Metronidazole Lasting Side Effects (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking this medication for 7 days and off of it since a week and still have severe side effects, abdominal cramps, severe headaches, dizziness, unsteadiness... How long is it expected to last? It was prescribed with Ciprofloxacin to me and I take Entrophen on a regular basis...

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Have things improved any? Have you consulted your doctor?

For a short course of the medication, it would be unusual for side effects to remain that severe for that long, after you are finished with it.


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Hi my son is still experiencing side effects for the last 4 days he has been extremely anxious i have had to stay with him all the time.He says he feels sick and his stomach hurts.He seems to be having a few days where he is his normal self and then days when he is unwell.I dont think he is as bad as he was but it is horrifying to think that it will be 11 weeks tomorrow since he stopped taking the drug.He has never had alcohol as others have said this drug has been more like a poison to him than a medication the senior consultant that prescribed it wanted him to take it for 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off for the rest of his life.I wasnt informed of any possible side effects and if it hadnt of been for the internet i would have been no wiser.It is called medical science the doctors should be doing what we are doing and monitoring the efficacy of the drugs and if there is a bad reaction they ought to have a plan in place on how to correct it thats science.Im afraid what we have now are people who are giving themselves a job for life.

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Sorry to hear that your son is having such a hard time. I was hoping he would be continually getting better. My symptoms of PN were not as bad for a week or so but the last few days they've been worse. It's very frustrating to say the least. If you don't mind my asking, how old is your son? Just curious. There is a laser light therapy that could help me but I'm not in a position to afford it at this time. I am saving my money so I can get it. It will be at a minimum of 15 treatments at $100. per treatment. They want to do 5 the first week and 3 a week after that. It is suppose to stop the nerve endings from dying and maybe even reverse the PN. I've already spent quite a bit on supplements (antioxidants) etc.
I agree with everything you have said. There must be a class action suit against Pziefer for this drug. The love of money is the root of all evil and this is evident in the profit they make out of no regard for the lives they negatively affect.

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I am in Canada and only have the OHIP which doesn't cover odd things. I find it strange that so many people have these symptons... why isn't the drug manufacture doing something

I am going to see my doctor after labor day weekend

I am originally from North London

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CNS stands for Central Nervous System. I guess for me, fortunately, I do not have an PN symptoms. I just have the constant, debilitating brain fog and dizziness. I know exactly what this did to me - it's affected the area of my brain that talks to my eyes. When this first happened, I could not read anything. I still cannot look at anything that is scrolling or a panoramic view on TV. I had an MRI in June, and that was normal. I read studies online where some people with brain damage from flagyl actually developed lesions on the brain that were visible through MRI. I thought mine was going to show that, but all I have now is the first-hand knowledge that this toxic medicine has destroyed my life. I am so sorry you also have the PN in addition to the dizziness. I've instructed my husband to let me die before I'm ever given this medicine again.

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I'm glad you don't have the PN but what you are dealing with is also dibilitating to your life. I couldn't see right either or read especially anything on the computer screen.Lack of coordination is another symptom which has come back today. I keep droping things etc. I do believe you will get better as I did. The fact that it has come back does cause me concern but I did have weeks without it which tells me that this is a flare. This medication is a poison, plain and simple and shouldn't be perscribed. If I get another infection of any sort I'm afraid to take any antibiotic of any kind.
Shortly after I stopped this med I did read the information you have shared and it scared the heck out of me. I did have virtigo really bad. I felt like I was walking sideways and would almost fall into things, therefore having to hold on to walls and furniture. I don't want that coming back. I want to know how you are progressing, please keep posting from time to time. I will do the same. I don't have a husband and this has definately put my dating on hold for maybe for good. :( Feel like I've been a victim of this drug!!! We have to keep our hope alive though it's easy to become depressed and hopeless. I am bringing up my 10 year old grandson and I'm in my early 50's. He needs me and I need to fight. I just wished I would have been warned about this potential outcome. It's just wrong!!!

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Yes, please do keep me posted on your condition. I will be happy to provide you with my personal email address to keep in touch if that's possible through here? I'm new to the site, so I don't know.

I am in my early 30s and have faced numerous health problems and surgeries (8 to date), but this has truly been the most frightening experience of my life. I basically only talk to my husband and my parents and in-laws now. I've had to stop all social activities, and frankly, most people either don't understand or don't believe my symptoms. It takes everything I have to get through the work-day, and with the heavy dose of Valium, I have no energy for a life outside work. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to raise a child when you are this sick. I do not have any children.

One question for you - the only thing that lessens my symptoms is extra sleep. Did that help you? When I was out of work, I was sleeping 9-10 hours at night and taking about 2 hour naps during the day. My neuro said that basically the extra sleep gave my brain the ability to cope a bit better.

I admit, the longer this has progressed, the more hopeless I have become. How can doctors not know about this when it's right on the warning label?

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Well as to be expected I never received a return call, so I have just phoned again.. no replies but request you leave a message, after 10 minutes going from one extension to another I did manage to reach someone who gave me another number 1-800-667-4708 and transfered me..... after another 5 minutes on hold I left another message...surprise the number is in England and they are only open 8 - 5 ( English hours), so Dawn maybe you can phone them..

I won't hold my breath waiting for a return call. Just hope if they do call they remember the time difference

I wonder if we all phone it might get some action

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I sent you a request for a private email exchange as the site instructed. It said you had to do the same. If you would like to, please feel free to send.

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Hi Pat I have just dialled that number and it hasnt been recognised.Its been 13 weeks today since my son stopped taking the drug and I am happy to say that for the last 4/5 days he has been more like his normal self I hope it continues.Good Luck to all.

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That is great news, Dawn! I'm glad to hear that he is more like his old self. I'm praying that he continues to make a full recovery.

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I thought I'd like to join this forum/posting. I too have suffered on metrodazinole/flagyl made by Watson Drug Company. I've had stomach pain, gas, soft stools, etc since 2010 and the doctors have done colonoscopy, endoscopy , ultrasound, etc and still didn't find anything. So dummy me I asked the doctor if I could try an antibiotic to kill giardia in case they missed this in my stool test. I took 500 mg/ day the Metrodazinole from 9/15-9/19 for five days and had I no side effects (except for dark urine) and then the dizziness hit me on Tuesday night (5th day) when I was doing dishes and had to lie down....I've had anxiety and was restless that night and felt disassociated from the world...very scary feeling....then I had that all next day..dizziness. The second day off this horrible drug I felt better only at the end of the day and felt good the next day.... The following day I was dizzy (Sunday). I felt alittle better all week except the dizziness hit Friday night and thought I was having a mini stroke. Today I was dizzy but drove into the city( Houston, Tx) anyway. My speech was slurred Friday night but felt better later Today and was conversing with my wife over coffee this afternoon. The only thing that got me to sleep last night was to listen to a YouTube Hypnotist named Tellman....he put me to sleep in 10 minutes. The only time I felt something similar (but didn't last over a week) was when I used "ROUNDUP" to clear my ground for new grass....what helped some was getting into a sauna and trying to sweat the chemicals out of my brain and body. Sorry for being a windbag .....just wanted to give a brief history on my use of this awful medicine.

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Activated Charcoal capsules look very promising...I thought I would start taking these to detox my body from this toxic, nasty drug.

According to Dr. Al Sears, MD. he wrote an article that spoke of:
"Most poisons in your body are attracted to charcoal – even prescription drugs. Since your body reacts to most prescription drugs as toxins (that’s why there are so many side effects to meds), activated charcoal taken orally will often adsorb prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs, too. . The activated charcoal will fight the poisoning from a medication overdose. That’s why every emergency room carries it. It is also used in many different detox programs to help absorb the chronic accumulation of drugs in the body. And prescription drugs – which tend to be toxic – will be absorbed and removed by activated charcoal."

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Hi Erin,...Here in Canada it is Thankgiving today and I am thankful to hear that there is improvement in your night time vision. :-) I'm clinging to hope and although I go through daily struggles, I'm believing that things will soon get better. Any other way, I couldn't cope. Know that your post here mean something to me as well as others.

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There are other medications that can treat these conditions. DEMAND them. I would like to go back in time and do the same.

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It's been almost two weeks since I stopped taking metronidazole. The PN seems just as strong if not worse. I am having the worst issues with burning mouth, esophagus, and tingling lips. Whenever I drink something it feels like liquid fire! I also have had reoccurring diarrhea (strangely after a hot flash) every day. I had a very scary on moment two nights ago where I felt I was crawling out if my skin and nearly went crazy from panic attacks afterwards. I read about B12 and found in 30 min my crawling sensations got slightly less. I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old baby I am nursing, so this has been beyond devastating. I feel like it has caused severe panic and I can't take care of my babies properly. I'm going to try milk thistle and see if it can help with my liver. I'm wondering if the antibiotic killed good bacteria in my intestines so I have the diarrhea and won't adsorb the B12 and other nutrients I need for healing? I can't take crazy vitamin doses or drugs because I am nursing.

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Took metronidazol and ofloxadin for 7 days for BV that didn't even come out in the swabs. 800 in the am and 800 in the pm. I started last monday and on saturday i have noticed my balance was off. I woke slightly from side to side, I've been having migraine and slightly blurry vision, got worse today ( day 4 since I stopped medication). I try to eat very healthy and not to worry but those symptoms got me convinced that I have ms and will never get better. HELP!

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Kate, doctors either don't know or don't want to admit that your vertigo symptoms are from an antibiotic. If it happened to them they would think differently. I believe it will go away, for me it did. I was so afraid that it wouldn't. Your headaches should also subside. Hang in there. Give yourself some TLC. (tender loving care)

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I felt really ill after taking Metronidazole as per my previous post. I decided to take radical steps to improve my health. I would recommend Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell McBride. Basically she reckons a lot of neuropsychological symptoms are caused by damage to the gut. To eradicate toxins and pathogenic bacteria she recommends a special diet and supplements to enable the gut to heal. I'm finding it really helpful. It's hard work and its not a vegetarian diet so I have had to put my principles aside briefly. But one of the main ways to damage the gut is to overwhelm it through antibiotics and poisons such as this drug. There's plenty of info on the Internet if you google. I think it has made a huge improvement to the awful side effects I was experiencing. Hope it helps somebody.

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Hullo everyone experiencing horrible side effects from metronidazole -also known as Flagyl-

I felt quite ill for weeks after taking this drug. It actually clears your body quite quickly (so they tell me) but what it does is strip the friendly bacteria from your digestive system.

Contact your doctor (or a pharmacist if you can't get hold of your doctor) and describe in detail the symptoms and their severity. You may have an intolerance to this drug or you might just have bad side effects - but keep your doctor informed and get advice in the short term. In the long term, look for prebiotic and probiotic remedies to fix "leaky gut" and they can go quite a way to making you feel much better.

Google these remedies - they are over the counter at health food stores - here in New Zealand - though I was told about them by a doctor here: GastroVen, Digestease SP and Galactan. These probiotic, prebiotic and some stomach soothing fibre thing are very easy to take (2 capsules + flavourless powder that dissolves in a drink 2x a day) and I felt much, much better right away, though my doctor here who told me about this stuff has me on it for 3 months.

I hope you all feel better - recovery is possible!

cheers from New Zealand! Canadian in Auckland

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