Methadone And Garcinia Cambogia (Page 5)
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I have been on methadone for 10 years for fibro. I take 60-100 mgs a day. I have recently begun taking garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean and raspberry ketones for weight loss. Though they have been working, (I've lost 20 lbs) I've noticed about 1-2 hrs after taking them I start to withdraw. It doesn't matter if it's been 2 hrs or 10 hrs since my last methadone dose, my body acts like it's been 14+hrs as the anxiety clamps on like a vice and the nose turns into a faucet. Does anyone know if there is a withdrawal interaction or if this is just coincidence and I got a bad batch of methadone?

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I'm not here to fight about subs versus methadone. I don't want to derail this person's posts and concerns. Although I think you r entitled to your opinion but I was just stating from my own personal experience. I will make comments about this diet drug but below I will respond to you and just explain my own personal experience and you can take that for what it is,my own experience. That's all. (ON THAT NOTE, how bout some more sub users comment on if they got sick from Garcenia, I see a few mentioned but not hardly any. I know it's a methadone thread on GARCENIA negative reactions but it could help if people tolerate GARCENIA with subs better so they can think about a switch.

Now as far as this GARCENIA stuff, my thoughts after reading how it works is it completely speeds up the metabolism as well as supposed to rid your body of toxins. I don't know if it thinks methadone is a toxin or if methadone gets in your fat which the GARCENIA is supposed to get rid of somehow through super increased metabolism but is obvious if you're metabolism is faster than b4, then the drugs get metabolized faster as well. That's fact, not opinion. I can't say a lot of fda studies have been done so who REALLY knows at this point. It takes up to 20 years sometimes more for fda to study and approve most the time so there may be other components that help with the weight.

We have no clue what such fast weight loss from unknown compounds will do to us later. Who knows, you guys are the guinea pigs since it's so new to us.

Now let me address this sub response I got.. Look it works for you awesome,but again,just my own experience and not everyone has the same reactions to drugs of all types. I'm hyper sensitive to the naltrexone I'm certain as well as many other people are as well.

A quick search on naltrexone and allergic reactions and you'll see it really is a thing. It's quite common. I may very well have stuck with subtext over suboxone, whether the bupe, naltrax or both.

Let me get to the facts of what happened to me. I don't know for sure it's a scam, but I had difficulties and b4 u react,please read MY experience. I don't know how u got it so cheap, i never got that deal but 1 x year. Maybe it changed.

So from my experience: 90 8mg tabs/strips were like maybe not as high as I thought I spent but for sure it was around $500 a month. Same amount of methadone (90, 10 mg), around $30. (I was only entitled to the subsidy u speak of once a year, not exactly helpful.) I'm sure there are some programs but I didn't qualify and I'm on well-fare insurance (medi-cal). so you'd think they'd help pay for it monthly. It's not the high cost$ keeping me away, id give up food $ for effective super easy to get subs if it didn't make me feel terrible chronically., but I still don't agree on cost.

Just ask how much it is in the EU, what was that, FREE.... IT took its toll on me mentally constantly not feeling good.

So I just can't justify a $500 out of pocket expense. Why not allow the far cheaper subutex since it does exact same without discomfort to people sensitive to naltrax??? It's just a deterrent but doesn't deter abuse whatsoever so why bother adding to the expense and lying about how it prevents abuse. Many of us have read in forums how people abuse suboxone which they'll tell you to your face it'll make you sick AND what they don't say is it dissent matter, buperenorphine overpowers naltrax, just bounces right off receptors since the buperenorphine is far more clingy so you don't get sick. May feel discomfort if like me you're sensitive to narcan and like drugs.

That's why I think it's a scam. The price and the fact people aren't even offered the cheap alternative of subutex. (It still works the same, keeps you blocked from full-on agonist). The reason people aren't offered subutex is they say abuse potential is higher. What a joke, come on.

It's all about the Benjamin's.

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I tried the vitadone also And it made me feel horrible. I felt sick n shaky. I just started the garcinia n 30 day cleanse that came with it n I started to feel like I was withdrawing about two hours later. I can't sleep n I'm sweaty n restless legs on top of the pain n goin to the bathroom constantly. Idk if its the garcinia or the cleanser or both.

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Ashman, I was simply stating my personal opinion based on experience to a person who felt that if they didn't get off methadone FAST, they may die! I was on oxycontin for 8 years, then straight methadone for 3 years, now on oxycodone AND methadone for last 6 years for severe back injury. I had to stop EVERYTHING TWICE because of #1-My Dr. retiring, and #2- went on extended vacation and couldn't refill my meds out of town. Each time I took Suboxone and subutex for 2 weeks total and had absolutely no left over withdrawal symptoms. Yes, I agree that these drugs can be addictive IF taken for too long a period OR by people who genuinely DONT WANT to quit narcotics, but for one reason or another are forced too. Trying to get a person who is addicted to pain meds to quit IF THEY DONT WANT TO is a losing proposition because they will still mentally crave the feeling of euphoria from the drugs and will experience deep depression and resentment if FORCED to stop taking the drugs. They will inevitably find an excuse to use again until their experiences with drugs become negative and they no longer feel "good" from taking the drugs, but instead feel sick, weak, and like the drug no longer causes a positive effect. People that take a REASONABLE DOSE of narcotic drugs AS PRESCRIBED BY THE DR. can maintain good health with relatively no negative effects from opioid drugs IF they maintain a good health regimen that includes exercise, good eating habits, and NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL!! YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT MIX ALCOHOL AND NARCOTICS AND EXPECT TO LIVE A LONG LIFE-PERIOD! You CAN be addicted to DR. PRESCRIBED PAIN MEDS and live a long healthy life, but you can't be an ALCOHOLIC WHO IS ALSO ADDICTED TO PAIN MEDS. I personally had to make that choice. I was an ALCOHOLIC for 25 years when I had my accident and realized very quickly that the pills and booze didn't mix well together and I made the decision to be out of pain, so I quit cold turkey. Nothing helps alcohol withdrawal better than narcotics! You're replacing one addictive substance with another so your body doesn't miss the intoxicating effects of the alcohol as much. These are all personal choices that only you can make, but when I had to come off drugs rapidly, subutex and Suboxone worked wonders for me. And there are outside factors involved in this process such as cost, and finding a Dr. to prescribe them ESPECIALLY if you live in a large city with a high incidence of drug abuse. But if you have hit "rock bottom" and genuinely WANT TO quit, these drugs WILL help you.

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U are incredibly ignorant about suboxone. First off, it's a pharmacy company scam 1 month or 90 8mg subs cost 900 bux, 150 10mg methadone from pharmacy, $40 bucks. No insurance.

It is just as addictive physically and if you get hurt, good luck getting pain relief from a surgery. Yikes. Only thing that cut through the sub was 100mg Iv methadone at hospital. Not even dilaudid worked.

And good luck getting subutext. The reason they'll say they won't give it is it's easy to abuse but here's the kicker, suboxone is abused just the same. It's a total lie about the narcan countering the euphoria because the binder latches on so hard to your receptors even the narcan is basically bounced.

(subs do nothing for me and after 8 months I was still in such wds so I went back to methadone after being diagnosed with atypical depression caused by the subs. It messes with you like anti depressants and most people get a mood lift. For me, I had zero emotion and feeling. Couldn't have cared if I lived or died while on it.)

I took subs for 8 months. I'd you've been on methadone for years and years, your looking at 6 to 18 months of feeling kinda weird. It's only good for people who were on short acting opes, but just my opinion.

If you take subs, do not take it for more than 2 weeks and rapidly detox it or it is just as addictive as methadone and just as hard to come off after say a few years on maintaining.

People think it's better, it's no different, just way more terrible side effects. Also, small amounts of narcan are absorbed and that messes with your white blood cells causing very uneasy feelings for a few hours while your body gets the narcan out.

Most people are allergic to narcan and don't even realize because it's somewhat mild like GI problems, insomnia, anxiety, depression, the list goes on and on.

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So just the Garcinia isn't causing any issues for you? I have been having a huge issue with the 'done causing my metabolism to slow and also a huge sweet craving. And tried cutting as much as possible and still gaining or at least not loosing any weight. So I want to try this. I'm scared for the obvious reasons.

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What's happening is that your metabolism is going up significantly and you're just burning through it. There's more than likely no side effects cause a problem other than clearing out the toxins and metabolizing it very quickly your body is seeing most of the "left over/built up stuff you have" and clearing it out. And you're also metabolizing it very quickly

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Godzchild, You need to find a Dr. to prescribe Suboxone or Subutex. These are drugs that are half narcotic antagonists and half narcotic. The antagonist is like what you take for an opiate overdose, it eliminates the narcotics from your system INSTANTLY. But that would kill someone who's been on opioids for a long time! So... These drugs eliminate the drugs while giving you a maintenance dose at the same time! The narcotic in these is very strong, but the narcotic dose is much smaller than you are used to. One of the drugs is half opioid so you take that for a short time then switch to the other that is mostly an opioid antagonist. So within a few days, your body is cleared of narcotics and you can be drug free with relatively no withdrawal! Find a Dr. To get you these meds right away and good luck!! P.S.- many treatment centers now use these meds because methadone is just as addictive as the drugs you're trying to come off of!! Suboxone. Remember this name. It WILL save your life!

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Hi! I'm also taking methadone daily and trying garcinia for weight loss. Has anyone
Experimented with taking each at different times to reduce methadone withdrawal?
If so please share! Thanks!

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Jenna and others that say "get off methadone" like its a flippin walk in the park. I HAVE TRIED TO GET OFF it WITH l' luck! I am almost 63 yrs old and I am on 110 mgs maintenance dose. I have been on it for 10 years and it is litterally killing me. Can ANYONE OUT THERE TELL ME ANYWAY, other than cutting back I can GET OFF IT. I very well may not live another year or two. I NEED A QUICK DETOX that won't KILL ME. I FEEL, damned if I do and Certainly damned if I don't! Please can someone, anyone help me?

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No..they asked why the methadone wasn't working as well with the garcinia!! I wasn't assuming anything at all!!

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I take methadone also and it will cause DTs bc it detoxes ur system

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Dear Jenna, I feel that you should be a little more considerate when posting. You have no idea why those people go to clinic everyday. Where I go- to earn take homes; you must not only be clean but attend group each week, plus a meeting w/counselor once/month. I have been clean formover two years, and only have 3 take homes because for the first year I wasn't able to make a group each wk because of my job/work hours. The fact that u assume u know whats going on in other ppls lives is very ignorant!!!

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It cracks me up...Why are you people even bothering? You all want that instant fix! First off, why are some of you after 6 to 9 months still going to the clinic everyday? You should be getting take homes, so your obviously taking other substances! You will never loose weight and keep it off if you want even commit to the clinics rules! Why would you want to go to the clinic everyday but sunday, and you probably take your sunday bottle before you leave the parking lot! You will NOT loose methadone weight till you are off methadone!

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Exactly! People do Not unterstand that unless you get off of methadone,your not going to loose weight!

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Or... get off methodone! Methadone does NOTHING for pain. If you want to loose weight,Start coming off of methadone 3 to 5 mgs every other week! Methadone is the worst thing to be on! I Took myself off,and within the first month, I lost 20 pounds. Someone said it looks like someone took a pin to your ass! You need to be off of methadone before you can loose ANY weight!

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I take my garcinia in the early morning...I wait a couple some light exercise and then I take my 134mgs of methadone. So far so good. Hope I helped.

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The garcinia cambogia makes your body digest everything superfast...that's why you lose weight and don't have to really chafe what your eating habits. But that's also why youy methadone isn't working. What I do is take the garcinia before my methadone. It still doesn't work as well as it should...but it works better than talking it after my methadone...hope I helped!! Good luck!

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Well hun I'm very active I walk every day every where I go. And I eat right no junk low carbs low calorie and still put on the 40 pounds and can't seem to lose it so exercise is not always the problem your assuming all of these people don't exercise

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I asked the nurse at my clinic if it would interact and cause withdrawal and she said everyone is different, she had heard some go into withdrawal some people haven't and some people just needed to increase there dose a little. All I know I have been on methadone for ten years and gained about10lbs a year u the math. So I'm sup willing to try it cuz I've taking other things and felt minor symptoms so I'm willing to try it and see how it affects me. I also have an inactive thyroid studio I basically have no metabolism so if it just makes my metabolism normal hopefully I'll be good. I can't take thyroid medication due to a kidney disease and the affects it had on that.

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I just tried it today I took 3 pills at 10 this morning its 4 pm now and I don't feel any withdrawal I put on 40 pounds since starting methadone and I'm desperate to lose it so far I just feel a little anxiety but I'm ok

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