My First Day As An Adult On Vyvanse
Updated3 days ago, I finally decided to make an appt with a psychiatrist to finally discuss my issues. I am a very sound, intelligent wife/mother of 2 children ages between 15-20. I feel that I am VERY normal and have no 'mental' issues. What I felt that pushed me to finally go see a doctor and finally accept help: I'm an organic, all natural mother. My son was diagnosed with ADHD many years ago. I was against the system of giving drugs, so we omitted all foods that contained anything unnatural, food colorings, corn starch, high fructose syrup, etc. We joined, which is the BEST decision ANYONE can make. These food companies are purposely hurting us and forcing us to resort to meds to help counter what they are doing to our minds and body. This worked for many years, and I felt like we had control over it, but things just seemed to go downhill as they got older. I could no longer control their eating and I thought I was reading labels to make sure I was taking care of myself. I was still having issues with extreme energy/stamina, wanting to tackle too many tasks at once (even though I was pretty sure I could handle it), I couldn't finish reading things without my mind wander to new thoughts or things that needed to be taken care of, constantly interrupting people-because I couldn't wait until they finished, answering things before the person even finished (basically the self control to be patient; even though I THOUGHT I was a patient person). The emotional side of it was I hated that I could never stop analyzing things. I felt like I saw EVERYTHING, if there was a stain on a shirt, I saw it, if there was a zit on the face, I saw it, if there was a child who looked like they were about to wander from their parent, I saw it... I saw everything, all the time. This caused me GREAT emotional issues and it began to seriously hurt my family. They never felt like I thought hey were good enough, I always pointed things out... I really felt like I was destroying my teenagers and husband. I have a marriage that most would be envious about, I have kids that most would love to have... but deep down inside I was trying so darn hard to control myself and try to keep myself under control, but once I got upset and let loose, my mouth would explode with the most horrible things. Once I lost control, I had a hard time getting it back. When I did, I instantly knew everything I did, but you can't take it back. THIS is why I said I love my family so much, that I was willing to put something in my body that shouldn't be there, so see if that's truly something that can help me come 'back down to earth'. AGAIN, I had no mental issues, no tics, no headaches, no insomnia, I am active, play sports, work out, am average looking, but have a warm personality 'at first', but the 'analyzing and finding faults in people' took over and no one was every 'just good enough'. I would tend to lean more to being alone than accepting others' faults.
3 Replies
Think I did well, but found myself constantly 'yawning' like to get more oxygen into my lungs. I think I did it over 100 times today. Other than that, I think it's been a positive, unless it's a placebo. It's about 7:30 pm on my first night and so far, it's been a positive. I did notice my appetite wasn't what was normal and I did realize I hadn't taken in enough calories-1200 minimum, so I supplemented with a protein drink. We'll see how day 2 goes. I did feel a little excitement in my chest, almost like an anxiety attack, but not in my mind, but little flutters of my heart. I did not exercise today, but tomorrow will be a different story. I think this low dose is what everyone should start off with and I don't think people need to be on such a high dose.
What dose are you taking? This information may help others that find themselves in similar situations.
Learn more Vyvanse details here.
Did the doctor give you any other ideas, such as coping skills, or things you can do to change your thought patterns and behavior?
I been on vyvanse for 10 months I have been on all the mg an it is like after takeing it for few days I get sick an my blood pressure goes up an down.well two takes ago I had 70 mg I half it an toke it than three hours in toke the other half it helped but was sick with the crash got five hours of sleep.well the next day toke half of 70mg than four hours the other part but it only lasts me three to four hours that night I have headache an felt sick.well today I did not take nothing an been very sick to my stomach an have no energy it is like it is good for few days than it makes me sick plus I don't eat much or sleep well
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