Methadone And Surgery (Page 2)
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I'm having surgery for knee replacement and this is the first time I've had surgery and general anaesthetic while on methadone. Can anyone advise me about the safety of this and how they will treat post-operative pain?
Hello. I went to the methadone clinic for six miserable years. Of course it was the liquid form. My only suggestion to you is make SURE you tell them at your preop when they ask what medications you are currently taking.. then the most important is when the anesthesiologist comes to speak to you before surgery MAKE SURE HE KNOWS YOUR ON METHADONE AND HOW MUCH.... I had both of my knees replaced last year and it was truly heaven sent... good luck
Re: twnki (# 6)
This is not safe, to not tell your doctor what medications you are on. They might give you a medication that could have a severe reaction with methadone. Please, nobody do this.
Re: Annie1245 (# 18)
I had major lung syrgery and im on methadone and id have to agree with u i was in so much pain when i woke up it was unbearable. I have always taking pain very well but this was a whole nother world.
Re: Karma (# 56)
Did you have any issues? I will be going through same thing soon
Hello. I too had 2 major surgeries after a car wreck last Sept. 11th, 2016. I was currently taking 160 mgs of methadone. I was getting 600 10 mg. methadone pills prescribed by my pain doctor and he said he could in NO way write for more...which I completely understand why. That's a lot of methadone even if I'm 6'4" & 245 lbs.
I had to take 22-24 pills a day after the first surgery and then drop down to make sure I had enough to cover the entire month.
***My question is how much methadone were you on right before the surgery because you said that Percents helped alleviate most of your pain after YOUR surgery? Did you take methadone the day of your surgery?
I am down to 60 a day NOW and am going to see my neurosurgeon TOMORROW to tell him that I do want to have the 3 disc fusion surgery at lower back (L4, L5 & S1). I want to try to get to 35 mgs BEFORE the surgery and I hope then I will be able to be switched to Percs, Roxi's or something for the pain other than continuing with methadone. Do you think I will get relief? I have been on methadone (this time) for over 4 years now. I have come off 150 mgs before on my own. But nothing works for ALL DAY pain like methadone... for me.
Re: lisa (# 11)
11yrs that is insane! 2 yrs and you should be off if that crap
So a few days ago I broke my fifth metatarsal bone in my left foot. I made a mistake by telling the er I am on methadone once they herd that I was treated horrible! Didn't even give me ibu! Now today i saw the specialist and I have to get surgurey and get a screw placed in next Friday, i didnt wamt to tell my new doctor because i didnt want to be judged at all and i am in so much pain I can't even sleep at night he gave me ibu 800 mil but that's not helping at all with the pain. Although he did say after surgurey I'll have pain medication, now I'm going back and fourth about telling him I've never had surgurey before so I am terrified, surgurey will be about an hour he said he just makes a tiny insition and places a screw in after words I'll be good to go home. Should I tell him I'm on methadone I take 100 miligrams a day
Wow, same thing happened to me. Umbilical hernia cause the large intestine to flip on top of my stomach. The pain is so bad, no morphine cocktail would help. In hospital for one week under a wonderful doctors care. My surgeon/doctor, also chef surgeon along with pain mngmt., balanced the methadone with a dilaudid pain pump drip to keep me perfectly comfortable. After one week in the hospital, I was sent home with dilaudid that I barely took. I've had two of these intestinal surgeries, 6 years apart. The later, 2011 on methadone and I can not stress enough that the way the doctors handle your situation makes all the difference. I to this day have yet to find a more respectful surgeon.
The same happened to me. I'm on 80mg on methodone and the hospital almost killed me. I was very open about my use age with all my doctors through out my pregnancy and had even gotten done to 20 a day by my due date. My son was delivered by c section n was perfectly fine. Didn't have to have any treatment or adverse side-effects from the methodone. It was me, my doctor put me on a liquid morphine IV by the end of the day I was hurting so bad I couldn't move, my ankles n legs swelled to the size of my waist. The nurses thought I was just trying to get 'high'. When they came in to put the morphine in my IVisa for the 4th time my husband asked what they were giving me. When we realized what it was, I refused it n told them I wanted an anti-inflammatory, theyes didn't think it would help, within an hour I was better, but it took me 4 days to get over what the morphine had done to me.
I am on methadone as well. I went under for dental surgery and I was perfectly fine. I didn't tell them. I don't tell anybody except my methadone doctor and he assured me that everything will be fine and if you have any questions about it you should be asking your methadone doctor and I totally got the high tolerance to the effects of drugs because they had to use a lot more on me as well.
I would still suggest that you ALWAYS ALWAYS be open & honest with ur doctors. Unfortunately there are more doctors that are starting to take the time to study or try to understand the effect of taking both drugs . After taking to my doctors I've learned to take LOWER dose's for 5-7days b4 the surgery and the day of the surgery WITHHOLD COMPLETELY until AFTER you get home from surgery. Then,IMMEDIATELY take ur normal dose from then only. The pain medication u should have received from ur surgery doctor should be taken for controlling ur break thru pain. Thanks ev1 hope this helps someone....
Thanks for your post. I've been put on detox for the same amount 80 mg methadone and now they won't do my surgery and I don't understand when after surgery they are gonna have to put me back on the meds due to my high tolerance to drugs.
I having knee surgery replacement and have been taking methadone not regularly just 40 mg here Indian my surgery is on the 14 of stop taking the methadone I'll be safe
My son has 2 bulging disks in his lower back and needs surgery. Once he told the surgeon about the methadone the dr said then there is nothing we can do that will help your pain. All of your sensories are blocked - he got up and walked out haven't heard from him since. Now we are afraid to tell anyone else about the methadone he is on 60 mg a day. What would you do
Anesthesiologists sometimes use naloxone to reverse the effects of opiates used in surgery. Anyone on methadone having surgery who tries to hide that will be in for a very painful surprise when they are vomiting, s***ting, and dying from withdrawal.
That's as bad as being on methadone maintenance (above 40mg) and then taking Suboxone or Subutex: precipitated withdrawals and pure misery. Treat yourself better than that!
I'm having surgery in 3days. Knee surgery to be exact and I'm Concerned about if I should stop taking my methadone a few days BEFORE surgery so as to help deal with pain management. MY question is should I stop taking methadone and Carly a few days before my surgery? Has anybody dealt with this?
I had been on methadone 70mgs for 6 years when I had back surgery for a broken, collapsed vertebrae. You absolutely must inform the surgeon and anesthesiologist that you are on methadone. I was given my dose for the day prior to the surgery. I strongly suggest asking the dr to have a pain mgmt dr on board to help manage your pain. As methadone can block opiates and most Drs are reluctant to give methadone for acute pain, and the max dose of the opiate may not do the job ( bc of the blocking effect) I was given the max dose of diluadid by continuous IV and it didn't touch my pain. I hung onto the bed rail in too much pain to move for 16 hrs until my surgeon came in and told them to give me my regular methadone dose. Within an hour of taking it I was able to be helped out of bed. Of course I was still in a lot of pain but that's normal after surgery. Methadone is an excellent pain Med and I think your best bet would be to discuss your concerns with the surgeon and ask him/her to give you methadone for the pain but in a dose higher than what you normally take and give it 2-3x/day rather than just once. If your regular dose is <30-40mg and you haven't been on it too long it's possible that an opiate can overcome the blocking effect (also depends on the severity of your pain). DEFINITELY discuss your options with your surgeon and have a plan. Best of luck!!!
I'm scheduled next Wed for ortho knee surgery. On 40mg methadone. So scared. Did you take methadone the day of surgery?
I can't believe it I'm going through the same thing I am having knee replacement surgery to now I have had surgery before while on methadone but it was just minor and I had no problems they dealt with the pain with a few Norcos but I am myself from wondering what they're going to do about the pain from knee replacement I can't believe somebody else is going through the same thing that I am thank you maybe we can get an answer
Dr and nurses treat u like a crackhead ones they know u are on methadone.Good luck
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