Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 2)
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I have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?

165 Replies (9 Pages)

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I lost some hair as I started 50mg of toprol. I found out it was or could be because of this drug. I went to a dermatologist, he told me to start using Rogain for women, I did and I also stopped the drug for a few weeks. Then I started taking 50mg only of toprol. I used Rogain very faithful for four months. I can tell you truthfully I now have hair that has grown in and is full, and healthy. In fact it is a bit curly. I cannot tell you if it was the Rogain, or the fact the it was a temporary loss from stress or some other factor, but I am very satisfied from the results.

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What is the best medicine for hair loss caused by taking too much metropolol?

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I noticed my hair was thinning after being on metroprol 50mg daily for a couple months. My hair dresser confirmed it today! Have a call into the doctor to change it!

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I emailed been takeno 200 mg for 9 months and loosing hair ever since I can seeasily my scalp. I use to have thick hair. My Dr wants me to stay on it, said I can get a wig. I'd like to make him take it. I feel for you alitho I glad to hear someone else has same problem. He tresponded to tell me it wasn't that.

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I wish I had a good doctor like you seem to have! He followed your case. My doctor said my hair loss was due to obesity!

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Lisnopril will also cause hair loss, I had to stop taking it because of that reason.

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i have been on Metoprolol since bypass in 2012. My hair has been thinning since but recently accelerated when Losartan was added. What are the other Beta blockers or other categories of blood pressure meds that don't cause hair loss?

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Diabetic medicines for type 2 diabetes will make your joints ache and make your muscles ache and that does not go away once you come off that medicine so you have two choices suffer the diabetes or suffer the pain that comes with the medicines

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Is there a cure for hair loss caused by metoprolol or is there an alternative for metoprolol ER that does not have the side effect of losing your hair?

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I wish I had looked up this drug before I started taking it. Everyone here has the same experience I have had, it seems. I was on Metoprolol for exactly one year (from July 2015 - July 2016). About nine months ago, I started to notice that my hair was thinning - eyebrows and lashes, too. I mentioned this to my cardiologist (who, by the way, had told me there were "no side effects" when he initially prescribed this to me), and he didn't seem concerned. Simply told me we would "wait and see if things stabilized." Yeah, right. I'm a 45 year old woman who has gone her entire life getting compliments on how beautiful her hair is... I don't hear that so much anymore.

I began exercising, and that reduced my palpitations to the point that I felt comfortable taking myself off the drug. Quit cold turkey. What's depressing is that the hair loss continued - even accelerated - after I stopped taking it. I have been off the drug for five months now and am getting concerned that my hair is still thin/thinning. I have no idea if the loss is stopping or if it WILL stop. Am I going to go bald? Is my hair going to grow back, or is this as good as it gets now?What can I do?

I see so many posts from people who are suffering from the hair loss, and for women, this is a BIG deal. Can anyone tell me if the hair will ever regrow after the loss? Is this permanent? Please, someone, tell me if your hair regrew after stopping Diltiazem?Metoprolol. Please.

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Omg! i'm so glad I looked this up. I've been drastically losing my hair. I had so much hair before and I put two into together lifted up and came across this. I'm getting off of it

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My doc gave me a new drug it is called edarbi, have not been on it just a few days so can't say if does or does not work will let you all if it does.

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This isn't correct, I've been on Lisinopril for 5 years and I've lost two-third's of my hair since being on it. I'm finally going off of it and am going to try to treat my high blood pressure naturally by using herbs and decreasing the amount of wine I'm used to enjoying socially.

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What are alternativs to taje I stead of metoprolol

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I also have been takin topology and have lost so much have you found out a cure to stop the loss?

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I agree to find a new doctor, heart palpitations are not fun and can be scary. Plus, Lisinopril would have given you the worst cough in the end, its one the most common side effects.

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Beware of the Lisinopril cough, its awful! Waking you up in the middle of the night gasping for air as if the choking does not stop. But loosing hair is the worst, not sure which I'd prefer.

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So if beta blockers cause hair loss what can we take for high blood pressure that does not cause hair loss?

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I stopped metoprolol and within two weeks my hair stopped falling out.I went to a new cardiologist,mine just didn't bother to listen. My new doc rocks

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I am taking the same drug and I have been losing hair also I started taking two of those a day but overall and in October of 2015 and I am losing hair like crazy my skin itches my head itches all the time and the doctor acts like it's something else but not that drug I think she is wrong and I have no idea whether my hair will grow back or not I sure hope it will

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