Mood Feels A Bit Too Stable (Top voted first)


I am bipolar and am currently taking Epitec, Fluanxol, Wellbutrin and Setraline. My mood feels a bit too mellow. I don't really get excited for things like I used to before, like going to the gym. I used to go through phases where I would love to go to gym and do it religiously. Now I tend to miss days and seem to just go through the motions. I used to be very witty and funny but now I don't partake as much in conversation anymore. Its not the Eptiec because I was fine on it before. What could be causing this?

3 Replies

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I'm looking at this site because I just added Wellbutrin. I'm taking a leap of faith...I have never been in, or done a chat room thing. Please tell this a real post?

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Yes this is a real post. Ask away

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It could just be due to a combination of them all, this has been known to happen to people that are on a lot of mood stabilizing type medications, especially if they have been on them for a long period of time.

Have you talked to your doctor about it?

You may need to make some dosage adjustments, or do away with a medication, or two.




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