Methadone Drug Info And Reviews (Page 3)
UpdatedCan anyone tell me about Methadone please?
Did you find it better to take 10mg 3x daily? He had me taking 40mg all T once at bedtime. I feel like I am going to be kind of naked nit taking anything throuhgout the day!
I had withdrawals if I missed one dose. Took it at 6am, 2pm and 11pm. I can't imagine a once a day dose for pain. I HAD to take it over the course of a day or I was hurting in more ways than one!
That is what I was thinking. I would be dieing by lunch time....hmmmm I will have to play around with this one! Thank you soooo much for your help. I have not spoken to anyone about this until all of this medicine came up and it seems to be helping me in more ways that just learning about the medicine. Bless you!
I would ask for a breakthrough pain med too. Methadone took care of most of my pain but I also have kids and some days the pain needed more to knock it down. Like i said, dilaudid worked well for me. Never felt out of it like lortab. Roxycodone worked well too but its in the oxycodone family and the looks of judgement at the pharmacy wasn't worth it. You may want to try breaking up your dose of methadone to space it out over the day if you are dying by lunch tomorrow. It does take awhile to build up in your system.
Methadone is addictive.and if you think its not, try to stop taking it. It is harder to come off of methadone then heroin. .It was made back in World War II to get soliders off of morphine. It was originally a drug for pain, but later they found it help addicts get off of other drugs. It is used mostly for that now, but is coming back more now for pain as it is so cheap. I have been on every drug from Vicoden to Oxycotin and Methadone is the best pain reliever I have found It stays in your body for so long you dont wake up in the night needing a dose and feel half way decent in the morning. I have been on it for almost 7 years now. As far as taking it for drug addiction I hear its great, but you have to go to a clinic to get it.
My doc just put me on methadone for pain and his reason for using this medication is that I will be on it for a very long time, maybe from now on, so has anyone had any experience with methadone? Will it cause any bad reactions, I had read that it caused heart problems. So if I am on it from now on, what should expect?
What were you on before Methadone for pain? How much does he have you taking?
I have been on it for 2 years and now trying to get off of it. It really does help with pain and like everything else your body becomes amuned. I just came off of 150mgs. And stopped Tuesday this week and this is the hardest day so far for me. My back pain is back and now I am back in bed in extreme pain.I just desperately don't want to be on anything
Hey Kat.....are you taking anything to help you wean off of Methadone? If not, I don't know how you are dealing with the withdrawals.....i've been on a way lower dose and I feel the withdrawals when I forget to take it on time much less trying to get off....let me know how you are doing it. Good luck and I hope you succeed.
This statement is totally false! Methadone is extremely addictive read the post from people who have been in a methadone treatment long term for a valid answer.
Shelley says?First of all it never ever used to treat crack addiction,it is a synthetic opiate used to "treat" other opiate addictions,which means it is very addictive.It is more addictive than than the substances that people are trying to get off of!
Absolutely. I have severe chronic pain and addiction issues. It was a nightmare until I finally started methadone. I have been clean off all other drugs ever since. (2009).
It is longer lasting than 99% of Opiate like drugs. You don't wake up having to take something right that minute. I stopped obsessing about pain and the drugs that go along with it. I only have to go in 2x per month. People who have to go daily are not clean and cannot be trusted to have take-homes. You have to earn them. You cannot take other drugs in the program, but like everyone else, if you have a tooth pulled or surgery you can take pain med's like anyone else would, as it will still work, it just wont make you feel high. I am able to care for my three children, and enjoy doing so. You can recover psychologically when taking Methadone, unlike many other narcotics. You are not high. You have to deal with life like anyone else does.
Look, it isn't for everyone. Some folks say suboxone works for them. Others just have to go cold turkey. I am grateful that methadone is an excellent painkiller and that it works for me. Having my parents and other family say "they got their son back" is good enough for me.
You should know what you're talking about before you give out info..
My question is ive been on done for 20 + yrs.what would you recommend will help after ive gotten so use to methadone and i cant afford a clinic I get it fir chronic pain what could measure up to done to make me not crave and feel ok
STAY AWAY FROM METHADONE. if your gonna take it use it for detoxing over no more than six weeks. if you get trapped on this stuff it could be decades of your life in misery. cant go anywhere ,cant do much on a dose of 80 to 100 mls daily. coming off this stuff after long term exposure is practically impossible. all rehabs fail at 84% or higher , trying to deal with this. long term use= long term reduction. otherwise a horrific psychosis hits which can be permanent depending on your age. FORGET METHADONE.
I agree! The DEA is drivijg doctors out of business if they dare to try to help their pts who are in pain. It is messed up! I agree that we shouldnt B punished becuz a few people abuse pain meds! N some kind of organization does seem to be needed where we can unite N fight the DEA!
I know that this is an old post, YEARS OLD. But, it says METHADONE is not addictive in one post on this thread. LOL!! IT'S EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE AND YES, IS USED FOR OPIOID ADDICTION AND MAINTENANCE DOSES WILL NOT GET YOU HIGH OR EUPHORIC IF TAKING THE SAME PRESCRIBED DOSE EVERYDAY, as earlier posted. I have been on MMT for 12 yrs due to chronic heroin addiction I just couldn't kick. I have gone through horrible withdrawals that last for days and days and weeks and then I just go back to the clinic. It's too difficult and torturous to be off of for me. The WD'S last months. I gave in after a few weeks of not feeling any better and I have to accept I probably have to be on methadone maintenance therapy for the rest of my life. In conclusion, my main point is that methadone is addictive, as it was earlier stated by someone else that it wasn't and just used so you don't have cravings or opiate withdrawal from your DOC. the latter part is true, being non addictive is unbelievably incorrect and I had to chime in on this old AF post. Gracious and feeling hopeful.
We do need to organize & lobby for our rights as free adult Americans living pain & reading one after another free American being yanked off Methadone which gave them back their lives. The absurdity that we cannot continue to use a drug which has helped many of us for years, & safely. 10 yrs for me, then yanked off for political reasons. How about the government concentrate on illegal drugs coming across everyday & let adult Americans decide if they want to use a legal & great drug for long term pain. They say it can kill people, well so can any other drug someone abuses. So they keep us "safe", yet many people would prefer to die living a productive life than live with no life! We all need to unite and write our representatives and find a way to tell them we are people in pain, not drug abusers.
What can I say methadone had me in prison. Methadone told me when to be a mom, a wife, a daughter and friends. I would count everything. Two to three days without it and I would go insane....I've taken it since 2002 / 200mg for pain. I used to call it the miracle drug. I just didn't think I would get addicted ....because they prescribed it to me cuz I was taking about 20/25 vicodin a day. I had two kids while I was pregnant and they where on methadone but even that didn't stop me. Well its 2016, I got tired of pharmacies, my Dr never being there and all the game that goes with chasing ur drug of choice. ...I locked myself in the room 26 days ago. I went thru hell and I still am. For the past week I have bad bad headaches non stop ....I feel alone, miserable, sensitive and I've educated myself on what methadone really does for a person... I am so depressed, sad, lonely. I cry everyday but I NEVER EVER WANT TO SEE A PILL, ANY KIND EVER AGAIN. Cold Turkey is a b**** to come off for methadone. I'd rather do it in jail. But I realized so much in these days. I had a blind fold on while taking methadone. That drug and with the rest is a devil. My ball in chain, my monkey. My hands wont stop shaking. I also stopped smoking cigg and everything bad but these headaches feel like they're going to burst. I am so happy to read some of these posts cuz it gives me hope. It will be a long recovery. I just want to be myself again before that awful drug cane into my life. It should be off the market. Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to let it out.
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