Migraine Pain
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I have been to a neurologist and have tried every medicine he has prescribed. One he prescribed makes you feel high for 2 days so you can't sleep. That's no good! Another feels like your having a heart attack. There is a long list of others! The best results I have found are inj's. of nalbuphine/nubain. I can take the inj. and sleep for a couple of hours. Then I can participate with my family life. When I asked my neurologist about Nubain he said I would need to go to the the hospital, which is $1,200 a visit. (I pay my bills and want my credit to stay good) There are doctors that prescribed these inj's. at home. I have met some online and know one personally but not in my area. I want help!! It's sad to miss your daughters piano recital because you are suffering from with a migraine. i went through infertility treatments so I know how to inj. myself. Thanks!! Sorry for the long rant!

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I have very bad migraines and nothing I've tried stops them. But if I take Excedrin in the morning will it stop a migraine all day?

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Hello, Pinkbellajewel! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having.

Nubain is sometimes prescribed for at home use, so regular trips to the hospital aren't actually necessary.

Rather than your neurologist, you might do better with a pain management specialist, since they have better ideas of how best to handle pain and know more about this type of medication and it's safe use.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Are there any pain management specialists in your area?

Can anyone suggest a good doctor that might help?

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I live in Anderson or Greenville SC area

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