Metiletanoamina 30mg
Updatedsmall round white pill. I have heard many people talking that this is a good weight loss pill. Is this true?
15 Replies
Sorry, this appears to be a foreign drug that is not approved for use in the US, so I am unable to find any information about it.
I've searched this diet pill all over and have had zero luck. Can you please help! The name is: Metiletanoamina
I need knows about de drug metiletanoamina, I´ve searched all over and had zero luck. What are your efects?
I don't know either and Someone I know has them and I am thinking about getting it but dont know cuz I cant find any info.
Aparently thise med are coming from Brazil, from a Brazilian doctor who has been precriped them and they introducing them illigally to u.s.a. I know so far that you can drink regular coffe or alcohol at all and if you get test for drug. will came posite for cocaine ? I'm not sure about thise, & I will like more information because I desespered need to loose wigth and I been try evreything but I do not loose wight ! Please help me to get more information about it, how to buy them?
A correction in my note from 9/20/07 you can NOT drink reg. coffee or Alcohol !
Metiletan (part of the entire phrase metiletanoamina) when searched in spanish on Wikipedia brings up three matches:
Codeinona = Codiene
Oxicodona= Oxycodone
If you are taking this drug (small white pill) with the other Brazilian Dieting Pill (tea brown color) stop immediately. I have researched the ingredients labeled on the pill. Side effects of these ingredients include: Inability to urinate and renal failure. This product also contains a form of Prozac and Lasix: medications which should only be taken with a doctors order.
I have taken the time to write this because someone close to me is having complications from taking this drug.
Good luck to all of you
Please give me more information of side effects.
I have taken these pills....they have worked for me, I lost 100lbs. however, i also researched the label and have seen the side affects listed. one question....what are the side affects listed for obesity ???
ok well i took these pills, and they were amaizing, no side effects, nothing wrong at al besides the fact that i did not have an appetie wich was awsome, and if anyone has any idea were i can find the again pls email me!!!!
I also researched the brown pill and found out that it does have 20 mg of Prozac that is an anti depressant that needs to be supervised by a doctor because it can have many side effects. One of most common side effects is loss of libido in both men and women. The other ingridients are ok in it. Cascara sagrada and lasix are not so bad for you because it is in low dosage. About hte white pills, it is very dangerous if you have high blood pressure, any heart problem, or cholesteral problem. In fact you can die from it with a heart failure. So take it at your own risk. The price is also very high when they pay less then 30 dollares for it in Brazil. Some people sell it for $150. 00 for 30+30 pills and it doesn't really work because you need to take at least 2 pills of each a day to lose weight. So be aware that if you take 2 of each it will be very dangerous to you. You will be taking 40 mg of Prozac/fluoxetine.
Metiletanoamina is the Spanish translation for MethylEthylAmine. It is an ingredient which also is an analogue to Amphetamine just like Phentermine. The ingredient is found in Tri Matrix. The combination of ephedrine and caffeine is more effective. Go for Mini Lean 25/100 at the ephedrawholesale site.
I have also taken these pills from Brazil, there were two bottles, one bottle containing Metiletanoamina and obe bottle containing various other things, and you were supposed to take them in the morning and afternoon. It came from a doctor in Brazil, and I only took half of the dosage and I dropped 15 LBS in less than a month. I didn't even finish the bottle. No side effecs either. I was never able to find these pills again. If anyone has information on how to get them, please let me know by posting it here! Thanks!!
Can someone please contact me regarding metiletanoamina? I would like to try it. Thanks!
I took them once till I could no longer get them. I loved them. I lost like crazy. no side effects at all. I ate breakfast and that was it cause after i took them was not hungry at all. a friend tested them and could not find any of the things that has been said on here. no coke or oxycodone. I had no palpitations. They were a miracle and would love to have them again
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