Methotrexate Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Methotrexate forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Methotrexate and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Having been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis (though psoriasis has always been super mild), I have just started taking 10mg methotrexate once a week followed by 5mg of folic acid for 2 days. Is it recommended to take a vitamin supplement (if so , which?) or any other supplement to compensate for weakening of the immune system (if so, which)? Also, which pain killers are most effective and least harmful to liver etc? Thankyou!
UpdatedI have been prescribed Nexpro 20 for flatulence caused by wysolone and methotrexate, which I am taking for RA. Yet I read everywhere that flatulence is a side effect of Nexpro. I don't have acidity or upper digestive tract problems, mine are all in the lower regions – bloating and gas. Can you advise? ## Perhaps I should have been clearer – I am based in India and Wysolone is the Indian brand name for prednisone (US) or prednisolone (UK) – this is cortisone medication.. Folitrax is the Indian brand name for methotrexate. if Nexpro is designed to cure flatulence, how on earth can flatulence be a side effect? Yet I read on websites that is is listed as one Anyone any insight into this? ## Hi, Loosa! How are you doing? There are some cases where gas and b...
i am 50 years old, female suffering from arithritis has been precribed folitrax 7.5mg two times in a week by a doctor but i suffered from skin allergy and also incresed weight. kindly guide me if this is side effect of this medicine. ## Hi, Pooh, how are you? Can you give me a better description of what you're describing as a skin allergy? Are you getting a rash, hives, itching or something else? Weight gain can be a common side effect of this medication, but it depends on how much you've gained and how fast it has occurred. If you've gained a lot in a very short amount of time, then you should consult your doctor as it may be the sign of a possibly serious reaction to the medication that could be dangerous. Have you had any other symptoms? Have you noticed anything else unu...
Can methotrexate be used to treat a plantar fibroma? I have a plantar fibroma about mid-arch in my right foot that is very bothersome to walk or stand. ## Once that condition has progressed to the point where walking and/or standing are painful, the only solution is surgery to remove the thickened areas of the tissue in your foot. Even medications that are normally used, such as steroid injections or topical creams only lessen the pain and inflammation, they don't actually resolve the problem. Methotrexate is sometimes used after surgery to help prevent recurrence, but it's not known to effectively treat the condition by itself. What has your doctor recommended? Have you tried steroids or collagen injections?
Folitrax50 Injection side effect ## Folitrax is manufactured in India, I believe the ingredient is Methotrexate. Possible side effects while taking Methotrexate include anemia, neutropenia, increased risk of bruising, nausea and vomiting, dermatitis and diarrhea. A small percentage of patients develop hepatitis, and there is an increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis. To learn more about this drug click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## MY WIFE IS SUFFERING FROM RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS FROM SINCE LAST ONE AND HALF YEAR..SHE WAS PRECRIBED TO TAKE FOLITRAX15 BUT 3 MONTH AGO ONTHER DOCTOR STOPPED TO TAKE IT BCOZ SHE USED TO BREAST FEED TO HER ONE ANF HALF YEAR OLD CHILD. PLEASE ADVISE ## My child age 2 had been detected with ...
I am a Psoriasis patient taking 17 mg of Folitrax a week. Are there any side effects from taking this medication ? If so please tell me the precautions. I would appreciate your advice to my email address. Thank you. ## Folitrax contains the active ingredient Methotrexate, it is used to inhibit the immune system. Side effects may include: nausea, hair loss, vomiting and increased risk of bruising. Read more: Do you have any questions? ## My wife is suffering from Poly Myositis. Dr, Aman Sharma From PGI is doing treatment of her. But in muscle biopsy, its muscle destrophy. Which cannot be possible on practical grounds as she has no symptom of that. She is 36 now. Dr. aman is quite sure that its not possible as patient is recovering. Anyone suggests that it can be possible that a patient(L...
i had to stop taking methotrexate over 8 weeks ago as my enzym levels went up, they are still rising hospital dont know why, i,m due to go for a scan, has anyone any ideas why this is still happening ? ## Which enzymes have gone up? There are many different ones in your body that they may be checking. Are you referring to liver enzymes? They can raise upon occasion without it really meaning anything dangerous, because many medications are processed through the liver and it may just need a break or support for a bit to get back to normal. ## thank you, yes it is 3 liver enzymes that had gone up, i had some good news this week, 2 of them have started to go down. still waiting for scan
can i take nitrofur-macr while taking methotrexate ## I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between these two medications, but you should double check this information to be safe. Learn more Nitrofurantoin details here. Is this the first time you're taking this antibiotic?
My wife had methotrexate treatment a week after having to have a tube removed as result of ectopic pregnancy because levels were not going down. The first couple of days were fine, but on the 6th day she started having heavy bleeding and clots. Is this normal? ## How is she doing now? Has the bleeding eased up yet? Since they were trying to adjust her hormone levels, then yes, the bleeding and clotting can be normal. Learn more Methotrexate details here.
My wife had methotrexate treatment a week after having to have a tube removed as result of ectopic pregnancy because levels were not going down. The first couple of days were fine, but on the 6th day she started having heavy bleeding and clots. Is this normal? ## It's kind of difficult to say, since there was quite a lot going on. It could be from the tube removal and ectopic pregnancy, or from this later treatment. Both could have an effect on her hormones and cause some irregular bleeding. Learn more Methotrexate details here. I see this was posted a few weeks ago. Have there been any changes? How is she doing?
Can you take coedine cough syrup while taking Methotrexate ## Based on my research there are no drug interactions found between Codeine and Methotrexate. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist, but my sources state that every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate. With that said, (because I am not a doctor) the most I can tell you is that from what I've read, these two medications are regarded as being safe to take together and shouldn't present any problems outside of the normal side effects associated with each medication. I hope this helps to answer your question!
Probably seems a bizarre question but..has anyone noticed a soft spot on their scalp after using this. ## Oddly enough, this medication does list "hair loss" as a potential side effect. I would think that this is related to what you may be describing as a 'soft spot' on the scalp. This side effect is listed here: Have you noticed any difference when not taking this medication?
folitrax is for arthiritis or any other problem ## THANKS THAT WILL HELP FOR ME BETTER ## "Methotrexate (rINN) (pronounced /mtrkset/), abbreviated MTX and formerly known as amethopterin, is an antimetabolite and antifolate drug used in treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. It acts by inhibiting the metabolism of folic acid. Methotrexate replaced the more powerful and toxic antifolate aminopterin, and the two should not be confused with each other." For more details, please see: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## I am sufferring from body stiffness and doctors have diagnosed as ankolysing spondilysis and advised for folitrax 15 mg. Kindly advice whether it is to be taken immediately or to start with lesser dose. ## I am ...
ROUND YELLOW PILL WITH LINE IN THE MIDDLE NO OTHER IMPRINTS SUBPOSE TO BE METHOTREXATE REMTREX 2.5 MG DOES THAT SEEM RIGHT? ORDERED IT SO WANT TO BE SURE THATS WHAT IT REALLY IS. ## It's hard to say what's right, since there are no markings. I did find images of Remetrex that show the name brand ones are white, or yellow with just a score mark, but I can't say whether or not that's what you've received. Have you tried double checking with the place you ordered from?
i am ankylosing spondilties patient taking folitrax-7.5 once a weak and folinal rest 6 days of weak for last one year.what are the side effects and so i do sex on the day i intake folitrax-7.5.what furture can i do to decrease it side effect. ## Folitrax contains the active ingredient Methotrexate. Side effects can include: nausea, vaginal discharge, transient blindness and aplastic anemia. Folinal is a vitamin that contains Folic Acid and Iron, so it is used as a supplement. This means side effects for it are not studied, but some people report nausea when taking it. You really can't do anything to decrease any side effects, your body will eventually do that on its own, as you get used to the medications. Are there any questions or comments? ## i am taking foltrax 7.5 in a week wit...
I am on Methotrexate 2.5 7 tablets once a week. I would like to know if anybody losing the hair due to the medication? ## Yes, a lot of people is losing hair. My 34 olde daughter is. She has lots of secondary effects, mainly fatigue and cluded-mind. But she is taking folic acid at least 5 times a week 5to 10 mg, and injecting B12 3 times a week (one of these injections with B1 and B6),. She is trying to follow an elimination diet to discard same fodds that can trigger inflammation. You would need to take at least 10 mg of zinc with every meal. For some people, the hair keeps falling with methro, unless they stop medication and then, in some months it is suppossed the hair grows again normally. Try EMU oil put gently on scalp. But hair falls due to the pharmacologic effect, the is why fo...
I give myself weekly injections of 1cc of methotrexate. I got a false positive for cocaine. I have never used cocaine. Could the injection of methotrexate be the cause? ## I'm not sure why, but there's little information available online regarding this. I only came across one link that has a good amount of information on the probability rate of Methotrexate causing a false positive. Maybe you can find some helpful information in there: I would also suggest contacting the manufacturer of your medication to ask them about this situation. If it is in fact the drugs fault for your false positive, they should be able to write you a letter saying that this is the case (for future drug testing). I hope this helps!
What are the effects and side effects of Folitrax 5 mg? ## Folitrax (Methotrexate) is noted to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The most common adverse effects include: ulcerative stomatitis, low white blood cell count and thus predisposition to infection, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, and dizziness.
yellow ## The yellow pill you have is a 2.5 mg Methotrexate sodium tablet. NOTE: b 572 is the complete imrpint Methotrexate is noted to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For dosage information, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, then please post back and I will be happy to help you.
I just want to know how safe is this drug. I have arthritis but could not go to drs due to high deductible. My mother-in-law brought it to me from Mexico, and I cant find anything online on it. I was previously put on methotrexate, celebrex and other meds for swelling and caused liver damage. So I just wanna make sure this medicine isnt gonna do the same. Please comment and let me know if and how well its worked. ## Thankfully, not too long ago we had a wonderful person post on our site named Denyse and she had this medication and was able to provide us with the details on it and what it contains and I have been able to find the English details on them for our American users. The active ingredients are 100mgs of Pheylbutazone, 200mgs of Methocarbamol and 0.75mgs of Dexamethasone. That s...