Metoprolol: Do The Side Effects Improve Eventually? (Page 6)
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I started Metoprolol this Monday after the cardiologist prescribed it because of being in the ER with extremely fast heartbeats. After a heart ultrasound, chest xray, blood tests, and wearing a holter moniter, they found there was nothing wrong with my actual heart other than the fact that I have a mild heart arrhythmia which they believe was brought out by a virus I also had. Now that I have started the medicine, I have had dizziness, nausea, sever mood swings, insomnia, and anxiety. The cardiologists' nurse said these were all normal, but it seems a little excessive to me. I am on the lowest possible dose (25MG) minus the possibility of cutting the pill in half and I take it once a day. I do not have high blood pressure and am young and not overweight (5ft and 105lbs). Has anyone else had all these side effects, do they go away?

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I was recenlty in the hospitsal for a fast heartbeat....they prescribed me metoprolol also and since talking it I have just not been right....all the things you said plus loss of appetite along with no interest in things I usually enjoy. Not sure its the medicine but sure seems like it.

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I recently had a severe bout of vertigo and spent some time in the hospital. When i came home they prescribed Metoprolol tart 25 mg. I started having severe vision problems. When I would read all the letters became jumbled. At first I thought it was a result of my vertigo,then tonight I took another Metroplol and finally made the connection. They say not to stop this medicine suddenly,but I can't see myself taking any more of it. I am going to call my doctor in the morning. As I write this I have to close my left eye to make sense of the keyboard.

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Those are all normal side effects that Metoprolol can cause and they will usually last approximately 4 to 6 weeks, while your body adjusts to the medication. After that, they should start to taper off in severity.

If they don't, then you should make sure to let your doctor know, so that you can try other treatment options.

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