Mirtazapine Drug Information
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Does Mirtazapine continue to cause drowsyness as long as it is taken, or does that (side) effect wear off in time? If so, how long does it take to wear off?
16 Replies
Re: tasha (# 11)
yes, mirtazapine is a controlled substance and must be prescribed by a doctor.
Just started this. What am I in store for?
My daughter was just diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (she's 30). They put her on Mirtazapine. I can't find any information on it.
Can you be put on 30mg mirtazapine on your first visit to the doctor concerning depression/anxiety?
I have a gluten sensitivity and I am on a gluten-free diet and I need to know if mirtazapine 15 mg made by Teva contains gluten? I have been having a worsening of my stomach problems since being on this medication.
Why was I told today that mirtazapine was a controlled substance? So is it a controlled substance or not?
Really struggled on this drug despite persisting & persisting on it. Lethargy lasts for hours into the afternoon, helped me sleep a bit but not great, heightened panic feeling in the night that woke me up although did have some major job worries, made me have suicidal thoughts and despite my problems still here & off tablets I don't feel like that now. 15 mg too sedating, 30mg better as has a slightly different effect. Was horrible to come off too! Am not convinced I benefitted other than my heart rate from stress is no longer beating so rapid and I did get a little sleep. I've now been hit with menopause with night sweats and insomnia so am not any further forward sleep wise.
I am on 45mg mirtazapine which I take at night. This has helped me sleep well, which had been an issue for me, and I do not notice drowsiness in the morning, but perhaps that is counteracted by the bupropion I take in the morning. Mirtazapine has significantly helped reduce depression, taking me from thinking suicidal thoughts to being active and interested in doing things within just three days.
It has had a side effect of increasing my appetite, which led to significant weight gain, but I am dealing with that by strict diet control. I did not tackle the weight control until after my mood was stabilised.
I stopped taking the Mirtazapine after 3 weeks. I just could not shake the dizziness and morning panic. I just didn't like this med whatsoever. They switched me to Lexapro 15 mg and what a blessing. I started low to avoid any side affects. I took 2.5 mg nightly and increased by 2.5 mg every two weeks until I reached 15 mg. My anxiety has disappeared, mood has greatly improved and crying is gone. It as been seven months now I can say I probably would not be alive if it wasn't for this med. I had severe panic, anxiety and depression. I was completely off the Klonopin within 3 weeks of starting the Lexapro.
I have just been advised to take 15mg of Mirtazapine for PTSD, i already suffer sleep lose, nightmares and sweats, i have difficulties going out and my sex life is none existent as it is. I have been on 30mg of Nitronartriplyne for 3 years but reading here it sound like i will be starting all over again.
I have been taking 15 mg Mirtazapine (Mylan) for 11 days now. Take it at 9 pm with 0.25 mg of klonopin. It helps me go to sleep but when I awake at 5 am my anxiety is severe. Hmmm. Does anyone else have anxiety on this med. I am taking it for anxiety and panic with insomnia. The third night I took it I awoke thinking of death. Very scary. It has stopped some of my racing thoughts but I hasn't improved my mood whatsoever yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh and yes I am still dizzy with shaking hands.
I am a recent user of Mirtazapine and have only been on them 5 weeks. They made me sleep up to 12hrs a day for the 1st 2 weeks, and calmed me down as I was suicidal all the time. I have a job getting up and only do when I feel ready to, which could be anytime. After reading all the things about it I am reluctant to carry on taking them and will have to discuss this with my Dr when I see her next. Does anyone know what category of antidepressants they come into.
I've been on Mylan-Mirtazapine for the last year. At the start, my doctor prescribed 30mg per day. The sedative effect was so overwhelming, I went back to him, and asked about reducing the dosage to 15mg. That worked for about 3 months, and then the fog was overtaking me. I reduced the dosage to a half 15mg tablet, which is what I've been on since then. Some of the other posters who mentioned nausea and headaches, almost like the depression set in over the summer. I'm going to try a different generic mirtazapine, otherwise, I'll talk to my doctor about changing to a different antidepressant
I have been on Mirtazapine for 9 months now - 15mg at night. I take it around 9:30 pm, but always feel groggy in the morning. True - if you just get up and get going, it will wear off fairly quickly. It has helped me sleep thru the night and gain back weight that I had lost. I feel bloated most of the time, even when I am at my normal weight.
Ive been on it for two years, you will def. feel drowsy when you wake up it will take at least and hour or two to wear off and It also seems to wear off once you keep yourself busy
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