Multaq Issues (Top voted first)


I have been taking Multaq for almost 5 months. Yes it helps, maybe to much, I am exhausted it keeps me so low and irregular, I don't have the energy to do anything much. I work full time but I can't wait to drag myself home and crash. I have gained almost 23 pounds since and am very depressed. I am not sure what caused which first. I have exhausted all meds. I was on Tikosyn for 7 years, but my income exceeded the limit for the patient assist program, and 600.00 a month is a bit to much for me. I am on the medication program for Multaq, the income level is set higher so I qualify. But I don't like how it makes me feel, I was hoping someone else had some info. as to how it reacted for them. Thanks

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Im on multaq 400mg twice a day but cant keep my blood pressure up so Im faint. Has anyone ever cut their dose in half

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I just had radio frequency ablation December 3 rd. My Multaq was starting to lose its effectiveness and was having more AFib episodes. After two days of being off Multaq before the procedure my mouth was no longer dry and my back quit hurting. I was in the prep room and went into AFib mode. The electrophysiologist was elated. By going into AFib before hand the procedure did not take as long. Originally, dr. told me that he would be isolating the pulmonary veins. After procedure, he had a picture of my heart and said it was worse than he thought. He could see all the electrical impulses because I was in AFib. They were all over the place. He stated that he had ablated over 45 sites that the signals were coming from. They went in both sides of my groin with the catheter and also the right side of my neck. So now I wait six weeks to see if I can come off the Multaq if I do not have any episodes during that timeframe. The Multaq makes me tired. Some days I just have to force myself to keep on moving. I am fortunate because I am retired and can lie down whenever I want. Will keep everyone posted on the outcome. I have had AFib for five years. It totally took over my life and I hope I get my life back if the good Lord is willing. Every persons journey is different with AFib. I wish everyone good health and peace of mind. Good luck on your journey.

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I've gained 60 pounds since starting Multaq some four years ago. I have not changed my eating habits so attribute the weight gain as one of the side affects of the drug. I don't have chronic AFib, so was wondering if there is another alternative.

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I have been on multaq almost one year. It has worked great for me. Once they did a cardioversion on me and got me back in rythem I have stayed there. It made a difference in my quality of life. I take 75 mg of wellbutrin a day and that seems to give me the energy that the multqac takes away.

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Have you tried an antidepressant? Seriously, it helps.

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My wife, has the same problem, I have been asking how to reduce the dose, do you just go to one 400 mg per day?

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I had my 1st attack of Afib 4 years ago and was on a controlled heart rate pill and then switched to metoporol. On August 2, 2011 went into Afib, was dumbfounded, thought it was a once and done thing but was seeing my cardiologist once a year for a check up because 1 1/2 years after I had my 1st afib attack got broken heart syndrome. Had all kinds of test for blockage, stress, neck ultra sound, echos, echo ultra sound, ets. Since 8/2/11 had 4 afib attacks and 4 expensive trips to the ER. Dr. put me on Flecanide and it gave me the PVCS and made me tire. He took me off that and put me on 100mg of meteporol 2 x day and started feeling better and bam got another afib attack and then they put me on Multaq. Was on Multaq for 14 days and got tired, weak, lightheaded, and pain up the back of my back. Saw the Dr. yesterday and he took me off and just kept me on 25 mg of toporol 2 x day and said use Flecanide as a pockect pill if needed or an Afib attack and is setting me for a cardiac ablation. Just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms from multaq and how long does it take to get out of your system? Been on Multaq for and if anyone has had a successful cardiac ablation? Is there any good support groups on line for afib?

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On Multaq and Eliquis since Feb. 10th 2014 after a cardioversion. Had ablation in Nov. 2012 and no meds, was fine until Feb 2014, went into AFIB for no reason. Leading up to it was having trouble staying asleep and was doing High Intensity Cardio workout for a couple weeks. Doc said might have made my heart angry. 57 yrs old great shape otherwise but I have some days where my legs feel weak and tired for no reason except maybe the Multaq is my best guess. Feel lethargic on days I don't work, think work takes mind off it. Taking it twice daily and cut the morning pill in half but doesn't seem to help. Love golf and just don't even feel like swinging a club sometimes but a year ago was practicing as much as possible. Not really sure what to do.

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Thelma did you have your ablation and was it successful? I am having the radio frequency ablation in December. Also have A Fib for four years here. I was surprised when I saw your side effects with the Multaq concerning back pain. I told my cardiologists about my back pain especially when I am washing dishes that the pain gets so intense around my ribcage that I have to lie down and stretch arms over my head to relieve it. He told me it was muscular skeletal issue. Now I am wondering if it is being caused by the Multaq. Let me know how you are doing after the ablation and did you have to go back and get adjusted with second procedure.

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Bluebonnet my Multaq will bother me sometimes in the morning. I usually eat two eggs with ham or bacon and it will ease my stomach. I ate cereal one morning and the Multaq made my gut burn something fierce. It also leaves me feeling tired most of the time. I have to force myself to move around. Good luck in your journey.

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should I take my multaq if my pulse rate is below 50 bpm?

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I took multaq for about 2 months I was took 2 times in one week to the hospital passed out almost in a diabetic coma the first time my sugar was 27 the second time it was 30 it took 5 days to figure out it was the multaq I almost died

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Re: Glen (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on multaq for almost 2 years ... I gained almost 100 lbs my first year after my diagnoses of afib .... I am trying to get the Dr to take me off multaq since I've had no symptoms since I am also on motropolo also I have changed my eating habits and work out and still lose no weight

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I have been on Multaq for a month. I feel great. I felt awful on sotalol and Metropolol. I exercise almost every day and take plenty of fluids. Watch what I eat carefully. I realize I am an anomalie but so far so good!

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Re: Thelma (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have had the same side effects and more. Sharp stabbing pain in my stomach, nausea, and terrible muscle & joint pain. Dr took me off both multaq and xarelto.

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Re: Beth (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Beth, I'm taking Multaq (on day 5) with no other changes and I am bloating so I am pretty sure it's the Multaq. Will you tell me what you mean by you're careful about what you eat? Thanks!

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Multaq contains the active ingredient Dronedarone, it is mainly used to treat irregular heartbeat.

It can cause the tired and weak feelings as side effects, along with nausea, diarrhea and indigestion.

Read more:


There are several posts on our site from others that have been using it, they may provide you with some more information, here are some links directly to the posts:



Have you talked to your doctor about your symptoms?

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I started Multaq about three months ago for afib. I am still having some episodes, but they are very mild and much further apart. It does make me tired and lethargic. The first dose after breakfast makes me slightly nauseated and having a stomach upset for about three hours. Evening dose doesn't do that. Have tried eating larger breakfast, but need to lose some weight so that is counterproductive. Just hate this tired, washed-out feeling, but before taking Multaq, I was afraid to go anywhere for fear of having an afib episode. It looks like we have to choose which problem we are willing to tolerate.

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Doctor took me off Multag yesterday and find myself very tired, dizzy, lack energy. Is this expected? I was only on it for a month after cardioversion. How long does it take for it get out of my system assuming my problem is due to the Multag. Thanks

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