Methadone Withdrawals And Effects From Long Term Use? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've taken 80 mg liquid Methadone for six years. This is my second attempt to kick this devil off my shoulder. I tapered myself down over a two week period and took my last dose two weeks ago. It hasn't been nearly as hard as quitting cold turkey, yet it has still been hell. When will I feel myself again and what are the effects of long term use?
7 Replies
I was on 60mg for 10 years. I quit with a week wean down then off. First month was he'll no lie. I am now over 3 months clean, and feel great now. But I had family support a lot of it. And 1 month doing nothing I mean nothing. I moved to another province so no drug connections means no drugs to get. It is hard but if you can get through the first month it gets better.
HI! Sorry about the problems that you're having. How are you feeling today?
With Methadone it's very hard to say when or if you may feel like yourself again.
There is actually an increasing reluctance to use it now, because it tends to create cravings and withdrawal symptoms that never go away for some people. That's why most addicts that are treated with it end up on a lifetime maintenance dose.
Have you considered seeing if Suboxone would help?
Learn more Suboxone details here.
It is different than Methadone, because it enables most people to eventually become completely drug free, though it can take a couple of years, but it's better than having to be on something for the rest of your life.
Ya, I'm in it too! 35 yrs of opiates/methadone. 3 years ago I knew it was killing me, I got back on 85 MG liquid, took a 3 month break from opiates, ended in hospital , in drug induced coma 14 days, strep A went septic. After being quite literally scared straight , went back to the program and began a slow taper almost 2 yrs latter, 6/15 jumped on 1 mg. The last 2 weeks have not been pretty and the withdraws are getting very old, started feeling withdrawal at 3 mg, should have jumped then! I am writing this post mostly to warn others about methadone and programs run by the feds, no guidance at all ,counseling a joke, didn't even see the doc during the taper. These programs are a way for the feds to lock us up without putting us in jail & they certainly know where you will be in the morning! One more thing despite what they say methadone long term can physically damage you, I have a damaged kidney (nephrotic ulcer on my ankle, 8 yrs,extremely painful ) wound clinic for 1 yr, they are the ones who put the bacteria in my blood with constant painful debreeding. When it wouldn't heal, told me I needed a vacation! I have a medical back round, so fine I took care of it myself, me & mother nature. I researched what was wrong with me for 2 years, when a curious then happen about 37 mg my wound started to heal, 3 years clean of opiates didn't heal it. The methadone caused it, then I realized it was my kidney, and the symptoms all fit. Never got help from private doctors, they'd see my old tracks and tell me to take an NSAID, not what someone with a fragile kidney should do. One more thing I never hid my drug past from the many docs I've seen, duh kidney ??? Okay I am two weeks drug free, obviously feel like crap or I wouldn't be venting like this. I don't have much support, but I have anger for they way I have been treated in the program, never were withdrawals ever discussed, thought after tapering to 1mg ,withdrawal would be minimal. I'm mad at all docs who treated like junky trash, when I wanted help. Most of all I have passion to make this world a better place, for our furry friends. I know I'll make it. Please don't use methadone for any reason, if you have not done so already. Dangerous government scam!
Re: Lucky (# 3)
Okay, then what are people supposed to use? Sorry that you went through that. And I know this is an old post...but I was a homeless drug addicted prostitute for over a decade, and I seriously tried every single other way to get clean NUMEROUS times. I went to jail numerous times, I went to rehab over 6 times and completed the program every single time. I went to the hospital and detoxed over 10 times, I went to the psych unit 3-4 times, I went to AA and NA, I tried Suboxone, Subutex and the Vivitrol shot which was horrible and literally felt like a month long withdrawal. I WANTED to get clean, too. So badly. I hated my life as an addict. I tried moving away to other cities, counties. But my brain and body had physically changed to a point that it was literally impossible. It was just like Pavlov's dog. Ring a bell and the dog salivates. I did great in rehab, the hospital, psych ward and jail. I felt like I was truly going to make it. Every time. I never gave up. And believed the stigmas against methadone. How much everyone was so against it. But methadone should have been my first choice. Yes, it's a pain in the ass. Yes, being on it, like you, for 30 something years HAS to have an effect on your body and organs. But so does not going to the Dr. Did you go to the Dr regularly? Did you get regular blood work done? If so, they would know about your kidneys.
I also have Drs judging me all the time about my past. Yeah, it really sucks...that's why I tell them up front about how many years I have clean, and that I don't ever want any pain medications. Then they stop judging so much. They see I'm committed. After 30 something years your tracks should be minimal. I had HORRENDOUS tracks, and most of mine are faint scars now. I have almost no circulation in my hands and arms, but I am kind to the nurses and Drs, so they are usually kind to me in return. I've had really bad Drs here in Florida that have brushed me off or don't believe me when I tell them something is wrong. The Drs suck here. And methadone clinics do suck. The rules are stupid. I had most of my take homes taken away because I missed one 'call back' where they call you from a random number that you don't know and leave a message, and you have 24 hours to come in. I hadn't gotten one in the 6 years I had been there, and don't get any phone calls other than scam calls.
My counselor even admitted it was a problem and they've been much more lenient on people because of it. But I had my take homes taken away for 6 months. Went from a month of take homes to one week. And it takes FOREVER to earn them at this clinic. In Illinois you earned take homes soooo much faster. Every clinic is different and has different rules. Some clinics are so much more lenient and nicer. The one I go to isn't. But I am still so glad I go here. It's my choice to go here. I am down to 40mgs. I've had to go up on my dose twice. Once because I had someone very close to me die, and I was having a lot of cravings, and another time because I had a cortisone shot when I was at 6mgs and got severe withdrawal symptoms. It lowered the efficacy of the methadone. It's taken me years to get back down to 40. But that's okay. I'd rather go down slow. So many people I know go down too fast and end up coming right back. The slower I go down, the easier it will be for me in the end. It was me who started doing drugs in the first place. I can blame everyone else for that too, but I won't. I moved states and got on methadone to finally quit. That's what it took. And I've almost relapsed a couple of times...but I didn't.
Methadone works. And people will still have problems with their lungs, kidneys, livers, etc regardless of if they're on methadone or not. Can you prove it was methadone that caused your kidney problems? Does your Dr think it is related? Or just you? I'm sure a Dr would love to tell you it was methadone if it was. A lot of Drs don't agree with methadone. There is still a huge unwarranted stigma. People still think we 'get high' from it. I got my life back from it. I was able to get a job. I got my family back. I found a fiance, have my own apartment, my own car, and I started my own business. I would be dead if it weren't for methadone. Do you think you would have gotten clean without it? What about the things you have now? Once again, I'm sorry for your health issues. I have plenty of my own...but I'm so glad for the things I do have. 98% of my friends are gone now...I'm one of the last ones standing. And it's because of methadone. Sometimes I wish they were here instead of me. I still have anxiety, depression, PTSD. I'm still a work in progress. Definitely far from perfect. It's hard for me to make phone calls, make appointments, and I don't have friends because of social anxiety...but I'm still trying. I've grown so much since I got clean. I've learned so much, and I'm grateful for that. I hope you have found happiness in your life. And support and love. You deserve good things. Hope you're well.
Wow. Weaning that fast is...just way too fast. Unless you've been on it for less than a year. Then I don't know, I guess it might be possible. And if you're absolutely sure you're ready and have zero cravings. And have had zero cravings for longer than 6 months every single day. I don't know...too quick in my opinion. I feel like you were still in instant gratification mode at that point in your life. Hope you're doing well now, though! Hope you're in recovery and doing great!
Re: Cmr (# 2)
Hope you're still doing well! Support truly is key.
I have withdrawn of methadone twice you don't feel it till under 10ml. Then my withdrawals lasted 2 months very little sleep. Its an awful drug to come clean off. Gets in your bones
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