Mixed Feelings
UpdatedHi, I was prescribed fluoxetine to help with Menopausal problems about six months ago. I'm only on a very low dose and they've really helped with my mood. In fact so much so that the happier I am in myself the more I fear death. I suffered with post natal depression with both of my boys and occasionally had an intense fear of dying. I wouldn't say I spend loads of time thinking about it but more than normal I imagine. Does anyone else feel like this? I'm very content with my life and family and logically I know that I shouldn't give it time, life's too short to worry about something you can do nothing about but I can't seem to help it. I'm wondering if I should try and "face it" and think about it more or try and ignore it and carry on being happy with what I have. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. :-)
2 Replies
I suffered from fear of dying most of my life and I know I will probably get some nasty comments about this but here goes....
Jesus Christ is the answer. I have been on every medication you can think of to try to improve my fear and depression. Absolutely nothing worked for me. I surrendered my life to GOD. I now have the peace that surpasses all understanding. When you know that Jesus came to suffer our penalty for sin, and you get to know Him, you will know that when you die, you will be with Him. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Don't take my word for it, ask Him if He is real and He will help in a BIG way. GOD bless you
Hello, Sal! How are you?
I understand the problem you're having, I've felt that way myself and yes, sometimes facing it is the best thing to do. We do have to accept that we are mortal beings. For me, I was forced to accept it, upon experiencing full congestive heart failure, before I was even 40 years old..... such a thing kind of throws reality in front of your face, so you have to deal with it. Although, after my divorce, I'd sworn off relationships and wanted nothing to do with them, a couple years later a wonderful man came into my life and we were married this past December. I'm happier than I've ever been.
And Lissy, you are as entitled to your beliefs and giving your advice as everyone else that posts on here, but attacking and abusing will not be tolerated, if someone does so, please report the post and the site admin will handle it.
I'm an atheist, but I have no problem with letting you live your life and believe as you choose, nor do I have any problem with Sal doing the same.
As to the Fluoxetine, I take it for the similar issues and it can sometimes aggravate these types of thoughts, so you should be aware of that. Especially, if you change your dosage, miss a dose or etc. The FDA even warns about such things among the listed side effects.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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