Methadone Stopped My Periods (Page 2)
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Can any of the women out there tell me if taking methadone stopped thier periods? I have been on methadone for 4 years now and as soon as I went over 35mg it completely stopped and It has not come back since. I am on 60mg now. I did get lowered to 30 mg at one time years ago and it started right up again. Does anyone know if this might be dangerous? I have asked my doctor at the meth clinic and she stated its nothing to be concerned about because I wanted to know if I should be taking something to make it start and she said no, but for some reason it seems that it just does not sound good for a natural process to stop like that and not have it do any harm. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Yes I've been to the obgyn a few times over it. They tell me that it's fine and won't cause any issues. But I'm tapering off bc my husband and I want another child and haven't been able to conceive for a yr and a half. I seen some posts saying it's possible to get pregnant still. But I personally haven't and I never had any issues with getting pregnant before. I plan to keep everyone updated on what happens once my taper is finally finished. I'm coming down very slow tho bc my counselor says that way is the most successful. I have the past 2 months spotted but only one morning each time and not even enough to get on my underwear only the TP.

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I've been on methadone now for a almost 5 months and I haven't had a period at all. I am getting worried that's why I looked it up and this thread was the first thing I clicked on. I'm glad that other women are experiencing the same thing but has anyone spoke to a dr. About whether this is normal or healthy???

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I know someone who got pregnant while on methadone and her period had stopped too. They say that you still ovulate even tho you don't have a period. ????? That's what her DR. Told her. I have been on method for 6 1/2 yrs and I haven't had a period eather. And my DR. Said everything's fine. Hope this helped you out. Ü

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I have been on methadone for 6 years and I have not had a period since I started and my dr. said the same thing, I have nothing to worry about!!! And I have talked to a few other drs and they say the same thing.

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I'm going thru the same thing. I've been to obgyn they say to give it time. I took proverb 2st trying to jump start my period with no success :-( I'm tapering off now in hopes my period will start back. My husband and I want a baby so bad. The clinic I go to say they've never heard of methadone stopping periods so I guess we'll see after I finish my taper. Good luck and God bless

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Hi. I came to this site for the exact same reason. I've been going to the clinic for a little over a year. I'm on 180 MG and mine stopped immediately after I started the methadone maintenance. Have you heard anything else about it? I'm calling monday to make an appt because I'm very worried.

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I am also a waitress and an I Sweat A LOT!!! I HATE IT!! I've be going this time to the clinic for about 2 months.. And already my periods have stopped ( I was on methadone 3 yrs ago for a year) and never had a period in that 3 yrs.. I was on 65mg then ..but now I'm on 80 mg diskettes because as a server I sweat it out so fast .. But I am going to go back to liquid and start going down .. I AM SO TIRED OF BEING A PRISONER TO ANY OPIATE .. Been dealing with this crap for 10+ years.. Broke my beck when I was 22 and those doctors were just giving EVERYONE pain pills back then .. I wish I never would have taken that first pill .. I didn't even know what withdrawal was.. Had no idea how sick I'd get.. Crazy, viscous cycle.. And I am OVER IT!! But yeah I'm going down and getting off this crap .. My only daughter is almost 17 ( had her when I was 15) and I am having baby fever BAD.. I am ready for a normal good life. Don't get me wrong I've had a great life except for this opiate addiction from an injury.. And my my 16 year old has absolutely no idea I even have had a pill addiction.. She's my number 1 and gets everything she wants .. Momma has spoiled her rotten.. Just got her a 2005 baby blue convertible vw bug she deserves it she's a great kid.. But yes I gained 80 freakin lbs the first time I was on it .. That WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN ! I am getting off of this crap as soon as possible!! I hope this not having a period thing will keep me from having another baby.. We shall see ..good luck to all of you and get off that crap .. God bless

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I know this was posted a long time ago. But I've had this same issue. I got on methadone while I was pregnant with my youngest. Since I haven't had a period at all. My husband and I want another child but I've not had a period in so long. I've even took provera twice trying to cause a withdrawl bleed but nothing. So if any of yopu that have already been thru this could please give me some advice I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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Hey I know this was posted a long time ago but I'm having the same issue and was wondering if you ever found a reason or solution. My husband and I would like to conceive again but I've not had a peroid in over a year. Please let me know the outcome of your experience. TIA.

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I am on 68mgs of methadone, I actually started getting mine back once I got established on methadone, but using heroin stopped mine for several years. I don't believe it is harmful but maybe speak to your gyn, not the clini doctor. I hate to say it but my experience with my clinics docs hasn't been too good. I can't wait to get off this crap, it is worse than being on drugs. I am getting off asap. Good luck and hope everything turns out ok.

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Nope you are not going nuts =) I have had the same problem as soon as I started Methadone. My period just stopped. And yes it can cause problems years later. Your body needs to shed that excess blood like when you have a period that's your body shedding the lining of your uterus. If you do not shed that it could MAYBE cause ovarian Cancer !! My doc put me on Progesterone still no period. Now she gave me hormone pills, but I havent started taking them yet. I go to a different doc. Your body needs to have a period.

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hello. I have had the same problem as soon as I started Methadone. My period just stopped. And yes it can cause problems years later. Your body needs to shed that excess blood like when you have a period that's your body shedding the lining of your uterus. If you do not shed that it could MAYBE cause ovarian Cancer !! My doc put me on Progesterone still no period. Now she gave me hormone pills, but I havent started taking them yet. I would go to the doc for sure. Good luck =)

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I have been on methodone 105 for almost 2 yrs before that 80 when I was on 80 I had my period regularly. Once I went up it stopped. My Methodone Dr told me its fine still can get pregnant ( Im not trying) be careful if you want your cylce back go down on Methodone. I suffer from endometriosis so I don't want it.

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I have not had my period for 3 yrs and it stopped when I got to 80 mls

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I'm so glad I came across this! I haven't had my period since I went on methadone almost three year. It just vanished into thin air after my dose increased beyond 40mg. I do always have a full sensation in my uterus though. It's uncomfortable. I feel like its not healthy to be missing my cycle like this. I never expected to be worried to see my period go but in this case it's just not natural. All of my doctors scratch their heads and act like their baffled about the period MIA. Lol. Even the clinic doctor wasn't totally sure the methadone was to blame. I began to think I was going nuts because no one was taking me seriously. Reading all of these responses to the original message has really put me at ease. So glad I'm not the only one going through this:) Thanks ladies!

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I can honestly say I thought I was going crazy.. I have been on methodone for 3 years now and I haven't had my period since, but my sister was on it then went off it and hers did the same.her period .was gone while she was on methodone and came Back when she came off. I am worried because I agree its a natural thing, how can and why can it do that to some girls and my aunt never lost hers..its weird.

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Im glad i'm not the only one who uses methadone to ease pain for fibromyalgia, ive been on for 6 months and havent gotten my period at all. I worry from time to time but id know who the baby father would be at this point and still showing no signs of pregnancy. Im interested in why it stopped on methadone but not oxycodones... i dont know whatever the reason is but it is something that intrigues me nonetheless...

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Hi! The answer is DEFINATELY - YES!! I had not had a period for 6months and was sure that I couldn't get pregnant because I didn't think I was ovulating. Surprise! My obstetrician told me that not having a period DOES NOT mean that you don't ovulate! As I mentioned, I was using H heavily and was also very thin and physically exausted. I thought that all of this together would contribute to my body "rejecting" a pregnancy. I was wrong! Anyway, I would definitely recommend using some type of birth control because there definitely IS ovulation! Bye!

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So can you get pregnant even without a period???

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Hi! When I was 15 yrs old, I went (in New Orleans) to get on the clinic. They didn't insist on ID. An older (looked like 65yrs old) couple BEGGED ME not to get on, telling me that I would become a slave to methadone. Inside of me I was laughing. Ha! Me? NEVER!! Well, it's 34 years now that I drink methadone!! I know that you must think that it would never happen to you, but.... That's what everyone thinks!! I feel for you. Your post reminded me of myself. I have three grown children and a Masters degree. All while on the clinic. Though I am STILL on methadone at 58 years old and I have been enslaved, I would never have survived otherwise. I had years where I used H. too, but the methadone saved me. In New Orleans the clinic costs were $600 a month. I was really fortunate to have an extremely wealthy family. I am now very poor, live in Italy and am here because I "had to leave" the US. I feel really torn between telling you to run away from methadone as fast as you can and telling you that it can help out a lot. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better and wish you the best even though I don't know you. Bye.

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