My Viibryd Experience...trial Pack Almost Finished (Top voted first)


Background: I'm 47, male, 5'7" 170 lbs. Married 20 years to a great wife, two wonderful children and successful entrepreneur.

In 2010, things began to go downhill. My 80 yr old father, to whom I was very close died suddenly. He was the most influential person in my life...a great father and a common sense man that made me the person I am. I followed him into the same career that he pursued as a television broadcast engineer. To say his death took a toll on me would be a massive understatement. Shortly after his death, the television station I worked for (20 years) began to experience major financial problems. It went up for sale. As the guy in my department with the the longest tenure, most experience and making the most money I was in a bad position. When a television station is sold, nobody is safe. The new owners bring in their's always the same. I knew what was coming, and the ones that remained got the axe.

So, the double-whammy was losing my dad and my in which he guided and trained me.

Starting my new business was exciting and I was very busy. I poured myself into my work. In short order I was making copious amounts of cash. After approximately one year, I began experiencing fatigue. The thrill was gone. My successful start-up had become boring no matter how much cash was rolling in. I had trouble getting up in the morning and looked at my business as a chore. I felt tired in the middle of the day and my focus was gone. Getting the job done was more and more cumbersome. I began to worry constantly about being able to follow through with my commitments both business and social wise. Anxiety crept into my life.

All the things I enjoyed doing...bass fishing, camping, coaching name it, I had no desire for any of them. I sold my boat. We stopped camping. I went thru the motions on the baseball field. I was in a pit. A rock bottom pit, and as the typical bullet-proof dude...I internalized it all. I told nobody. My life became a stitched together maze of excuses and reasons why I was a physically present but mentally absent person in my daily routine and social situations.

Physically, I felt bad. My blood pressure crept up. I gained 15 lbs. I was on a hair trigger when it came to tolerance of others. I was ready to snap...and snap I did. There is a general absence of civility in society today. I'm the hold-open-the-door for others guy...the help the elderly lady load her groceries guy...the "go-ahead-and-merge" guy...but I found I began to seek out confrontation when I was affronted by rude or inappropriate behavior instead of just letting it go.

I realized I had a problem. I went to my doctor and opened up. Blood pressure pills, an anti-anxiety pill plus Prozac later...I felt I was on the mend. Things improved, but not to the point of me "feeling like me". I still found no enjoyment of things I once loved. Getting thru the day was still a chore. Then there were the side effects of Prozac. In the bedroom, desire was still strong and there were no problems in the penile area. The issue was not being able to "finish". I'd go for a half-hour or more to the point of my wife being raw and I just could not "get there". I'd just give up...what's worse?!?...not being able to close the deal or living a hollow existence of a life? I dealt with it...things were "better", but overall life still "sucked" in general. I worried I'd never get my life back.

Work became HELL for me two months ago. I was overwhelmed, stressed and pissed-off all the time. Insomnia took over. I slept in two hour life was a secret personal nightmare. I dealt with it for a few weeks hoping things would improve, but they didn't. My secret hell was reaching an apex and I knew that something had to give. I took my blood pressure....170/130...even on my BP meds. I called my doc and he told me to come in immediately.

When I got to the doc, I finally opened up and laid it all out there. I explained all my door was left unopened. He actually spent almost an hour with me. That's a rarity in today's normal routine of visiting the doctor. We left no stone unturned in my life. I appreciate the care and time he took to listen.

His conclusion: major depressive disorder. No more beating around the bush. My daily life was a constant struggle to function. My reality...Prozac just wasn't enough and I had lied to myself over the past couple years of what my problem really is.

The doc immediately upped my BP med dose and put me on the trial pack of Viibryd.

First week daily meds: 1- 30mg Lisinopril, 1- .5mg Clonazepam, 1- 10mg Viibryd
First week experiences: Beginning day 4, I awoke feeling 'different'. In a word, better...I felt more energized. I approached the work day as I haven't in a year...I bulldozed thru it without the grind or stress that had crippled me for so long. I began sleeping better, even if it wasn't a full (8 hrs) night, I woke early and felt ready to take on the day. Day by day, my "life" was coming back. My wife noticed the difference...I definitely noticed the changes. Things were quickly getting better.

Second week: Same dose for BP and Clonazepam, but the Viibryd ups to 20 mg per day. Just as in the first week, my energy was back and still improving. Sleeping better every night and having the desire to do the things I enjoyed that I had abandoned. My 'hair trigger' patience had returned to a slow it used to be. I had no ill side effects other than near the end of the second week slight lower GI issues. Nothing major and I can't even really attribute it to the Viibryd. However, for the record, I made sure I was near a bathroom for the last three days of the 20 mg dose. My blood pressure was also down to 'normal' for me. I was back at 120/80...all was good. Both physically and especially mentally I felt great!

Third week: Same routine of BP med and Clonazepam, but the Viibryd was now 40 mg. For the first few days I felt like I could take on the world! My God...I was back and thanking the Lord for giving me my 'normal' life back! Fourth day...woke up as usual, took my meds. Mid-day, I felt lethargic and 'goggle eyed'...just didn't feel right. I took a two hour nap and awoke to feeling WORSE than before the nap. Something was wrong. I felt like crawling under a rock. Just when I thought 'oh's back', my wife asked "Have you checked your blood pressure?" Sure enough, my BP was 110/60 and heart rate was 50. I didn't panic. I hit the fridge and drank a Monster Energy drink that my son had. Within an hour, my BP was at 120/75 and I felt 'normal' again. I backed off the Clonazepam and cut my Lisinopril in half to 15 mg. That seems to be the trick! Just a simple adjsutment to the other meds when I hit the 40 mg Viibryd dose 'fixed' me right up. I only take the Clonazepam when needed...not daily, and my BP averages 120/75 now with my dosage tweaks to the Linsinopril. I can only assume the effect of the Viibryd has lessened my need for the higher BP med dose and the Clonazepam. My stress and anxiety are G-O-N-E!!!!!

I've had none of the side effects mentioned...crazy dreams, weight gain etc. This drug...along with finally admitting to myself I was CLINICALLY DEPRESSED has GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!!!! I pray it continues to work....and I pray it works for YOU AS WELL!

4 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hi Pygmon,

Wow, I don't even know where to start! All I can say is that I'm sorry for what you've been through and that I'm glad the Viibryd has been working for you. Have you noticed any side effects? I know there are many patients who have had negative experiences with this medication (mainly due to the long list of possible side effects), but there are also many who have had a similar experience as you. It just goes to show that medications aren't all created equal!

I've never actually used Viibryd for anxiety or depression, I use a supplement called holy basil during times of stress and chaos and it really works wonders for me! Have you ever heard of holy basil or tried it yourself?

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I read your very well written post and wish you all the best on Viibryd. Just a word of caution, my symptoms did not start until my fifth week of using it. Just keep your eyes open for possible side effects but I truly hope you do not experience any! I wish I could find the right meds for my depression and anxiety too!

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It's been a couple months now on my full dose (40 mg) of Viibryd, so I thought I'd update.

I added about 5 pounds of weight. I don't call it a side effect of the drug...if anything it is due to feeling better and having the desire to eat. I've always been a weight gainer when happy. No problem though, I adjusted the diet and dropped the weight in two weeks. I would however warn folks that it's something they should be mindful of.

Having "vivid" dreams is an understatement. They are occasional, not every night, and I sleep well. That being said, about once a week I will experience a bizarre and off-the-chain humdinger of a dream. It's the kind of dream that is like watching a Bruce Willis, Stallone and Schwarzenegger movie rolled into one...except I'm in it. I'll wake up, drink some water, hit the john...whatever...and as soon as I fall back to sleep it starts up again. Sometimes the same dream, sometimes different. The dreams are never frightening or 'paralyzing', but when I do have one of these dreams I do not experience a 'restful' sleep. I awake physically tired even after a full night's sleep. For me, personally, it's not a big deal. I'll drink a cup of coffee or a Diet Mtn. Dew and I'm good to go. The renewed desire with work and life in general is not affected by my occasional crazy dreams...just a little tired the following day and I'll hit the sack earlier the next night.

The love only real "side effect". To put it mildly, my wife is 44 and she is a FOX! I'm the "how in the hell did THAT guy get THAT girl?". Our desire for each other today is as strong as the night she walked into the nightclub with Texas cheerleader hair and I about dropped my beer 22 years ago! NO issue there. I can go all night, but THAT'S the problem. Orgasm is extremely hard (no pun intended) to reach. I feel like I'm 'right there'...and the wife can tell it too...but it just doesn't happen every time. Eventually, I just tell her "it ain't gonna happen". On average, I would say the anti-orgasmic result is 75% of the time. It's frustrating for me. My wife feels sorry for me too, but I tell her it's a small price to pay for being "me" again. For some, it may be a bigger issue.

That's it in a nutshell. All else is going well.

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So happy for you that you found the right balance of meds. So many people give up because they don't understand that everybody has different combination that works for them. Good Luck to you!

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