Methadone And Traveling To Mexico
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I am going to visit a friend in mexico for 23 days. And I take methadone, liquid form... not sure if there is other forms, so that's why i mentioned it's liquid form i take, mixed with orange juice. My doctor has okay me a months supply before i leave, but how do i pack it safetly in my luggage, so it doesn't explode leak, or anything else horrible. Cause god knows i can't go without it, i hear i would become sick as a dog. and i don't want that. i want my trip to be pleasant and relaxing, not dealthy sick. So.. my doctor said he will also write a letter for me for customs in case they go through my luggage and find it... but any advice from anyone... please anyone... i am leaving on mar 5, 2011 and i need answers quickly... packing help, how to pack, what the doctor letter should say and not say... stuff like that... anything that can help... thanks... please do reply. thank god for this site, or else I wouldn't know where to go. cheers, nadia.
Hello everyone. I'm 45 years old and have been taking methadone (the cherry stuff). I am wondering if anyone may have info or even personal experience with traveling to Mexico and taking methadone? Are you able to to take a two week trip? Will the doctors prescribe that much? What if something goes wrong? I need a plan B. So many worries about methadone and traveling. Any input will help. Thank you kindly.
Re: Anon (# 33)
Hmm... Now I hear that isn't true either. I know you can buy antibiotics and stuff, but not methadone or narcotics.
Re: Scared2vacation (# 32)
You can probably just buy it there. In TJ there are pharmacies everywhere that sell whatever meds are needed.
I have been on my methadone treatment since June 2018. My boyfriend and I are going to Mexico December 5-13 and my counselor told me that I am only eligible for 1 travel dose. I am freaking out, looking to see if I can find a clinic in Mexico, but none of what I am finding is promising. Any suggestions? HELP!!
Re: Tammie (# 3)
Yup, my clinic is giving me 8 individual bottles of 100mg per bottle. With of course a letter from the Medical Doctor. Went to Bahamas and another trip to Punta Cana, DR and no problems. Hope it helps.
Re: chris (# 20)
hey guys im freaking out a little bit.. Im going to mexico in a couple of weeks and am taking liquid methadone.. has anyone successfully brought liquid methadone over the border? im staying for one week, and my doctor is giving me a doctors note..Ive never done this before so I just would like confirmation that it is possible. any advice on getting my letter translated?.. and should i put it in my carry on or in my luggage? theyre in sealed bottle so they wont leak I just dont want to get in any trouble.. any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi there. I was wondering how your trip turned out? I'm on methadone and hoping to take a trip to Mexico but am very worried about bringing the 770 mls that I would need for 7 days. Any advice would be appreciated
That's not always the case, it's 1mg to 1ml in uk unless your in a big city and the chemist has to store loads so 100mg is 100ml
You are still good. It is 3oz per bottle. So as long as your bottles are divided into daily doses you are find. 3oz of methadone would be thousands of you can relax you will be fine. People travel with methadone all the time
I'm traveling to both Greece and Egypt myself soon, but I've read methadone is illegal even with a script, was this the case when you went? I'm thinking of packing mine in my luggage and hoping for the best but I don't want to end up in a prison in Athens or Cairo for obvious reasons
Thanks for your positivity. For those of you with an opiate addiction, METHADONE does work, if you want to escape the "dark world." There is no shame to be on it, we are addicts and trying our best to become a part of society, and the best person we possibly can!!! Nadia, you are a positive influence. We wish you nothing but, positivity, health, & peace!!!! CHEERS!!!!
Stressed out, an option would be to get a dehydrater, dry out the Methadone until you have the concentrated amount. I have thought about doing this for travel. Where I dose, they add water to pills and put them in a bottle, but it should work with any kind of liquid medicine. I would do a test with one or two bottles to see what the amount would be when concentrated, and if you have to put it all together in one bottle after dehydrating, you would have to have your amounts just right! Penny you could be my twin! I actually wondered if I posted that and forgot!! Just getting ready to go thru Menopause and boy does PMS feel like withdrawal!!! Same dose, same amt of years, and I'm self pay too. Wish I could find an understanding doctor for a script, all the money I could save!!
old comment
but absolutly true , reminds me of me
changed my life too
Hey! Just browsing here, as I am ready to travel on a cruise. I have been on a 60mg dose of Merhadone for 8 years now. No side effects, no teeth problems, no health issues. I have never needed to increase my dose, just sometimes when I have PMS I feel like I might be irritable because of withdrawal, but it goes away in a few days! I think people say it's a nightmare getting off the methadone, but I think if you lower it super slowly, you should be ok. I'm thinking about lowering my dose, but with menopause fast approaching, I'm not sure it's a good idea! I'd like to just take it for the rest of my life, I just hate paying for it. At the clinic, I pay 95$ a week. Pisses me off because it's probably 10$ worth of medicine, if that.
I'm going to mexico for a family holiday and I really don't want to declare methadone at customs as half my family doesn't know about my prescription. In the UK I am prescribed by a cpn drug worker and they ONLY prescribe liquid as I have asked for the tablet form several times going on holiday in the eu and was told we aren't allowed to prescribe the tablet form nowadays! So I don't know what to do put it in my suitcase with a letter from my worker on my whereabouts? It looks like this is my only option. I'm on 50mls a day but hope to be about half that come the summertime when I'm due to go for 14 days 700mls at 50mls a day or 350mls if I manage to reduce by half my present amount. I have checked all over the net for a definitive answer (with no joy?).
There is a possibility of getting in touch with the Mexican embassy concerning my problems but I'm scared to do this inc ase they Flag up my passport if the answer isn't good. I'm soo stressed with the whole episode but I can't cancel going as how could I explain to the children and some adults in my family that don't know about my medicine? If I was not signed up to my drug service I'm sure my doctor would prescribe physeptone tablets but my drug service just say they can't do it! I think this is total crap as I'm only trying to live life normally and have always worked throughout my problems. Why should I be punished by perhaps not being able to go on a family holiday that I go on each year just because it's outside the EU. All I can do is hope for a turnaround on the pill form methadone but I can't see it happening just for me??...
This may help people: methadone liquid is 10 milligrams (mg) per millimeter (ml). So a 100mg dose is 10ml. A 30-day supply would then be 30*10ml, equalling 300ml, which is also 0.300 liters (since a ml is a thousandth of a liter). So even 30 take-outs would add up to less than a third of one liter. Each take-out would be in its own little 25ml bottle, but this info is just to give a better idea of the volumes of liquid involved. Remember: 10 milligrams of methadone are in 1milliliter of the liquid.
I'm going to Cancun from Canada on Saturday. I will be bringing 7 115ml bottles of liquid methadone mixed with Tang. The label says Methadone on it, so has anyone actually been robbed of their meds by mexican authorities? As well Is liquid methadone permitted over the border? I had no problem going to Montreal but that within Canada. I havent gone away in 25 years because of methadone and the fear of it being seized by border people
I would contact the airport you will be flying out of, and the airport you are going to be arriving at and speak to someone who specifically deals with that for work and they should be able to give you the correct information on how to carry your liquid methadone on the plane, then if you run into a problem you already have started to get it worked out before you go They can't tell you you cant bring your medication on your trip and even if it's for addiction, well they have already declaired addiction a disease so they are going against our rights if they don't let us bring our meds on board no matter how you look at it! So that's what I would do just make sure you are speaking with someone who can override the luggage checkers and get you on your way.
Iam headed to cancun Mexico and have liquid methadone with doctors name .office and all info plus it says methadone on the bottle. Iam only going for 4 days .what should I do as far as declaring it,packing it in the carry on? I also have pills as well. Should I take those instead?
My fiancee and I are currently planning a trip to Mexico to get married... he just came from his MMT doctor & the doctor said NO MATTER WHAT, do NOT tell ANYONE you are carrying methadone. When going through customs, your carries should be locked up and you definitely take them on the plane with you - do not put them in cargo - you will get a letter from the doctor indicating it is a prescription and all that necessary stuff. Methadone goes for a huge price in MX & apparently over 90% of people who declare what they are actually carrying get it stolen... not something anyone who needs it would want to happen unless they can get on the next flight home.
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