Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms When Switching From Methadone To Opana Er (Page 3)
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I am a 55 year old man, and I have been going to a Pain Management facility for lower back pain and now even chronic Osteoarthritic shoulder pain, and have been taking 60mg of Methadone every day (10mg tablets x 2 x 3 times a day -- morning, noon & night) for the past three years. Although I've been doing well on that regimen, perhaps out of more of a psychological concern over the known "qt" (heart) effects of the drug (rather than any "real" ones), I decided to ask my doctor if I could try Opana ER (20mg every 12 hours), which I had taken once before, for a short time, at another Pain Management facility, with great success. All I'm wondering are what the withdrawal effects might be (if any) of stopping the Methadone (60mg) on a Monday, and starting the Opana ER 40mg (in the two 20mg ER, 12 hour divided doses) the very next day on a Tuesday?
Cats68, you asked me to let you know how I'm making out on my switch from Methadone to Opana ER; so here's an update. It hasn't been all that bad; but remember, I'm not coming down through the atmosphere in an uncontrolled descent! My personal belief is that, ultimately, it's easier to get off Opana ER than Methadone! So why not make the switch, first? Also, it's a mental thing. If you're really ready to stop a drug (legal or not) I believe your attitude defines your altitude! Now, onto my own experience! I've had to resort to taking some OxyCodone (10mg. tablets) to lessen the blow! What else can I do? I've been taking the Opana ER (20mg. tablets) every 12 hours at 8:00 (am & pm). My body's been "humming" a little (a feeling as though it's vibrating--you probably know what I'm talking about); but aside from that, I feel as though the worst may be over, or am I missing something here? At first I experienced a drop of insomnia; ever so slight chills and a touch of nausea; but otherwise it hasn't been that bad. I think it's been about four days now. Okay that's it. Hope to hear back from you about this! You asked me to tell you, so I did! Glenn
Dear Cats68, thank you so much for your input. It was not just nice of you to take the time to do so, but it was what you, yourself, experienced, and that's priceless! You can't know what you know by reading a book. You must have firsthand information like you do to "really" "know" what you're talking about! If I may, please let me give you a few logistics as to why I "couldn't" respond to you as quickly as I would've liked to! I stopped the Methadone flat, Tuesday night, after having been on it more than 3 and 1/2 years! Wednesday morning (at 8am 6/04/14) I started the Opana ER 20mg./twice a day. So now, I'll always take it at 8 (whether am or pm). Wednesday night, I wanted to get to bed at 10. It didn't happen. Now mind you, I'm legally disabled from October of '09 because I started off with seven herniated disks, Spinal Stenosis and Osteoarthritis, throughout my whole body! I've had a total of four major surgeries on my back and neck; lost the use of my bladder & bowels, twice; and Monday & Tuesday of the week before last, went to two different emergency rooms (at two different hospitals) because of unimaginable pain in my right shoulder! I'm seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow morning at 9:30 (6/07/14) to determine if I need an operation to remove Calcium deposits from the Tendons of my Rotator Cuff! So, although I'm finishing up my second medrol pak of Prednisone and had insomnia last night, but not from that, but rather because I'm 24 hours into my switch from the Methadone to the Opana ER! Now, you wonder if I've felt any withdrawal effects yet? Yes I have! (And "I" think it's the worst kind!) I know there are much worse symptoms than this, but, oh Lord; to me, this is bad! What is it? The "jitters!" That horrible, can't sit still, feeling! So last night, since I couldn't fall asleep anyway, after discovering this awesome website, under the covers, in the dark, and sharing a message with the world, I was so pleasantly surprised to see someone had responded so quickly to me: you! Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, and knowing why both, I couldn't sleep AND why I was so damned jittery, I reached into my night table draw and pulled out the bottle of OxyCodone I have for breakthrough pain! Took two 10mg. tablets and within 15 minutes began to feel much more relaxed! I continued to answer your message (even though I just switched from T-Mobile "back" to Verizon, with a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (to replace what I was responding to you on: my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"); and don't you know it!! Having half the power and strength of the Note 3, it vibrated, went to the logo display, and I lost everything I had just written!! Oh was I upset! But it was my own fault!! Why did I use a Chevrolet when I had a Mercedes at my disposal? Well, now it's 3 in the morning, I'm too tired to type. I'm disgusted! So what do I do? I know, I'll watch the new DVD Netflix just sent me: "Gravity," with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney! It was awesome! WOW!! On a 42" HDTV, you felt like you were right there! Movie ends, I fall asleep until 7:24am Thursday (today); stay up till 8am, take all my morning meds (including the Opana ER, and fell asleep, sporadically, until 5:45pm today, at which time I began to answer you in earnest: on my "new" device, this time! It's amazing, because when you're asleep, you don't notice how really bad your body is feeling! All I know is, I had one of the most upsetting dreams anyone could've had about being a pilot and crashing to earth as I was on fire! I'm convinced, the "burning" in the dream was actually being produced by a real sense of burning in my body from the withdrawal! Because, when I woke up at 5:45pm this evening, I was jittery as all HELL! I took two more OxyCodone, and again, 15 minutes later, I'm writing you, no distractions, with the exception of my female cat that wanted attention! I have dinner, and at 8pm, again, I take the Opana ER. Now let me just say this. Unlike a lot of people, I'm very grateful for painkillers, because they make life so much better! What I personally believe is that, if I can stay with the Opana ER, long enough; at least a month, I will be able to taper from that much better than the Methadone! So in a sense, to compare it to the film I saw this morning, I'll be coming through the atmosphere, but at a controlled angle and rate of decent, as opposed to just rocketing downward, out of control, and burning up fast! Don't you think that's a better way? I would love to hear back from you! I really would! At least now you know why you didn't hear from me until now! I'm very sorry about that! Incidentally, I live in Hickory, North Carolina. Please write back soon! Glenn
P.S. Who knows, maybe u won't go through any. Hope 4 the best.
Hi Glenn! All I can tell u from my experience is methadone withdrawals r HORRIBLE! I got severe flu like symtoms where is hurt 2 touch my skin. My whole body hurt , like I was beaten , nausea, stomach pains and the big D. Chills and feeling hot. Not 2 mention the psychological symptoms . I felt severe anxiety , depression, like I wish I were dead. Insomnia affected me 2. I was on methadone 4 almost. 5 years . At a certain point during my taper , the withdrawals were so bad , my Dr put me on suboxone . Now , I'm not trying. 2 scare you , just telling u what I and others ive spoke 2 went through . But, everyone is different. Let us know how u make out.
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