Montelukast And Levocetirizine (Top voted first)
UpdatedI hv been taking telekast-l for the past 2 yrs i tab at bed time.My question to u is could this medicine be harmful for long time use.I've got great relief wz this med as i am allergic/asthmatic now i cant do wzout it as my tonsils get flared if i dont take the 37/F .Pls advice if there r any long term side effects .
6 Replies
montelukast n levocetrizine side effect are lichen planus. Is it true?
Chitram, I agree with you.... I am also reducing my sexual desire since start up of using this medicine Telekast L. Have you a got solution, please post me.... Thanks.
Montelukast And Levocetirizine(Montilast-L) - I have been using these tablets for the last six months by now as I get some relief. I have running nose and sneeze specially after I wake up or take a hot beverage or after I take a shower. If I try to stop taking these tablets then it starts again. I am allergic to fan blowing air, ice water, cold drinks, perfumes and other paints etc. What can you recommend me without taking these tablets as I don't want to get used to these medicines.
Recently I have been prescribed by my Physician after endoscopy and CT scan , I have problem of insensitive to any smell/aroma. After starting the medicine, I feel my sexual desire is slowly reducing. But physically I'm ok for sexual activity. I'm afraid of becoming
Re: Rosario Costa (# 5)
I had the same issue and I found that this medicines have severe neuropsychiatric side effects such as agitation, aggressiveness,anxiety, anger and mood changes. I have allergic to cold, and some foods but luckly I found my vitamin d level was gone down. When I fix it I could completely get rid of my all issues. Now I am not taking any of the allergic medicines such as montelukast / antihistamines...when I get to allergic symptoms I will take a 60000 ui vitamin d (cholecalciferol).. I am sure vitamin d deficiency was cause for my allergy. Also after fixing this I couldn’t stop my hair fal as well ... I suggest to get rid of montelukast As early as possible ...
There are always side effects associated with the long-term use of any medication, however, since Levocetirizine has only been on the market since 2001, there haven't been any real studies done, yet, to determine exactly what they are.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, blurred vision and dry mouth.
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