Methadone And Thrive Supplement (Page 2)
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I'm wondering if I could take "Thrive" - the supplement that everyone is taking, because it looks like it's only vitamins?
Re: eMac (# 6)
just wondering how long you've been on thrive so far? I am also on methadone and currently coming off, I am down to 45 mg now and going down by 5mg per month , 3mg for 2 weeks then another 2mg, so 5mg decrease per month in total, and I am the same way in basically everything you described, especially about the morning sluggishness, I also have depression & anxiety as well, and according to the research Ive done on thrive it also is a great helper to go along with your antidepressants... I hear alot about the first few days n how energized everyone feels, etc...but then I dont see anything else posted after that, so I'm just wondering if its a short lived effect or if its ongoing.... any real world experience would be muchly appreciated....thank you so much
Re: Kia (# 23)
Did your heart start racing or anything like that?
Tell your doctor and they will put it on your meds list so it will not give a dirty result even if something does come up. That's what I did.
Hi can your please post your experience.. how you been since you posted
I took thrive with my methadone and was fine just had a lot more energy.
Thanks for the info. I'm also on thrive. I have not had any problems while on my 54mg drink and thrive. I feel great with loads of energy and mental clarity as well as weight management. I now sleep so much better and don't feel 70 yrs old before I take my daily drink.
Ok so I am going on day 7 now and last night was horrible again. I finally figured out after taking thrive in the morning again and putting the patch on my arm that my entire body was buzzing. I could feel it in my arm. I went to work for the first time in 6 days and couldn't make it but 5 hrs. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I know I have only gotten about 8 hrs total of sleep over the past 6 days and I know that is part of it but when I read an earlier post on this site it made sense to me. I believe someone said (or I could have read it somewhere else) that for the first week you take thrive it throws your body into a detox of sorts. So me going cold turkey on top of the thrive detox to my body has been intensely miserable. I would not recommend taking thrive if you are going cold turkey. Maybe if you are going to taper off it can help but definitely not if you are going my route.
Anyway I came home from work around 1:30pm and told my wife I was buzzing and I tore off the patch. Within 10 minutes I felt my arm stop tingling and my brain stopped buzzing. It is now night and I am lying in bed without RLS (so far - That is fingers crossed). If I get a good night's sleep I will be very excited but not anticipating it.
Again this is what is happening to me and I hope anyone who reads this or my prior post will find something helpful and I will try to post again. Just know you are not the only one out there going through this and it does get better with time. Be strong!!!
Update. Been taking thrive about a month and a half now... I love it! My energy level is so much better, my mood is uplifted.. just a good experience all around so far.
Did talk to the clinic to make sure it was ok and they said it was fine.
I am getting ready to decrease 5 mg, so will be interesting to see how the thrive will affect me. I've not noticed increased withdrawal symptoms with the thrive..
I take the pill with my dose first thing in the morning - which I did work up to that. I was nervous and wanted to take it slow to make sure my body would do well with it. But so far so good!
As long as I can afford it, I plan to keep taking it.. it's not cheap ! Lol
So I am on day 6 of going cold turkey from 120mg a day of oxicotin for the past 13 years for a back injury It was not my choice and I can explain that in a later post if anyone wants to know. Anyway my wife has been taking thrive for a couple of weeks and is a big runner and super fit. I am fit as well but I had put on at least 10-15 lbs over the past several years. I knew it was because of the opiates but I just went with it. Anyway my life has been a living hell for the past 6 days. I now know after reading some of the posts that thrive also detox's your body so I am I guess going through super detox. I have lost 13lbs so far and I think my bowels are finally settling down. I hope. I have started eating food again and drinking a ton of water and Gatorade/vitamin water. Been walking around in a fog and every step feels like a challenge but I am doing it and I am going to get through it. What I will say is that all of the vitamins and whatever else is in thrive has not killed me and I am going to keep taking it. I am hoping for my first night of sleep in 6 days and I feel like it could happen. Life is crazy with 2 kids an active but very supportive wife, 3 dogs 2 cats and 16 chickens. To boot I have a very busy career of which I have put on hold to get through this telling everyone I am sick except for my bosses who know the real story and are super supportive. Thrive may be bad or good Can't really say at this point because I am just going with it. I feel like I may be over the hump and if I get through this (which I will) I will attribute it to thrive and the energy it has given me. I have been able to somewhat function through the daze and that helps the body by working stuff through its system and good for the legs.
One thing I will say off topic is if anyone goes through this I wish you all the luck. Don't do it alone if you go ballz out like I am doing. A major side effect is restless leg syndrome red and it is a nightmare along with the stomach aches, chills, goosebumps, hot flashes and diarrhea. And if you are tired and think you just can't do it anymore you can. Just keep trying and stay strong. I thought many times about going to a dr or the ER and just letting them deal with me but I have always told myself that I would just be drugged up again and I do t want it anymore.
Just don't take antihistamines to help you sleep. It can have a reverse affect and amplify symptoms like RLS by 10fold. Did it last night and learned my lesson on that one. My wife thought I was having seizures when it was my lower body just convulsing. Not cool!!!!! I have been trying to sleep (ha!!!) on the couch with a huge fan blowing in my face to psych out my mind with anything to take it off my legs and feet from moving. Anyway like I said wish me luck for the potential first sleep in 6 days
Hi. I've been on methadone for 8 years. My dose is at 45 mg and I'm trying very hard to GET OFF this crap at the clinic. Anyway, I've recently purchased a 5 day package of Thrive. I'm known to get jittery easy, and in the past, when I did workout or anything, I def could feel detox come on a lot faster. My biggest concern is losing my carries though.. Have any of you discussed this with your dr beforehand? I go once a week and I have to follow a very strict set of rules in fear of losing my carries.. I don't even take cold medicine for petes sake. Thanks so much. I'll also post any updates!
I feel that the thrive might speed up the methadone an by morning I feel im in withdrawals not bad but uncomfortable but I'm loosing good weight
I to am on methadone 120mg daily and I'm wanting to start Thrive, but I'm concerned about the Detox part as well... I really want to use my products, but I don't want it to put me in withdrawal of of methadone while it's detoxing me..... Really need to have answers! !!
Thank u for posting I've been wanting to try Thrive. I'm on 110mgs for 4yrs
So I started my thrive experience 6 days ago and I've definitely noticed some changes. 1) I have more energy, although I still enjoy my afternoon nap (if I can take one). My mood is definitely elevated and I notice my sleep patterns at night time have improved. I actually slept a straight 8hrs on Sunday nite. It's been YEARS since I slept straight thru the nite. I'm still waiting on the "wow" experience I keep hearing about, but I hear it can take up to 2 weeks for Thrive to fully start working.
I strictly follow the guidelines for taking the pills, drink and patch 1st thing in the morning. I wait about 30-45 mins to take my dose (i get weekly take outs, except today I went to the clinic so it was about 1.5hrs from when I drank my shake and put my new patch on till I dosed) and I havent felt any negative effects from the methadone with the thrive. No withdrawal symptoms or anything. I just feel normal with a few changes that I noted above! I'll post again when I really start to feel the effects of Thrive! Happy Thriving!
When you say "my drink" are you referring to your methadone dose or the thrive lifestyle drink mix? By the context I'm assuming you mean the methadone, but i want to be absolutely certain. Im concerned that thriving before dosing could create an acidic environment in the stomach which decreases the effectiveness and duration of methadone.
Im starting my mini-thrive experience tomorrow and am currently taking methadone for opiate withdrawal. I am still trying to find the right methadone dose for me as it is only my second week in the program. Right now I am on 90mg, but Im waiting for the order from my dr to go up some more since the 90mgs isn't quite holding me for a full 24hrs. I feel really close though so I think I should be ok once i hit 100mg-120mg. Anyway... I was looking for any info regarding drug interactions between methadone and thrive when i discovered this forum. The post above written by "E Mac" was very helpful with one small caveat. They keep referring to "my drink," which I am almost certain is their daily methadone, however they could be referring to the thrive lifestyle mix drink. This is where i get a little confused. The method for taking thrive generally goes like this;
Wake up - swallow 1 lifestyle capsule IMMEDIATELY, before you even get out of bed.
Get up - Mix 1/2 a packet of lifestyle mix in 4/5oz water or milk and drink. (You can chill mixed drink in fridge for 20 mins for better taste but this is optional).
Stick up - Remove backing from adhesive thrive DMT patch and apply to a fatty area of the body (shoulder, forearm, chest...) and wear all day. You can wear it to bed as well.
So this routine would all take place before I get to the clinic and the my daily dose of methadone. This shouldnt be an issue UNLESS any of the ingredients in thrive produce an acidic environment in the stomach. Liquid methadone is best absorbed in an alkaline environment. For example if you take a few tums or drink grapefruit juice before taking methadone, the methadone will last for a longer period of time and the effects of the medication will be stronger. However, if you drink a bunch of coffee before you ingest the methadone this creates an acidic environment in the stomach and the methadone will not absorb properly, meaning the dose will wear off quicker and the medication wont be as powerful. That means you could end up being sick and feeling the withdrawals that the methadone is supposed to be combating. This is why it's important to know what the pH effect thrive will have on the stomach will be. Unfortunately, since thrive is a new and, as yet, unstudied compound, "trial & error" is the only way to know for sure if thriving before dosing on methadone is a good strategy. I will post updates with my own personal experience and I encourage others to do the same so other methadone patients like us with an interest in thriving wont be navigating in the dark. Good luck to all and happy thriving!
I'm curious to see how your thrive experience is going and are you still feeling great and energized? My 8 week experience is currently in the mail and on its way to me.. I've definitely had some concerns being on Methadone also. Your post definitely helped me to feel very encouraged.. anymore information you can provide since it's been about 2 months since your last post!
Hello, I am also looking into this. My worries is the detox. I've watched a thrive videos and the only side effects is the detox. It said the first week your body will go through a natural detox. Detoxing all the waste from your body.
Did you notice the detox the first week or first couple of days. How did it affect your methadon. I am currently dieting by eating less. I've lost 10 lbs and taking 40 mg of methadone. My goal is every 10 lbs I loose I will go down 5 mg. I looked into thrive thinking it would help me feel better while tapering down and help me have energy to loose more weight.
How are you feeling? I also am on it see post below A little nervous to stay taking it but I'm.down to 3 mg of methadone now..Thanks!
So Im on methadone too. Was on 90 mg, but in 6 months I've tapered down to 6mg.about to be 3mg tomorrow. I want to stay my trial pack of thrive..ive taken supplements in the past that have made me jittery and my heart feel like it was gonna pound out my chest. I am a woman 27 yo. I hope this will help with my energy since I've tapered off it had dropped significantly in the am. Your not suppose to drink caffeine..I'm wondering how this will work since i loooove my coffee! Have you felt any tremors heart palpitations or anything. Please reply with details! Every bit helps! And you can do this! You can wein down, If I can! Thanks so much! Be encouraged!
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