Methadone And Garcinia Cambogia (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have been on methadone for 10 years for fibro. I take 60-100 mgs a day. I have recently begun taking garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean and raspberry ketones for weight loss. Though they have been working, (I've lost 20 lbs) I've noticed about 1-2 hrs after taking them I start to withdraw. It doesn't matter if it's been 2 hrs or 10 hrs since my last methadone dose, my body acts like it's been 14+hrs as the anxiety clamps on like a vice and the nose turns into a faucet. Does anyone know if there is a withdrawal interaction or if this is just coincidence and I got a bad batch of methadone?

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I'm currently taking 75 mg of methadone and I bought some garciana cambogios pills does anyone know if I can take that?I tried hydroxycut a couple months ago and it was like death I went through the worst withdrawals ever I'm desperate to find something becahse this methadone is making me gain so much weigh.I have also been mixing Apple cider vinegar in my juice someone please help.

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I've been taking the Garcinia Cambogia and apple cider vinegar with tea and my methadone for about 2 weeks and I've even been dropping my methadone dose and I haven't felt any withdrawals from doing that

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I'm dropping to but sometimes after I take the Apple cider i get kinda jittary it's weirs

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Exercise, and don't eat so much, it's very simple

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It's flushing out your body so of course it's gonna flush out the methadone and leave you in withdrawal. Same thing happened to me. So basically your throwing up your methadone every time you take those pills. You have to wait till your off the clinic. Same thing with forscolin. Same problem but that's OK, methadone can slow down your breathing to a point where no Oxygen gets to your organs. It slows blood pressure and you can't take it if you have asthma. It sucks.

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I asked the nurse about me taking that when I went to the clinic it is something in that product that does not mix well with methadone and it's like it kicks the methadone out and puts u in dts if u want something for weight loss search around for a good weight loss clinic that prescribes Adipex trust me it works I lost 40 to 50 pounds I like adipex way better than the generic phentermine but it's both the same basically but the adipex worked way better and gave me energy to where phentermine didn't

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How long did the withdrawals last when you stopped taking methadone? I have heard it can be 3 months to a year before you feel normal and not going trough it.

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Is there such thing as a "bad batch" of methadone?!

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Well that what happen when I got the bad batch of methadone. But I tend to think it's the weight loss product you're taking. It has an herbal and caffeine concentrate in it. So it sort of like speed. Which is the opposite of methadone. Quit taking the diet aid. U will know in a matter of a day or 2. If that's what it is.

When I got the bad batch of methadone, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking I was going into withdrawals. I took no others meds or OTC stuff at all. So I didn't BELIEVE I was in withdrawal. But I was. Rapid heart. Pain not treated. Hyper. Weight loss without trying. Look up the name of the herbal stuff you are taking and make sure there hasn't been a recall on it. About 2 years ago they did a recall on a diet aid out of China. It was testing positive for amphetamines. Google it. Look under FDA recall on diet aids.

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I have been on methadone for 2 weeks now im at 85 mgs and ive noticed that the it works for about 4 to 6 hours and then i start feeling withdrawals worse than when i came in. I've puked violently a few days ago and felt sick the test of the day. Everyone keeps telling me to hang in there, it'll get better once you reach 150 mgs. Methadone scares me because it should be blocking withdrawals, not creating more. And if its anything like suboxone was where it took me 6 months of withdrawals comingn off 12 mg a day to get back to normal... I don't want to get addicted to methadone and go through months of withdrawals. I think I'm going to ask to go down to 20 or 10 mg a day of methadone and get back on my 5 30mg a day of oxycodone.

Because this weekend i took 80mg of methadone on Saturday morning then another 80 mg at noon. Then Sunday morning i started taking oxycodone again. Everybody says that 80mg will block oxycodone or opiates. Well, I took 160 mg of methadone Sat and i could feel the Oxycodone when i broke a 30 mg tab in half. I finally felt normal when i took both.

My doctors are ok with me taking both, but I'm just going to take a low dose of methadone with my normal daily 150 mg of oxycodone and I'll bet i wont go over use. Sunday was the best I've felt in a while. No, I didn't feel impaired, i just had no pain or withdrawals. It was wonderful.

I forgot to mention im a big man, 6ft 5 298 lbs, so I'm guessing that's why the methadone didn't work that great by itself. But when i took suboxone 6mg from day 1 it blocked all withdrawals and i actually felt impaired. So the subs worked better for me.

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For myself I found splitting my dose kept the WD away. If ur just treating pain this will work for u. If ur after a buzz, we'll it won't work.
Try saving a little bit of ur dose as u feel it wearing off. Then take what u saved. But again for me, I'm a pain patient splitting it made all the difference for me.

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KRATOM!!!! Watch YouTube videos on Kratom for methadone withdrawal! I'm on methadone (down to 70mg now) and I'm just like u...I want the f*** off it! I started researching and came across this miracle plant called Kratom. It's the coffee plant's cousin and it helps opiate/opioid addicts with withdrawal, by filling or binding to the "opiate receptors" mu receptor I believe it's truly called. Anyways, i researched, watched videos and talked to Kratom vendors and found so many benefits to Kratom! It works wonders for chronic pain sufferers, it helps with anxiety, energy, stress etc etc etc. I've been stock piling RED VEIN KRATOM (the best for withdrawals) so I'm ready to jump off this stuff and go thru a more comfortable detox. It's will not 100% stop withdrawals but it'll be a walk in the park, compared to just jumping off and popping benzos for a month or 2!! Please research it! I wish u all the luck in the world!

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It's because they flush out toxins in ur system...that's why we are withdrawing when taking Garcia Cambodia with our methadone. ..because it's flushing out the methadone too fast! This sucks cause I was excited to try this, however it's so not worth getting off my methadone for!

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Re: Valerie (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Hi valerie so still no withdrawal you said that its been only 2 wks im wondering is that long enough time to tell hope its going good keep me posted

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Re: Mike A (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

150mg of methadone is completely unnecessary...nobody needs that much! I was injection a whole 100mcg fentanyl patch daily and I was good at 100mg. Honestly I went up to 120mg/day, not becuz I needed it but becuz I wanted to be more numb than I was. I wish I never went up that high, I also wish I would've used it for 2 weeks instead of 6 years!! Taper down asap! Get off of it becuz methadone withdrawals are a million times worse than other opiates (7-10 days) or fentanyl (2 weeks)- methadone withdrawals can last for a couple months...and that's just bad physical withdrawals! The chill can last for 6 months to a year...and the mental usually lasts at least 6 months. I'd hate for u to go thru terribly unnecessary withdrawals for months. Methadone doctors are all about moving u up in ur dose so ur stuck on the s*** for years. The way it's intended to be used is within a couple weeks...just to get u thru ur opiate withdrawals, the fact that ur initial addiction was not methadone- ur body isn't dependant on it. I wish u all the luck in the world. I hope ur methadone journey isn't as long as mine...but becuz I was on such a high dose, I was terrified to taper...and by the time I was fed up with these "liquid handcuffs"- I was dependant on it for 5 years!! My taper will have to be extremely slow and steady, to avoid uncomfortable withdrawals the entire time becuz the longer ur on methadone...the harder it is to taper. Anyways, sorry about the novel- I just have to warn ppl of the cons to being on methadone. Don't get me wrong tho, methadone saved my life, I'm SO very grateful for that...I just hate that this physical dependency is far worse than the original drug I used methadone to quit. The detox will be 10x longer and 10x more severe. If u are able to taper, do it asap before ur body is physically dependent on the methadone. Take care! Best of luck.

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Re: tom (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on methadone for at least 17 years and I completely agree with the post I'm following but he/she is 100% right it's the supplements and anybody with a fast metabolism is also a huge part of it luckily I have a slower metabolism as I've gotten older now the methadone for severe chronic pain due to 2 very nasty mva's lasts anywhere from30-48 hours but sometimes I'll notice that it feels as if I missed a dose and realizing that it seems to always happen if I'm drinking too much coffee or every year I do a couple toxic cleansings! So I know it's due to how your chemical makeup and what type of herbs or whatever you may use like the post I'm answering I completely100% agree with!

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Yes I asked my methadone maintenance clinic doctor and she said it speeds up ur metabolism which also makes the methadone get out of ur system faster! I fully trust my doc and will now do the Atkin diet . It's not worth risking to see if it will do the same to me,my method most important for my life!!

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Re: Missy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Good for u for wanting better health. Think of ur body as a bank. When u burn off more calories than u take in, u r spending.
When u eat more calories than ur body can spend, u have a savings. A saving of fat and extra weight. That's all weight loss is about. Burning more calories than u take in. U can do that by exercising, dance or thru food reduction - calories reduction.
Normal eating is just eating less than 1200-1500 Cals a day for women and men 2000-1800 cals a day. Atkins is a great diet plan. But u should learn how to count calories and what a REAL serving size actually is. A serving of cereal isn't just a bowl full. U need to look on the side of the box and see how big a serving of that particular cereal is. Usually 3/4 of a cup. Eat off smaller plates and bowls and it seems like ur getting more. Weight loss is all about portion control and calorie intake and burn off.

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Re: Brook7 (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the info and u r 100% correct. I just can't believe I was 5'6 125-130lbs all my life then I start methadone and I'm ready to eat the house and now weigh 170lbs. I'm just hungry, hungry, hungry. lol. I hope the Atkins diet will help and fill me up. You got any ideas?

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I have noticed twice before I thought the roxane brand lacked the active ingredient. Ask for Mallincrodt.

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