My 4 Days On Suboxone. Won't Need It Now
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What do I expect?
This is my recent and personal experience on Suboxone and withdrawals from pain pills. This just happened this week and I'm on day 4.
On Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 I went to the doctor to get inducted for the suboxone treatment. My usage of opiates was only pain pills, hydrocodone, vicoden, lortabs, lorcets, etc. I used about 75-150 mgs a day for about 2 months straight. (on and off the pills for about 2 years)
One week before my induction I tapered my pain pill use down to 30-45 mgs a day. This Tuesday (the day before my induction) I used 47.5 mgs at 3pm. My appointment was the next morning at 9:15 am. I was administered my first suboxone film at 10am but only half of a film. (8mg/2mg) My doctor and I waited about an hour and noticed I felt fine. Not peachy, just ok. So at 11am I took the 2nd half of the film and we waited another 30 minutes. I felt energized. My withdrawal symptoms were all gone. No sleepiness, no sweating, no teary eyes, no runny nose, no pain, no discomfort, no headaches nothing. I had an unbelievable amount of energy! So I was sent home with my prescription of 60 films. She instructed me to take one full film in the morning when I wake up and one in the evening around 3 or 4.
When I got home I felt very sleepy. A heavy force on my eye lids and I could not keep them open. I also started to feel very quezzy. I couldn't stand smells or thoughts of food which felt very similar to morning sickness during pregnancy. I didn't eat that evening because I was too sick. The nausea and vomiting would not let me function.
Thursday morning I woke up and took half a film and decided to call my doctor and tell her about my terrible sickness. She insisted that I was not taking enough suboxone and that I needed to take the full film in the morning no less. So immediately after I hung up with her I took the other half of the film. I got so sick I had to leave work. I came home and vomited all afternoon and didn't eat anything all day or night.
Friday morning I was skeptical. I thought maybe I wasn't taking enough suboxone? Or maybe I was taking too much?? So I followed doctors orders and took a full film. Once again I was sick all day. I couldn't eat or keep a small drink of water down. I forced myself to sleep it out but it was very difficult because the suboxone made me super sensitive to everything. Sight, light, sounds, touching, feeling, everything was super heightened. I couldn't stand the feeling of being overly sensitive along with extreme severe nausea and vomiting.
Saturday morning I woke up and was fed up with everything. I had been 4 days without pain pills and decided to not take suboxone because the discomfort and vomiting was too much for me to handle. I decided I'd rather go through the withdrawals of pain pills rather than vomiting and not eating or holding anything down. I hadn't eaten since Tuesday and my stomach and body was mad at me.
TODAY Saturday, December 1, 2012 NO SUBOXONE NO NOTHING. I ate a huge meal Saturday morning and felt great afterwards. I didn't feel withdrawals from pain pills or suboxone. I'm still here feeling good after eating well today and not taking ANYTHING. Not even OTC pain relief. I feel fine.
So my question is:
1. Was I going through precipitated withdrawals?
or 2. Was the dosage of suboxone too high for my addiction?
or 3. Did I even need suboxone to get through my withdrawals?
or 4. Was I having a reaction to suboxone? Did I encounter hypersensitivity to bupe?
and 5. Will I still face sub withdrawal even though I only took it for 3 days at half a film at a time?
I'm positive I can get through my pain pill addiction now because I have strong self control and I do not want to go through that discomfort of withdrawals and sub treatment ever again. The only problems I'm having now is restless leg syndrome, tiredness and insomnia. I'd rather go through these things any day than the withdrawals from pain pills. I'd like someone to give me some insight on my experience. I do not need the suboxone any more nor do I need the pain pills. So what do I do with the box of 30 films I have?
3 Replies
I kept the extra subs in case I needed them. At that moment I was more worried about the huge amount of money I spent on the films instead of being worried about my recovery and rehabilitation. Luckily I did so because I ended up injuring my ankle really bad and unfortunately got back on the pain meds. Once I healed I forced myself to withdrawal again and started the process all over again. It wasn't as difficult as the first time because I knew what to expect and how to overcome my discomforts. I still go to my monthly suboxone doctor appointments and I currently take 1 2mg film per day just to keep the cravings at bay. It's a continuous journey for me and I feel I'll never be completely out of the woods but as long as I know how to address the problem and how to overcome it I believe I'm that much closer to becoming a better person. Thank u all for your concerns!
Yes, Tony was most likely right, the RLS was probably a withdrawal effect, though annoying, it's a very mild one, but I experienced it myself, when I went off high doses of narcotics for pain management.
As well as it moving into my arms and wrists, similar to what he mentioned.
What did you end up doing with the remaining films?
Most pharmacies will dispose of them for you, if you take them in and ask, there is normally no charge for doing so.
The restless leg is from withdrawals , I have gone through it and it would move into my arms and I was miserable . I hate that most of all. Just having that feeling in my legs and arms , I cant sleep. If you can tolerate it then I would go for it. I have to take the sub and a small dose is sufficient for me.
evidently you were throwing up from the sub. If the restless leg gets worse or you feel withdrawals ,I would just take a small bit of the sub , just enough to make it go away. Believe me its better to not have to take anything. Good luck.
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