Music Appreciation And Medication (Top voted first)


Hello everyone. I woulld like to start off by listing the medications I am on. I am on Dexedrine 3 times a day, Nuerontin 3 times a day, tenex twice a day (morning and evening), Trazadone at bedtime and Diphenyhydramine (Benadryl) at bedtime.

I've noticed since I've been on these medications, my appreciation for music has gone down ]:. and while it may not seem like a big deal to some people, to me music has always been my everything, and now I find it really hard to enjoy it when I listen to it /:. I just wanted to know, has anyone else that has been on some of these medications expierenced something like this? I believe it might be the tenex and/or Trazadone. But if anyone has expierenced any change in appreciation of music while on any meds please share! Thanks [:

2 Replies

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Hi, sorry about the issue you're having.

My best guess would be that it's likely not just happening in relation to music, there may be other aspects of your life that are being affected and you may just not have noticed yet.

Both the Neurontin and the Trazodone work on brain chemicals and can have a kind of downer effect in some people and it can cause a type of deadening of their appreciation for a lot of things.

As a matter of fact, many people on antidepressants complain that while they are no longer depressed, they just feel deadened and unable to enjoy anything.

Have you discussed it with your doctor? It could be that you need to change a medication, or lower a dosage.

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Over a year late, but I know the exact feeling. First, try listening to other kinds of music. If you never listened to electronic music or metal or turntable scratching, etc., you may find that your taste in music is different because of your mindset. Experiment.

The Tenex is probably a factor as it blunts the same chemicals that give you that tingly feeling at the peak of a great song, but if you are taking it in combination to calm down your Dexedrine side effects, anxiety, blood pressure or tics, I wouldn't stop it. If you are taking it because "you still have ADD symptoms/ODD" I'd ask my doctor about reducing/stopping it if it is not helping you. I don't know if you were placed on all these at different times or what, so do what fits.

Neurontin is usually a great combination with Dexedrine and causes ME music ENHANCEMENT, but everyone is very different. Don't raise the dose more than you need, because no matter what doctors say it is addictive like Dexedrine but on a more serious level, and needs to be quit over months, not weeks. I continue to take it for anxiety and muscle pain, and it is one of my most useful meds, but definitely makes you feel "weird" or almost a little stoned. Some people have mood problems (either hyper OR depressed) on it; if you are not taking it for seizures, try cutting down to twice a day for a couple days and see how you feel.

I'd say that the Trazodone is the main culprit, and is a nasty drug in general, but I can't think of a better sleep aid that isn't super addictive. I'd rather skip the evening dose of my stimulant, force myself to eat and go to be alone and grumpy! XD... I'm assuming you are having a lot of trouble sleeping from too much amphetamine, and I would talk about lowering your Dexedrine dose if you absolutely cannot sleep without using two medications. I know it feels awful when it wears off; I wait to take my mid-day Neurontin until later in the afternoon so my nighttime dose overlaps more, and this will help your crash quite a bit for such a small change of timing.

I'm assuming you are taking 50 mg of Benadryl. See if you can get by with 25 (or none) if you are taking the Trazodone. Benadryl may make Dexedrine less effective in the morning with more side effects, and is not good for your brain in the long run.

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