Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms When Switching From Methadone To Opana Er
UpdatedI am a 55 year old man, and I have been going to a Pain Management facility for lower back pain and now even chronic Osteoarthritic shoulder pain, and have been taking 60mg of Methadone every day (10mg tablets x 2 x 3 times a day -- morning, noon & night) for the past three years. Although I've been doing well on that regimen, perhaps out of more of a psychological concern over the known "qt" (heart) effects of the drug (rather than any "real" ones), I decided to ask my doctor if I could try Opana ER (20mg every 12 hours), which I had taken once before, for a short time, at another Pain Management facility, with great success. All I'm wondering are what the withdrawal effects might be (if any) of stopping the Methadone (60mg) on a Monday, and starting the Opana ER 40mg (in the two 20mg ER, 12 hour divided doses) the very next day on a Tuesday?
Hi Glenn! All I can tell u from my experience is methadone withdrawals r HORRIBLE! I got severe flu like symtoms where is hurt 2 touch my skin. My whole body hurt , like I was beaten , nausea, stomach pains and the big D. Chills and feeling hot. Not 2 mention the psychological symptoms . I felt severe anxiety , depression, like I wish I were dead. Insomnia affected me 2. I was on methadone 4 almost. 5 years . At a certain point during my taper , the withdrawals were so bad , my Dr put me on suboxone . Now , I'm not trying. 2 scare you , just telling u what I and others ive spoke 2 went through . But, everyone is different. Let us know how u make out.
P.S. Who knows, maybe u won't go through any. Hope 4 the best.
Dear Cats68, thank you so much for your input. It was not just nice of you to take the time to do so, but it was what you, yourself, experienced, and that's priceless! You can't know what you know by reading a book. You must have firsthand information like you do to "really" "know" what you're talking about! If I may, please let me give you a few logistics as to why I "couldn't" respond to you as quickly as I would've liked to! I stopped the Methadone flat, Tuesday night, after having been on it more than 3 and 1/2 years! Wednesday morning (at 8am 6/04/14) I started the Opana ER 20mg./twice a day. So now, I'll always take it at 8 (whether am or pm). Wednesday night, I wanted to get to bed at 10. It didn't happen. Now mind you, I'm legally disabled from October of '09 because I started off with seven herniated disks, Spinal Stenosis and Osteoarthritis, throughout my whole body! I've had a total of four major surgeries on my back and neck; lost the use of my bladder & bowels, twice; and Monday & Tuesday of the week before last, went to two different emergency rooms (at two different hospitals) because of unimaginable pain in my right shoulder! I'm seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow morning at 9:30 (6/07/14) to determine if I need an operation to remove Calcium deposits from the Tendons of my Rotator Cuff! So, although I'm finishing up my second medrol pak of Prednisone and had insomnia last night, but not from that, but rather because I'm 24 hours into my switch from the Methadone to the Opana ER! Now, you wonder if I've felt any withdrawal effects yet? Yes I have! (And "I" think it's the worst kind!) I know there are much worse symptoms than this, but, oh Lord; to me, this is bad! What is it? The "jitters!" That horrible, can't sit still, feeling! So last night, since I couldn't fall asleep anyway, after discovering this awesome website, under the covers, in the dark, and sharing a message with the world, I was so pleasantly surprised to see someone had responded so quickly to me: you! Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, and knowing why both, I couldn't sleep AND why I was so damned jittery, I reached into my night table draw and pulled out the bottle of OxyCodone I have for breakthrough pain! Took two 10mg. tablets and within 15 minutes began to feel much more relaxed! I continued to answer your message (even though I just switched from T-Mobile "back" to Verizon, with a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (to replace what I was responding to you on: my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"); and don't you know it!! Having half the power and strength of the Note 3, it vibrated, went to the logo display, and I lost everything I had just written!! Oh was I upset! But it was my own fault!! Why did I use a Chevrolet when I had a Mercedes at my disposal? Well, now it's 3 in the morning, I'm too tired to type. I'm disgusted! So what do I do? I know, I'll watch the new DVD Netflix just sent me: "Gravity," with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney! It was awesome! WOW!! On a 42" HDTV, you felt like you were right there! Movie ends, I fall asleep until 7:24am Thursday (today); stay up till 8am, take all my morning meds (including the Opana ER, and fell asleep, sporadically, until 5:45pm today, at which time I began to answer you in earnest: on my "new" device, this time! It's amazing, because when you're asleep, you don't notice how really bad your body is feeling! All I know is, I had one of the most upsetting dreams anyone could've had about being a pilot and crashing to earth as I was on fire! I'm convinced, the "burning" in the dream was actually being produced by a real sense of burning in my body from the withdrawal! Because, when I woke up at 5:45pm this evening, I was jittery as all HELL! I took two more OxyCodone, and again, 15 minutes later, I'm writing you, no distractions, with the exception of my female cat that wanted attention! I have dinner, and at 8pm, again, I take the Opana ER. Now let me just say this. Unlike a lot of people, I'm very grateful for painkillers, because they make life so much better! What I personally believe is that, if I can stay with the Opana ER, long enough; at least a month, I will be able to taper from that much better than the Methadone! So in a sense, to compare it to the film I saw this morning, I'll be coming through the atmosphere, but at a controlled angle and rate of decent, as opposed to just rocketing downward, out of control, and burning up fast! Don't you think that's a better way? I would love to hear back from you! I really would! At least now you know why you didn't hear from me until now! I'm very sorry about that! Incidentally, I live in Hickory, North Carolina. Please write back soon! Glenn
Cats68, you asked me to let you know how I'm making out on my switch from Methadone to Opana ER; so here's an update. It hasn't been all that bad; but remember, I'm not coming down through the atmosphere in an uncontrolled descent! My personal belief is that, ultimately, it's easier to get off Opana ER than Methadone! So why not make the switch, first? Also, it's a mental thing. If you're really ready to stop a drug (legal or not) I believe your attitude defines your altitude! Now, onto my own experience! I've had to resort to taking some OxyCodone (10mg. tablets) to lessen the blow! What else can I do? I've been taking the Opana ER (20mg. tablets) every 12 hours at 8:00 (am & pm). My body's been "humming" a little (a feeling as though it's vibrating--you probably know what I'm talking about); but aside from that, I feel as though the worst may be over, or am I missing something here? At first I experienced a drop of insomnia; ever so slight chills and a touch of nausea; but otherwise it hasn't been that bad. I think it's been about four days now. Okay that's it. Hope to hear back from you about this! You asked me to tell you, so I did! Glenn
Hi Glenn! Just got your post now. I'm sorry 2 hear that u r going through some withdrawals . But, at least the pain meds work. I'm disabled 2. I have bulging discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and sciatica. But, I can't take pain pills, because of my past addiction. The suboxone helps somewhat with the pain. R u still having withdrawals, or, have they subsided? I remember how bad they were 4 me. Been on suboxone almost 8 years now. If I have 2 stay on it another 8, I'll do it. I don't ever want 2 b where I was 12 years ago. I have a female cat 2. Well, she's a kitten and her name is Ana. I lost 3 elderly cats in the last 4 years. That was hard 4 me. Don't they just give unconditional love in return? Mine is only 11 weeks, so, she runs around the house like a nut. I live in Rhode Island. We t finally getting some warm weather, after having one heck of a winter. Hope 2 talk soon. Cats
Hi Glenn! Sorry it took me a few days. 2 get back 2 u . I didn't check 2 c if u would respond 2 my post. I'll b checking every day , now . Talk soon.
Hello again Cats68 from Hickory, North Carolina! How are you doing? Wow! Was it nice to hear from you again! You have no idea how good it feels to speak to another human being, in my predicament! I say, 'my predicament,' not only because I now feel so bad, physically, but because I live alone and I miss companionship from another human being! Yet especially now, in my current condition, I wish I could just hold onto someone and know that they're there for me! Someone who understands what I'm going through! It's horrible, and I guess because I follow all the rules of this Pain Management facility, they trust me enough to leave all medications within my grasp; but that also means that I possess the power to return to what I know will make me feel 110%! I "could," technically, simply start taking the Methadone all over again, and be free of this agony, but what victory would there be in that? I simply would have "failed" for the second time, and I don't want to live with that! Perhaps a good example of my willpower is the fact that, by trusting God, in a year's time, I lost nearly 140 lbs! I started out at 371lbs. (even having completed my Pre-Op for Gastric Bypass surgery) and decided against it at the last minute! In the same way, I feel I can trust my Lord Jesus to get me through this too! I just wish I could talk to someone when I'm really feeling down or ready to give up! The reason I live alone is because I was married for almost 20 years; my ex-wife divorced me, and I had to find a place where the cost of living would be low! Yet I do enjoy the weather down here, too! Lately, it's been hot as Hell! Close to 90! That's good for my bones and joints, but because I also live alone, I find myself lonely as all Hell, as well! I'm alone and down here in North Carolina because my ex-wife divorced me a number of years ago, and I had to find a place where the cost of living was low! I doubt I could have done any better than where I am right now! At least I have a beautiful, healthy and intelligent (thank God) 11 year old daughter who loves me! Well, I'll end it here, (that's funny, it sounds like I'm going to commit suicide!). No. My dissertation, that is; but let me simply remind you, Cat68, that your communication with me is far more appreciated than you realize! {edited for privacy}. Peace! Glenn
Hi Glenn! Don't mean 2 b a pain, but, r u alright? I sent 2 posts and haven't heard back, yet. I hope u r not in the hospital or something. I'll wait 2 hear from u. Cats
Hello again, Cats. I'm doing alright - I apologize if you haven't been receiving my posts.
Hi Glenn, so glad 2 hear back from u and know that u r ok. I know what u mean about having someone 2 talk 2. Someone who understands u and what your going through. I don't know why, but, lately, my schedule has been off. I wake up late at night and then, I'm up 4 a few hours. So, I go on this site and answer. ??? And , now , check 4 your responses. I am now on SSDI, but, am a nurse by proffesion. I know u tried 2 send me your e- mail or something, but , the site edited it out 4 privacy. Congratulations on your weight lost. I've always been a tiny person. But, when I was on methadone , I gained nearly. 50 lbs. once I got off , I lost all the weight . Back down 2 a size 4. I'm short, too. (5'1) I have 2 boys, ages 24 and almost. 26. Both of them r out of the house . They r not married yet and no grandchildren. (I'm. 45) next month I'll b 46. I was married 14 years. Well, I'm going 2 close now and try 2 figure out if there's a way 2 get an e- mail address 2 u. I'll wait 2 hear from u next. Talk soon! Cats
Hey Glenn! I'm so glad 2 hear from u. Also, happy u r doing better. Have all your withdrawals gone away yet? Sometimes, it takes awhile. I sent u a post about an hour ago, and, it said,"needs 2 b reviewed" I don't know why, I didn't say anything wrong. Congratulations on your weight lost. I've always been a tiny gal, but, when I was on methadone, I gained nearly 50 lbs. It was terrible 4 me. Once I got off, I went right back 2 my size 4. The suboxone doesn't have that side effect, Thank God. Lately, I've been waking up at night and staying up 4 a couple of hours or so. So, I go on this site and the suboxone site and answer ???. I'm on SSDI now, but, I am a nurse by proffesion. I loved helping all kinds of people and treating them. I have 2 sons, ages 24 and almost 26. They r out of the house. None married yet, and, no grandchildren, yet.(I'm almost 46) So, u r lucky 2 b having warm weather. We hit the low 80's a couple of days, but, mostly 70's. Still chilly at night.(50's) we never have a long summer. But, winter is long and harsh. They edited out whatever u tried 2 send me. ( NOT fair!) well, I'm going 2 get something 2 eat. Hope 2 talk, again, soon. Cats
Hi Glenn! How r u? Congratulations, on your weight lost. When I was on methadone, I gained nearly 50lbs. One I got off, I lost all the weight.(Thank God) I've always been a tiny gal.(5'1 and 114lbs) don't want 2 back there again. That's one of the side effects of methadone. Of course, no one tells u that! I have 2 sons, grown and out of the house. Neither married, yet, and, no grandchildren, yet. I'm almost 46.(next month) I don't look my age, but, sometimes, I feel it. I'm glad 2 hear your weather is nice and warm. We hit 80's a couple of days. But, mostly 70's. We have short summers, and, LONG harsh winters. Well, going 2 go now. Have some errands 2 run. Will talk soon. Cats
Dear Cats, yes, they "did" edit out my information, but it wasn't anything bad! I had simply sent you a Skype username, but in their estimation, it was just too personal! LOL! I was hoping to have an opportunity to speak to you on a slightly more personal basis. I sent them a message asking them to ask you if you wouldn't mind receiving a Skype username from me. I also asked them to please allow you to decide for yourself. Cats, I felt I had no choice, because although I haven't mentioned this to you, I really have been suffering enormously in the arena of Methadone withdrawal! Like you first mentioned to me, I've had some superficial flu-like symptoms, strong feelings of Central Nervous System agitation (as though someone were running a current up and down my spine) along with chills, insomnia and malaise! Not good! Plus, the Opana ER (20mg. every 12 hours) is just not handling my Osteoarthritic pain! So obviously I have to go back on the Methadone where, as my doctor once indicated, more than one pain receptor is "satisfied" (or "hit") by the drug! In other words, it does more good than harm (if there even is any, at all)! I just hope you're not disappointed with me, Cats, but if anyone could understand, you would! I pray a door will be opened by which we will one day be able to communicate with each other, in perhaps a more personal manner! Maybe by phone or Skype (if indeed, you would like to). Only time will tell! I just left two messages on my Pain Management's voicemail, but I always feel so insecure with them, as though, if I leave more than one message, they'll get disgusted with me and kick me out of the program! I don't know why that should happen? I haven't done anything wrong, but people are sometimes fickle! I shouldn't have to feel that way, but they're the vibes I get! Yet who else can I call if I have a problem? I'm "supposed" to call them! Hope to hear back from you soon, honey! Glenn
Cats, why not give you an update? It's only been 20 minutes since I submitted my last message to you for approval on this website. 5:00 came and went with no return phone call from my Pain Management facility. Finally the phone rings and the verdict is handed down! I cannot be switched to anything (including back to Methadone) until I have my next appointment on July 7th! And since my M.D. is going on vacation the first two weeks of July, a P.A. will see me, instead! My fear is that she won't have the authority to make any changes, at all! Which would then cause me to ask why they even made the appointment for me with her, in the first place! You see, it's times like these (and yes, part of this are the mental withdrawal symptoms I'm going through), but I'm getting very discouraged now! I can't believe that if it's an acute, crisis-like situation like this, that my PM M.D. can't make an exception just this one time! I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 26 more days! I'm sorry, Cats. I'm very upset right now that I'm the victim of a medical machine! The nurse who called me back asked me if I wanted her to speak to the doctor once more? The problem is, he's a brand new doctor I'm seeing (an M.D.), whom I saw for the very first time because the prior one did not participate in Medicare; AND this new doctor is a very nice guy! I am so afraid of giving him a bad impression of me! So I told her, to speak to him if you want, but please not put me in a bad light! I even told the nurse that I have to be one of their best patients because I make it my business to obey ALL the rules! Look how much obeying the rules does for you! I'm sorry I'm so discouraged right now, Cats, but all I can do is trust God for the outcome! Speak to you soon, dear. Glenn
Hi Glenn! Good News! Meds Chat has allowed me 2 give u my e-mail address. Did you c the post? We just had 2 give permission, and, I did. I even got a confirmation from them, saying, they sent it. 2 u. As far as your withdrawals and suffering, I was going 2 mention 2 u about the methadone. How, maybe, u should get back on it and increase the dose . There is NO need. 4 u 2 have 2 suffer. And, I'm sure the clinic will get back 2 u soon. If not , I'd call , again in a day or so. Well, hopefully tomorrow we can talk more privately. Hope 2 hear from u soon. Cats (Belinda)
Belinda, 'yes' I saw that beautiful message (email). I was so happy to receive it! I sent you an email which will explain everything--where I've been for almost the last 12 hours! I love your name! It's beautiful! And it literally means: "beautiful!" Glenn
Hi glen, My names Melissa. Ive been on methadone for 10 years at 160mg a day. Im desperate to know how you managed with the methadone to opana switch. Please let me know.
Dear Melissa, I'd be more than happy to explain that to you, but first, please let me provide you with a short background so you might be better able to put things in perspective. I'm a 56 year old man, and I've been legally disabled, as a result of my back, since October of 2009. The culprits? Seven herniated disks; Spinal Stenosis; and Osteoarthritis throughout my whole body! I've also had four invasive back surgeries (with metal)! After my wife separated and divorced me in 2009 &10, respectively (taking our daughter with her), I had no choice but to move down to North Carolina from where I had been in northern New Jersey; because the cost of living is so much cheaper here! After I arrived in September of 2010 and got settled; I began to be seen by an Anesthesiologist at a Pain Management facility here in Hickory, who strongly recommended I choose Methadone as my primary pain relieving "prison cell;" since, as he explained; it hits two pain receptors in the brain; instead of just one! (For breakthrough pain, of course, I received Percocet; which is pretty much standard for most PM platforms.) Well from that point on, as they say; "the rest is history;" except for a major blunder, of mine, a year ago! (This is where I begin to answer your question!) You're probably aware, Melissa, (having been on Methadone for 10 years) that you and I are in the "belly of the beast!" Do you know what I mean by that? I think you probably do! In addition to "extremely" dangerous (and deadly) cardiac arrhythmias, called "qt prolongation," caused by the abuse of Methadone; it is also known to have the absolute longest half life of any known opiate; on top of being the absolutely most "powerful" narcotic agent available; legal or otherwise! So finally, with regard to your question (and according to what my doctor "erroneously" told me); "switching from Methadone to Opana ER would 'simply' be a case of going from one opiate to another!" "Short and sweet!" ***WRONG!!*** You may as well try to hold back a Tsunami with a sandcastle!! It "ain't gonna work!" Melissa, initially, after I switched to the Opana ER, I thought it would be a breeze!! It seemed to be working great and without a hitch! I was thrilled! But let's not forget Methadone's "half life!" By the third day, I immediately thought that perhaps, for some odd reason, the Opana ER was too strong for me this time! I didn't immediately associate the horrible way I was feeling with its true source: Methadone withdrawal!! And I actually continued to believe the "lie" until the reality of the situation descended upon me like a ton of bricks!! That's how blind both I and the "doctor" was! Ha!! Well needless to say, Melissa, I "attempted" to switch back to Methadone faster than a frog trying to leap off a hot sidewalk!! The only problem was that my doctor was NOT readily available; and even after he was, I had to convince him that I was truly experiencing Methadone withdrawal symptoms!! What a horrible nightmare!! Incidentally, Melissa; I never told you what my dosage of Methadone is. I take a total of 60mg (10mg tablets) divided three ways over the course of a day. I actually wanted to increase the dosage at one point, but my doctor was afraid of the possible cardiac effects! I guess I can't blame him; yet look how much you're taking and thank God; you're still here!! I'd like to leave you with one extremely important caveat! (Well maybe you already know this!) If you ever, for some reason, stop your Methadone even for a short time, "PLEASE" be "VERY" careful how you continue on it again! After this horrible situation I went through with my switch; I "simply" resumed taking my "normal" amount!! Very dangerous move!! My heart began to beat very irregularly! I thought I was going to die; and had I been asleep (as when most people who have died on the drug, have been), I just might have!! But then again, my life is in the mighty hands of Jesus!! Melissa, if you care to, please respond to me! I would love to know if you read this; and It took so long time to write! LOL! Glenn
You can even try Tramadol, in high doses, 200 or 300 mgs q 4 hrs, works for me most of the time, and it's much easier to get. If you're actually in pain the withdrawal from opiates is usually not that bad. I was taking 80 mgs of methadone daily for a little over a year, and I just stopped taking it cold, and aside from lower back pain returning after three or four days, I really didn't get all the bad symptoms. When I was much younger, I am now 58 yrs old, I was taking H, and I went through countless withdrawals, but it was really nothing more than going to bed for two or three days with a bad case of flu. Granted, it was a couple of daze of hell, puking, the runs, sneezing fits, depression so strong you wish you could die, but it was short lived. But, as the other guy said, "everybody is different". Good luck.
Hey Glenn, please post back if you are able to chat more about your whole thing and mine. my email is {edited for privacy}
Most Recent Replies:
Hi Glenn. I was switched from Methadone to Opana ER after moving to Florida. I was on 60 mg (20 mg 3x daily). I was switched to 20 mg Opana 2 times a day. I went thru severe withdrawal for about a month. The 5mg Percocet 2 times a day helped very little. After my dose was raised to 30mg Opana 2 times a day, I felt better. Doctors in Florida don’t want to prescribe Methadone due to the qt interval heart issue. I’ve been cleared for Methadone by my cardiologist but I still can’t find a doc to prescribe Methadone. Anyone reading this, if u know of a doctor in the West Palm Beach area and surrounding cities, who prescribes Methadone, please let me know. Good luck Glenn.
Thank you so much for writing this. I am on day 5 of going back to opana er from being switched to methadone 6 months ago (3 tablets x 2 daily) I was in constant leg and arm pain like a deep bone pain unless I took my breakthrough pain. I was not feeling right. I would have rather had my back hurt then feel the way I was feeling in my legs and back. I also developed ulcers after switching to the methadone (no other change in meds) and I thought it might be the methadone but dr kept telling me "methadone doesn't do that" and "I don't want to raise your dose" even tho I knew I wasn't feeling right. I never had these symptoms with the opana er. I just thought it had stopped working and instead of going up on the dose I was switched to methadone. I don't know that I would do without my husband and even my 9 year old daughter has stepped up and helped (although I felt REALLY guilty at first about that, but she was happy to be independent and my pcp said she was old enough) me through these days. Even on the methadone my legs hurt and arms hurt but I have never felt such fatigue in my life. And the restless legs and not being able to sleep like I used to is just driving me insane. I'm also so dang emotional it's crazy. Never experienced this before. You gave me hope. I thank you so much. Maybe by Monday or Wed I will start to feel better. That would be AMAZING!!! My heart also goes out to all of you who are fighting pain and med changes or withdrawals. It's something only the strong can do.
Don't reply to crap you don't know anything about. It is much more easy to come off of any street opiate than methadone. Methadone is evil!
Dear Glen, could I ask if you managed to reduce or come off the methadone? I have been taking methadone for a few years now and my doctor is wanting to reduce my daily dose, if you have any input I'd be interested to hear thanks Kaz
I do not understand the current fad amongst US docs for prescribing methadone for chronic pain; it is the most accumulative lipid-soluble opioid known and is much more addictive, with a massive half-life, than any other including diamorphine and dextromoramide with far worse and much longer-lasting withdrawal syndrome. In my opinion it should be reserved solely in 1mg/1mL and 10mg/1mL mixture form for the maintenance of opiate therapy and certainly NOT as a substitute for much superior and easier to control analgesics such as Endo Opana (there are generics but none worth even considering as an alternative), diamorphine HCl powder whether taken IM or IN, dipipanone, or dextromoramide (Palfium) which sadly now is limited to the Netherlands since being withdrawn in Ireland. I currently use oxycodone, weaker but effective in the correct dosage, but were the Endo product available in the UK would for sure use that in a rotation with those 'd' Rx drugs mentioned, which are the best alternatives. Having only tried Opana once I can say thst on that occasion I preferred it to both dipipanone and dextromoramide - which is just that bit too 'euphoric' & sedating. I am afraid that there is no magic wand to wave for your problem, which has everything to do with methadone's propensity to remain in the system for unfeadibly long periods; I do assure you Opana is the better analgesic but you have no choice but to wait out the elimination of that horrible drug from your body. THEN and only then, (after a month or so rather than the normal complete opioid withdrawal of 8 days) will you realise you are now on a much more effective painkiller with hardly a single side effect compared to methadone, which should NEVER be prescribed in your circumstances. Best of luck, you will get through this faster than it feels and appreciate your new medicine. DO NOT USE OPANA ER - STICK TO IR FORMULATION ON qds BASIS! (Only Global Pharma's generic ER is any worth and you will require around 15-20% higher dosage to compensate for lower quality than Opana IR).
Hi Glenn, I do sympathize with your situation. Ironically, I'm in the opposite position, making plans to detox from opana ER, with percocet and soma for break through pain, by starting methadone. From my experience, withdrawals from opana (cold turkey, on your on without medical intervention) is excruciatingly painful and dangerous as well. Furthermore, opana and percocet has proved to be a dead end for me. I should say, I don't get a high or spoken of euphoria, from opiates, never have. I would have to take an extreme overdose to feel a thing. I just get a minimal to no relief of pain. Unfortunately, it is a dead end as all medications for pain relief that lead to physical tolerance, dependence, and finally the gray line of addiction. I wanted off of all narcotics several years ago and used suboxone on and off for about two year. Functionally, I declined, and was then just dependent on the suboxone, so went back on opiates. Now I've hit the dead end again, needing more than what is acceptable, thus, am considering methadone, because one of my doctors has a patient whose history is similar to mine and has found methadone as a life changer. I would appreciate any further information you can provide me regarding you experience on methadone, before I have to make this decision. I'm sorry to sound negative on the use of opana; it was my lifesaver for a good period of time, until, as typical, it reversed to causing more problems than benefit. I wish you the best on your journey of seeking pain relief.
Hi i just read these posts...i need some help..i have a fractured left acetebulum and broken left pelvis 3 fractured ribs n a puctured lung with back issues also from a drunk driver head on collision..this happened in 2005...I've been on methadone since then with in creased and decreased mg. Just switch ed to opana er 7.5 mg twice a day. with vicoden 5mg for break thru...from methadone 15mg a day which was tappered down from 30mg a day. On my 3rd day of opana...feeling not myself. Has anyone survived this switch....please help...thank you
opana is an opioid therefore the withdrawals he will feel will be minimal at worst. he will be fine and probably feel a little better considering he is using these drugs for pain management and not simply withdrawal management. what you described is a cold turkey withdrawal which is completely different from simply switching from one opioid to the other. he will be fine especially when he stabalizes his dose.
Methadone takes a long time to come off of. But not violent illness. Certain opiates can have a violent withdrawal that you would not even be able to get yourself to the dr, let alone type on the computer. It may or may not take away your pain or withdrawal. Oh, and most opiate patients who end up in an ER wait painfully as they are poked and prodded and even the most experienced nurses cannot find an access point to veins inflamed by intravenous use. You will not get sick from taking opiates with suboxone, the suboxone simply blocks the effects of other opiates. No reward = no more seeking other opiates. The rate at which your body adjusts to the dose for methadone or suboxone is also much slower than any legal opiate.
Methadone is absolutely not the most powerful opiate available. It hits on two platforms you say, actually it blocks on the second platform. Taking doses three times a day, I've never heard of this way of dosing because methadone does not wear off in 4 hours (the long half life is correct); dosing twice in a day is only recommended in cases where your metabolic process of methadone causes it to wear off in less than 24 hours. Otherwise, the methadone taken in the morning blocks the methadone taken at midday which fills those receptors more to block the last dose if the day. A long half life is preferable to many because it gives time to stabilize as apposed to constantly going in pain and out of pain. Up and down. 60 mg is the dosage recommended by the board that issues methadone dispensary licensee as the dose that completely blocks other receptors from the effects of all other opiates. While I have experienced additional pain relief from taking percocet while on 65 mg once a day, it was a shock to me and my counselor and dramatically less of an effect than if I had taken percocet as my primary pain control and hydrocodone as back up. That is how methadone overdoses happen. The effect of opiates or pain control can not be obtained is because methadone is blocking it, but it still depresses your breathing, raises your level of dependance, which causes worse withdrawal without ever feeling a reason for withdrawal. Your dr was shamefully misinforming you. I'm glad you didn't overdose with this info. However, sharing misinformation is very dangerous. You stated the dr was concerned about heart effects that happen as a result of "methadone abuse", it sounds like this dr knew his prescribing method was considered abusing the drug. Taking a medication is not synonymous with abusing it.
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