Muscle Pain From Warfarin? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hi. I have been taking warfarin for 4 months. Prior to my PE when landing home from a long flight I was very active running and swimming every day. Since the attack every muscle and many leg joints ache all the time. Is this a side effect from medication? Thanks.

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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im with you, we sound identical symptoms.

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Doctors want to tell you it is not a side effect from taking Warfarin. But as you can see from the many posts on this site, numerous people have experienced this kind of pain while taking this drug including me. My doctor had me on Xarelto after a 2nd blood clot and I did not have the extreme pain but my muscles did hurt.

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Hi I have been on warfarin from November 2013. I had two DVT attacks and now Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. I have been suffering with leg pain since the attacks and in my annual visit last week to my physician was advised that because I ignored the clots and got to the hospital too late the vein walls have been forever damaged. I live off pain killers. I have just also been told to Aspavor so don't know how that will impact further. I have however started with indoor cycling with a spinner as it less impact on the legs. My diet is minimal since been in hospital so why I got cholesterol it is unknown as I eat little and generally healthy food. I have picked up weight since been on warfarin. Suggest you start with legs stretch and low impact exercise and I use venavine or antistax (I am in South Africa) for the leg pains as I tired of medication. Good luck and if you do have the same feeling of a DVT do not waste time go to hospital and every minute counts.

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I thank everyone who wrote here about Warfarin and their experiences with it.
I, too, thought my pain and aching was a result of my atrial fibrillation episode(the
after affects). I thought I was alone in my pain and discomfort. I currently have a
new PCP. After blood work, I will see him and hopefully remedy this by removing
myself from this awful drug. I have felt desperate and limited in activity.

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Hi, have been reading all your comments so would like to tell you my story to all.
in 2014 I had a multiple pulmonary embolism (PE) and now on warfarin for life. whilst in hospital I developed back pain but thought it was due to the spasm pains I had before being rush to A@E, but have been taking warfarin for two years and back pain has got worse, Dr have tested me for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, had many fasting full blood test for liver, kidney thyroid all came back negative. My Dr won't believe that its the warfarin that's causing it, i feel sure there wrong, I ask if I could have a break to see if the pain goes away but they say I would be in too much risk as I nearly died with it... surely I have a choice?

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Are u ok? Have u had INR checked. Coumadin is killing me. This is second time. In 8 years. I received allergy with xaelto Eloquis I received PE's again. I hate Coumadin. 63 15 grand kids. But not living

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I have been on Warfarin for almost a year. I have been experiencing severe pain all over especially in my legs. I just have another day or two to finish these meds and then I am done. I do, however, have to take an 81mg baby aspirin a day after that. When I fly on the plane for 3-4 hours, I have to do a Lovenox shot before I go and when I come back. Same for long trips in a car if no stopping.

I ended up with PE two days after my husband came home from the hospital from having a triple bypass. This was all in March 2015.

I also take 2 extra strength tylenol tablets in the morning and at night so I can try to get rid of the pain, but that doesn't always help either. So I will be glad to get off the Warfarin and hope to never have to go on it again.

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Well there you have it! Warfarin causes severe pain. Now we need to find a solution to an alternative blood thinner.

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I am doing okay. Hopefully I will not get PE again. I have a feeling that some of my pain is from the bursa's near the hips, but I cannot be sure. Going in for an injection in both and will see if that helps. My legs have been a little swellon as well, but getting better.

I have had injections before and it really helps. I am hoping this may not be from the Warfarin, but I am going to ask my doctor also. I cannot even walk up the steps like a normal person ... one step at a time.

I wish all the best to everyone who is on meds due to PE.

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Doctors don't want to believe that people have pain from the Warfarin. I even asked my pharmacist about it, and they said they have never heard of that. They told me I should follow-up with my primary doctor. I am off Warfarin for a couple of weeks now. Still have pain in my legs, but I am going in for some injections in my hip bursas and hopefully it will all go away.

Will see what happens after April 5th with those injections.

Praying for all who are having problems being on Warfarin. I don't think there is a med for PE that doesn't have bad side effects.

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I am also trying Vitamin D. People say that is suppose to help the bones in your body. I have to try it. I just started yesterday and I am sure it will take a few days for it to start working. Will see what happens.

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I have been on both Xarelto & Eliquis and they both give me sever joint pain. I am just glad to know that someone else has experienced this too. My doctor says he doesn't the the meds could cause it, but I know what I have experienced and when I quit taking them, the pain goes away. I have a hereditary blood clot disorder, so must take something the rest of my life. I have switched to aspirin on my own and quit taking the blood thinners. I am scared it won't be enough, but I just can't take the pain.

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I truly sympathsise with all you warfarin pain folk I am just the same horrid pain in my bones mostly back and upper body. I read on one of the forums that they replaced warfarin with Nattokinase which is not a drug and it is said to be an coagulant amongst other things. I have started it today and I am really hopeful. Warfarin is poison for me so took last dose yesterday. Look it up on google, hope it will be helpful. Good luck.

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From forum suggestion I read amongstabout Nattokinase which is natural not medical and is a anticoagulant amongst other things. I have awful pain in my bones so having started this today I am hopeful of good results and I will not take warfarin again. Look it up on google. Then make your choice which I hope will help.

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Hi, I'm on warfarin for life which I've been on since 2011. Thing is, I keep getting a pain in one spot on my leg and I'm worried sick! I've started a Gym so I'm bound to hurt but, I'm worried in case it's another clot? My INR results have been brilliant. They're not seeing me now till January. Have I got something to worry about?

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I too have constant pain. lost my hair also. quality of like is 3 on a good day. I will ask ;my doctor for a different med.

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I hv been on warfarin before nd stopped bcoz of severe muscular pain nd joints pain dizzyness nd headache general body aching I had a clott again nd nw am warfrin for life but am experiencing the same problems as before

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This post was in 2012, what has happened to you? What did you do? No one will help me. This pill is evil, the 2ND day I took it I thought I would die. It's been 5 months of pain. Also my doctor retired and the new one will not give me any pain meds. I'm 66, never drank, smoked or abused any drugs. I have diabetes, have a cage with rods and pins, nerve damage and neuropathy for which I used Vicodin, only when needed. Now I have nothing. I'm from Burien, Wa.

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Great posts, thank you; i have been on Warafin for 10 years plus (12.5 mg/day), my only complaint is muscle stiffness and soreness in legs, feet and hip. I am an active male so i am not sure the drug is the problem so your feedback is help full.

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After a PE many doctors send the patient to a hematologist to assure that you do not have a clotting disorder.

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