give so many problems when people try to fill a script even if he wrote you the prescription separately. Fentanyl is not given for the injuries you described, never.

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At this point MBA has called every pharmacy and they will not fill. I'm on month two. Georgia laboratory diagnostics (912-239-4991).

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Hi, I'm also in the same situation, I am postponing two surgeries because of this! I used the same pharmacy for 15 yrs and when I took scoot in my pharmacist said he got a call the day prior that he had been arrested! He was vey well present! I called his office and the administrator said people are getting them filled somewhere but could not tell me where! I left a message to see if dr bynes will call me. I have a disease that requires meds just to even function? If anyone knows please help. Thanks and god bless you all.

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As a local pharmacist, yes it is protected by our license to refuse ANY prescription we do not feel comfortable filling. Which includes multiple controls, doctors we are unfamiliar with, etc. The DEA is in fact watching him and I have personally had a DEA agent call our store asking questions about prescription we had previously filled for him, which is why we stopped accepting them. The amount of controls he writes for are extremely dangerous when taken in combination. The best and most logical advice would be to find another pain management doctor that is not being investigated by the DEA....

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He was at mba and he's not there anymore. If anyone could give me his number I'd appreciate it.

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Hey, i know dr bynes changed offices. I've been without my script for a month now and he hasn't sent me a letter in the mail like he said. I know he said garden city, i just dont know where his new location is.

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I need help also. I have been in a bad wreck and have 2 children and can't hardly move out of the bed much less play with my little ones and they are little, they are 4 & 7. I have a crushed knee, ankle, and lower back problems. My back aches very bad along with my neck and my knees ache some days but my neck, my back, and my ankle hurt everyday. I have Medicaid and I have an appointment with Dr. Bynes on January 4th 2017 but I'm not too sure about going because of the filling situation but no help. I'm a single mom who needs to be able to get a job and support my family instead of having to have others do so. Would anyone like to please help me? I have legit things wrong with me and the only reason I have chosen Bynes was because he is the cheapest doctor in town. {edited for privacy}. God Bless.

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