My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 31)
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I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

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Is ANYBODY out there from FL and knows why the Drs are trying to KILL me? I'm now in Ocala....very small town....and have called every single psychiatrist. The very FIRST appt that I could get as a new patient is MONTHS from now (and that is just for a consult, not even to see a Dr! Then they may give me a Dr appt weeks from then. I feel like a different girl without taking xanax. The panic attacks are terrible and I'm SO skinny. What can I do?????

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Dawn might be Gone, but always be careful with Alprazolam on the way out. Cold Turkey is tough!

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Dawn, I have a new message to you awaiting approval!

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Dawn this is potentially very serious. Without over reacting there is a chance you can become quite sick and have a seizure or a stroke. Doctors are for the most part unaware of the dangers of Alprazolam. They know about its addictive properties, but most are not very familiar with withdrawal. Plus it sounds like your Doctors office is playing games with your life. Visit the ER within the next week if you get too sick, and I would just show up at your Doctors office. If you make too much of a problem however the Doctor might take you off the medicine you need. Cold Turkey withdrawal with long term use is the worst thing that ever happened to me!

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Going through the process was too much. Not that I have ever had a Doctor refuse my request for Xanax in limited amounts, but I got tired, so very tired of chasing this drug so I stopped, and almost passed away. Never abused Xanax though it can abuse you!

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whew! Doc finally figured out I need xanax! I think he was testing me...not nice.....anyway i'm on it till i die most likely and my only anxiety now comes from worrying that he'll retire and i will have to go thru this process all over again

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No Judy as in that month you can die if you stop. Not good advice?

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People should 'get strong'! Don't go to a doctor or get prescriptions for atleast a month or two. The gov. will have to take notice along with the docs and pharms.-people are sick of being abused by the way they treat us. Before long this sh** will have to stop. Go after greedy docs and addicts on meth. but leave decent people alone and their private relationships with their docs!!! This place is worse than europe!

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I've been on 1mg Xanax twice a day for panic attacks and recently moved to the Orlando , FL area from SC. Now no Dr down here will prescribe my medication and I'm in pure hell in a place where I don't know anyone. How can professional Drs do this to people? I tried Buspsar and it did nothing. Pls help!

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Bill, it is possible that you will not receive your answer here in 10 minutes? In these 10 minutes between your posts you should open up the Phone Book and make some appointments. If your Doctor has cut you off, you must make a proactive move. There are now only 5 days left

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ran out of xanax what can I take to help withdrawal - refill in 6 days -


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ran out of xanax what can I take to help withdrawal - refill in 6 days

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OH MY I moved to a small town across the US where I had my accident and Dr.s that I had a 14 yr relationship with. I 've been taking canal for 10+ years. So in this new place small town with not a lot of minorities. Well I'm brown skinned so immediately all docs refused first my buffoon, ok then I was running out of refills for the xanax. Mind you these ppl suggested that I go on Suboxone theray. . However I had to get off of xanax TO have the suboxone according to the Dr. it was because ppl have died taking benzodiazepine s with subs. It was he'll I had ticks for 2 months involuntary body movements, I remembered my finger tips feeling as if they 're on fire.Well I just stopped taking the suboxone because My anxiety was terrible. This was awful I feel for you. These Dr.s really messed up because you are NOT supposed to put a pain patient on Suboxone. So I had .1 refill and asked my f2f former psychiatrist to please refill them.She was so overwhelmed and scared to prescribe evenDr as lite our 5 yr Dr. patient relationship. I was on Medicaid, so some1 name Medicaid watchdog called all and every Dr. that tried to help me. So I move to a bigger city , a new psychiatrist from Ca helps . me immediately especially after showing documentation of why I was prescribed in first place. Right next door to psychiatrist I had a therapist he helped me document everything. I finally moved / out of that miserable state of Montana. I Amdoing well on my . pain meds and xanax. ok my advice would be . maybe the doc would rather see you and then write a script. If you a're schedule ed you far out call every morning and try to get in. There is another option.ECMd or EClinicMd 's helps with pain and anxiety..all the details are on the site good luck and . blessings. I know how it feels soak a shirt in sweat from anxiety. No Dr. should just pull you off of a drug like that I'm sorry you had to ho through this any way their # as also is8665791310, its pain mgmt for the whole US if you know some1 else in need too. I don't want to seem as if I'm working for the company because so many ppl are asking about a Dr. 8 Times out of ten ECMd will locate a Dr. in your state or neighboring state. It is a legitimate service

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i have been on 4 mg of xanex a day for about 2 yrs with that low of a dosage if i come off of them cold turkey will i still expierience the withdrawl symptons like seziures and high blood presure

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3 mg 4 ten days at this point means you will have to take the
med 4 life . find another doctor and PAY CASH.
a prescribing physician...

xanax does cause brain damage and eventually rots away your kidney liver function .
its possible to stop by tapering off but its a miserable process far worse than heroin or oxy[i had success with that but the alpraz? no way .
im terminally ill and am dyin anayway so my doc knows it will contribute to my death but it so what.
a little medical marijuana with a smaller dose helps

theres also buying the med on line as a last resort but its expensive

hope this helped

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Sux, sounds like someone could be reprimanded. I've been on xanax (2mg /4/day !) for four or five years. My doctor simply diappeared and found a new job elsewhere. He didnt even tell me and i didnt have any refils. I went to the e.r. and the doc told me "we dont give out mental meds..". Feeling bad, i started drinking beer daily( min. 10 cans) for 2 1/2 months. Two days ago i was seen by a general practice doctor who said he "WOULD NOT PRESCRIBE MY MEDS because of my alcohol addiction !" the jerk didnt even write me a prescription for my cholesterol meds. Pharmacy cant do anything. i stopped drinking 3 days ago because i knew i wass NOT addicted. No probs, until yesterday my chest pains started and im probably gonna be dead soon. (heart condition). So, THANK YOU Dr. Goldstein of Clarksville, IN. /FLOYD MEMORIAL (e.r. Dr.) / Dr. Nunes (psychiatrist) who left for job. O- Well, have a splendid day... D

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I was on 40mg/day Valium years ago and had it stolen...having only 11 days to go I believed I would be ok since Dr.s run the risk of you being an abuser and lying to them. By day 5 I was in bad jitters feeling faint and by day 8 it was if my heart was in tachycardia...I have heard Xanax withdrawal is much worse and dangerous so he could be sued! You need to find help and I pray for you that you find some. That was not right of him.

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I have been taking .25 mg of xannax for 7 eeafch refill comes w/2 more rifills. My last Dr visit he refilled my meds only for me 2 discover when i picked it up at pharmacy the peresc only had 1 refill on it. when I ren out I orederd a new pres. and it was refilled w/"no refills" Why would the Dr change refills w/o telling me in our office visit?

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im planning on takinx xanax the rest of my life ,going off it is too ugly.been on and off for 15 yrs averging 2 mg a day .i know it will burn out my liver kidney function eventually but i already have brain damage from it and i suffer other terminal diseases wich will probably result in death within a few yrs .i wont do anti depressants anti manics or even tylenol or ibuprofen. its actually worse.morphine was easier to stop then benzos ! again i will just take it for life ;maybe hav 5 yrs left or so.

its also safer than alchohol but similiar [xanax] i really need 3-6 mg a day but on two.
my doc is hesitant to up dose because he knows ... i respect that but just let me have the stuff till im dead .WTF
how common is death with xanax if not abused? and how long?
i would rather take xanax than lithium or depakote too[fare more toxic]

too bad i cant just go get the s*** at7-11 .
american medical really is corrupt and crooked

okay, if you want to stretch out ur xanax supply just eat or drink pure grapefruit! 1 mg with gfruit equals about efeects of 3 mg! u didnt hear this from me.

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U r wrong going cold turkey from xanax after.fifth day can cause seizures u r to be weened off xanax this came straight from my dr xanax vedy dangerous to just stop

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