My Vyvanse Accidental Overdose Story
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First and foremost let me say that if u are reading this STOP TAKING VYVANSE IN LARGE DOSES and talk to your doctor... So now that that is out of the way let me tell u my overdose experience and how I dealt with it. I am 24 yrs old, weight is about 156lbs, height is 4'11. I had intended on only taking the drug to lose weight, however like u who's reading this I have become dependent and upped the dose till I again like u had to frantically go searching the internet to see if I was going to die. Well let me say this I am not a Dr and this is my own personal experience so after reading this if u are still extremely worried about ur health always go to the Dr. Ok let's get started... I have taken up to 560mg of vyvanse in 48 hr period that's 280mg in 24hrs. U probably haven't been to bed at all and it's normal ok so First CALM DOWN!!! This is very important to remember, ur on a high dose of an amp, the more u panic the worse it will get so just relax as much as possible. I will walk u through all of the stuff I know is happening to u and how to deal with it best. I'm going to name the symptoms and what to expect. 1. Fast heart beat- breath slowly, tell urself u are ok. It may feel like it will explode. It won't I promise, but if u don't calm down u can cause yourself to have a heart attack. Ok now after reading that ur prolly panicking. Don't, it is ok, just breath and know u are ok. 2. Panic- again breath u will be ok, an overdose rarely leads to death unless u have a bad heart to begin with or brain damage already done. U are prolly at the peak or ur just starting to come down so relax. This part is almost over, give it another 30 mins and it should subside. 3. Hallucinations- Ok now ur prolly seeing things that aren't real. I promise no matter how real it seems it's not and u have to remember to tell urself this. U may see things from the corner of ur eye or like the walls are moving, they again aren't real, it's your brain in over drive. No, closing ur eyes will not help. Now this part of the come down and overdose lasts the longest and depending on the amount u took can last from 24 to (at my highest) 56hrs. Ok now that I've covered the overdose symptoms, now it's time for the come down and withdrawal... Buckle up this is the hard part but again its not forever. You're gonna feel like pure crap, u may have a stiff neck from hell - that's normal. I'm writing this only 45hrs after my last high dose peaking at 580mgs and I've had a bad stiff neck since 33hrs after my last dosage. Got a really bad headache too, yep it's normal for an overdose. It may feel like u have bubbles popping in ur brain, it's ok... it's the nerves overreacting to the amp. u may get a pain in ur brain kinda like a needle poking it at times too, again normal for an overdose. U may or may not feel like water or a cool liquid is running down inside ur chest, it's ok it's just another part of this horrible experience. U will need to stay hydrated and try to pee as much as possible as it helps flush ur kidneys and get it out of ur body. I know ur not hungry but force yourself to eat. I kno it taste like s*** but u have to as it will help with the headaches. If u want take 2 of the 5mg melatonin and take a Luke warm shower to help u relax and if possible try to just sleep all day to let ur body recover but if ur like me and have children then when they nap u nap and always remember they don't know what is going on with u so u must be patient with them even though ur irritable and everything seems crazy to u, it's normal to them so don't lose patience. Now depending on the dose u took the withdrawals will last anywhere from 3 days to about a week before u start to feel normal again. As a reminder get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, remember to take care of personal hygiene needs and to tell urself it's ok. I hope this helped u and please if u choose to continue to take vyvanse then dont go over 120mgs in 12 hrs; 240mgs in 24hrs and take breaks in between doses - at least a week to recover and lower ur tolerance so ur not dosing so high and wind up back here. Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
17 Replies
Ima be honest yo. Once you're an addict it’s hard to think of anything else. You may have never had to experience something like that and I very happy if you haven’t because it’s terrible. As an addict you can’t not wanna get high. It’s your purpose in a way, or that’s how I think your mind is blurred. Just don’t go hating on people. It’s a real struggle getting better. How do u know this person was not addicted to methamphetamines and trying to quit and would take these massive doses to get a similar feeling? Just be carful to judge, it really is difficult being a addict and #f---opiates
Re: Jokerswife (# 6)
You need therapy to help you stop abusing food and medication.
My ex ate a whole months worth in one weekend and I think it broke his brain. He ended up checking into a psych ward and he came out worse than he went in. Since then he’s been unable to work, find a place to live, or really function in society at all.
Stop being a drug abuser. Some people need these medications so they can live a normal life.
Have you tried diet and exercise??
Re: Natasha (# 13)
I just said the same thing. If he's advising she doesn't go to doctor then he needs to man up and put name on post. This is a life and he wants to talk someone through an overdose. First of all she probably won't understand because obviously she can't read her prescription right. Probably afraid she'll lose meds. She needs to. Im praying for her and hopefully she'll get medical attention. He don't care what happens to her. If something does, I hope they use ip address. People are out here playing roulette with their medication and I take mine so carefully. I get drug screen, swabs, medication counts. Etc. And I'm doing it right. How do they get away with it.
If you've overdosed on any prescription drug, please call for help. Don't come on the internet looking for someone else who overdosed. NOT EVERYONE'S EXPERIENCES WITH A PARTICULAR DRUG ARE GOING TO BE THE SAME, BECAUSE EVERY PERSON IS DIFFERENT. Yes I'm using all caps because I want it to stand out. You can't possibly know how a drug, overdose or not, is going to affect another person. Weight, age, naivety of taking the drug, how long, how tall, that person's mental status, other drugs she/he may be taking. Case in point, you can't tell someone who is hallucinating for the first time that what they are seeing or hearing isn't real. What are you doing attempting to walk someone through an overdose? I cannot believe the audacity and misinformation of what I just read, and I pray the mods take it off here.
I agree. I am ADHD and it's a fight to get medication because so many people take it to speed. In turn, others go to doctor, sell it, get caught so doctors clamp down on everyone, including us that need it. Same with pain meds. If you can't go to doctor and get a prescription, it's because you dont need it. Doctors aren't stupid. There's signs for ADHD, ADD, and pain. If a doctor doesn't write a script, chances are, you went in hoping.
Thx for ur HONESTY! Many of us deal with all kinds of meds, questions ect and a lot of DR.shave no clue on the outcomes withdrawal, process, there just looking on the web like us!! I DONT take this med but if I did and saw this, it would put me st ease! Real people real stories, REAL HELP!! Thx again for ur time!
Every person is different. While someone is walking her through it, she could drop dead. If you're going to advise against medical attention for an overdose then put your name on post and take responsibility if she doesn't make it! It's an OVERDOSE! GO TO HOSPITAL! Why hasn't anyone called 911. Something similar happened in the town I live in a few months ago. They didn't call 911 or get help,.the guy is dead! DEAD! They are both up for negligent homicide! Please, whoever you are, GET HELP!
I took 630 milligrams within the past 51 hours. Thank you, I wasn't so much as worried or panicking but I needed a bit more clarity on how long it would take my body to adjust and feel normal again.
Good for you, Jokerswife. I had just finishing reading your story posted 6/29 and was really moved by it. I've been a member at these posts for over 5 years since i started taking adderall for my ADHD which i've had since probably around the time i hit puberty but was finally diagnosed with in 2011 and was already almost 41 years old, ha! I am often really upset and disturbed by the irresponsible crap i read on here from time to time, bonehead i**** dopes who get some of their friends vyvanse or adderall to take "recreationally" which that alone blows my mind, as i still do not get how these are recreational, but to each his own. I stay on top of all the news from fda on anything stimulant related, and i know you are right on target with the binge-eating and vyvanse. I worked for a drug company for years and shire, the maker of vyvanse and adderall xr, is a company we often picked on because they are huge money hungry pigs and they were totally stoked to be one of few drug makers to be able to reintroduce one of their existing drugs to the market again but for a different indication - which was for binge-eating. I was not surprised to hear that because most of these adhd meds are all really just re-purposed diet meds from the 60s-80s, quite honestly. Very cool of you to post your traumatic experience and it is not even out of the question it may save someones life to read it. Lots of young kids abuse vyvanse and its a shame this forum isn't more well known because your message would get more attention then just someone misinformed playing do-gooder and obviously unqualified to read you the riot act when she did no research before spouting off of the fingers (lol) - had she, she'd have known you were legit. So you took more - yes, it's an unfortunate thing with certain medications, not just stimulants. Why are pain killers the huge epidemic they are in the usa now? Because you do NOT continue to get the same efficacy from the medication the longer you take it, and when one pill no longer works well, you take 1.5, then 2, and so on. It's hard. You don't want to go thru the hassle of switching to another med and playing the trial and error game so you stick it out with what you have and take more - we all learn valuable lessons the hard way sometimes, but the point is that you learned a very valuable lesson and were compassionate enough to share it with others on the possible chance it was a lesson someone else may want to learn AHEAD of time and not have to suffer as you did. Hopefully you're back in business and straightened out & be-bopping along the merry trail of life again!
Oh yea he knows and yes I do know the effects as I had a bf who was taking methaphetamine before he died. Me and my Dr are talking about what to do to move forward and get me help. I'm sorry about ur daughter, that's terrible but it's very easy to continue to redose when u feel like crap and yes he did prescribe me a very high dose. So again looking at all options at this point to avoid this happening again.
Again it clearly says that if u feel u are in danger to go to the Dr. So again learn to read. This is my personal experience and again it's not like I did it again, it was a once happening. I took way too much and if u read it it also says that if u have abused it to stop. So shut up talkin about a drug addict ya ass, before u run ur mouth u must know there are ppl who don't know when enough is enough and need help just to read something that keeps them calm and ppl like u are the reason ppl won't go to the er when they mess up. God keep ur a**hole opinions to urself. If u don't need the help then don't read this post. And I HAVE A LEGAL PRESCRIPTION FOR UP TO 270MG OF VYVANSE PER DAY FOR BINGE EATING DISORDER AKA B.E.D SO STICK IT.
Why do you want to take such a dose that is no longer therapeutic? I take it as well but no more than 70mg dose at one time. 70mg is the highest you should take at any given time. You need to talk to your doctor because you can have serious side effects from taking such high doses.
So instead of binge eating now you're binge overdosing yourself with amphetamines. So your doctor prescribed you the ridiculously high dose that you seem to be bragging about because you didn't die? It's the long term effects on your heart that I'd be worried about. I don't believe your doctor knows you're now binging on your medications. I am in the medical field, I lost my 21 year old daughter to amphetamines (meth in a pill) for long term abuse of amphetamines. Lexi's heart was perfect, healthy and then she started abusing it just like you, she died of congestive heart failure. It's not a game, nothing to brag about, it ruins lives when abused and does KILL people. You're wrong in the advise that you're giving. I hope you talk to your doctor about some other medications that are far safer for your diagnosis and also treat addiction. Binge eating is a type of addiction as well. I hope and pray you heed my warning and I fon't care if it pisses you off, you need to hear it.
Thank God a voice of reason. I have zero tolerance for drug abusers who have helped ruin it for all the folks who take their medications as directed and then this drug abuser wants to give advice to other abusers on "how to do it and not die" pathetic! People do die from this medication when they abuse it, it's methamphetamine in a bottle. When taken as prescribed it can help many live a more normal productive life and taken off label for weight loss has helped some lose weight but this drug is a controlled substance for a reason because of what it is. This person should never give advice, she sounds like she knew exactly what she was doing and to say you won't die when abusing this medication should be criminal. She was just very lucky her heart didn't explode like my 21 year old step daughters heart did. This is a serious topic, there can be long term heart effects from abusing this medication. I hope the moderators catch posts like this and delete them because this advice of taking that much of this medication and then saying that you won't die and don't need to go to the ER is insane, not cool at all.
Ok first of all I am legally prescribed vyvanse for binge eating so there's that and all the information I gave isn't inaccurate. It's exactly my personal experience and if u read the entire post u would have seen me saying this. So unless u have some thing better to do than piss me off please don't comment on my post
Sweetie - why in the HELL would you take that much Vyvanse? This is NOT something ANYONE should do! Your abuse of this medication for weight loss is part of the reason many of us legitimately on the medication to treat depression and or ADHD is part of the reason the DEA has impressed our physicians to insult us with random drug panels simply to get our medication and take on a regular basis. Because of the few who abuse this medication, it treats ALL legit patients as addicts. We are narrowly eyed by pharmacists when we pick up our medications within legal parameters, judged by our GP nurses and Physicians anytime we have a medication review or simply need to ask for an early refill due to going away out of town when the RX is almost empty. FFS, you are not a doctor and should NOT be presenting inaccurate information to those who MUST GO TO THE ER if they overdose on a stimulant medication. PLEASE GET HELP and find another way to manage your weight issues through a supportive, regular methodology instead of abusing your body, offering terrible advice and creating a PITA for the rest of us who are judged daily because of the actions of people like you.
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