Methadone And Garcinia Cambogia (Page 4)
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I have been on methadone for 10 years for fibro. I take 60-100 mgs a day. I have recently begun taking garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean and raspberry ketones for weight loss. Though they have been working, (I've lost 20 lbs) I've noticed about 1-2 hrs after taking them I start to withdraw. It doesn't matter if it's been 2 hrs or 10 hrs since my last methadone dose, my body acts like it's been 14+hrs as the anxiety clamps on like a vice and the nose turns into a faucet. Does anyone know if there is a withdrawal interaction or if this is just coincidence and I got a bad batch of methadone?

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I agree with you 100%!! Methadone treatment is an amazing thing, when u follow directions and actually work towards being "clean". Since starting the program myself in April 2015, where at that time, I was living in my bf moms house with 6 other people that were doing/addicted to either pain pills/xanax/adderall, etc these ppl would use almost anything!! I had no job, a broken down car, had lost touch with almost all of my family & friends....I was severely depressed, up & down all the time; either high as a kite or sick as a dog from the withdrawal. Since beginning treatment I have gotten & kept 2 jobs; 1 full-time tues-sun (6 days/wk) & 1 part time, 4 evenings/wk., fixed my old car, making payments on a brand new car! And in September, 2016, purchased a home!! I say again, PURCHASED my own home! I go from sun up until sun down. Have full custody of all 3 of my fiance's kids. (My fiance whom I met during treatment, which at that time himself was working a crappie job/few days ago week, under table pay, didn't have his kids, was sleeping on his parent's couch, had a little scooter as his only transportation.....he himself is now making payments on a brand new car, for the last year & 1/2 been back to working in his trade (went to school for plumbing, has diploma, license etc for commercial plumbing, but while in his "addiction" he couldn't hold a decent job) just earned another raise & brand new work truck for the company he works for, re-obtained full custody of his children. Etc etc. THE METHADONE TREATMENT REALLY WORKS .....WHEN U TRY!!

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So I have been an opiate addict for 20 years! I had tried everything to quit... inpatient, outpatient, jail, all of it and always wound up relapsing. Then when I got pregnant, I went to jail and you don't have a choice but to get on methadone because of liability issues with the jail. Sooo that's how I started my methadone maintenance. I have been clean from all street drugs for almost 2 years now, and I know it's because of the methadone. I am gradually coming down, but only 4 mgs a week so I can eventually walk off with no withdrawals! I am an avid supporter of this program but only if you use it correctly! So many have misconceptions of methadone because of the addicts on it who mix drugs with it and nod all day...that's not from the done but from the interaction of the drugs! I am on 112 mgs and don't feel high because I use it correctly. And my son did not withdrawal...he was observed in the nicu but did not need any meds! God bless.

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Good for you for given up the methadone... My question is then what???People are so predisposed to
hammer methadone and people who REQUIRE THIS DRUG.If you view this objectively 90% Of those either return to some for of opioid replacement therapy or relapse to thier drug of choice.If your motivated and use all the tools available methadone is an exceptionally successful protocol for channge.What distresses me most is when patients being treated with the drug bashes its use although it's responsible for keeping them maintained ..

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The best option to alleviate the sweet tooth and limit excess sweating is an OTC preparation called nutridone. It has proven extremely beneficial for the adverse reactions caused by daily dosing of methadone. You can google nutridone for further information.


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Honey, the only thing I would recommend taking is vitadone or nutridone because this is specifically designed for methadone patients. Look this up and see if u wanna try it!

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I have been on methadone for going on 3 years. I am on 125 mg. I started the Garcinia Cambogia 800mg/Standardized Extract 60% Providing Hydroxycitric acid 480 Mg, with Chromium 100mcg a few days ago, maybe about a week ago. I take it two times a day morning and dinner time. I have honestly never had any problem with it. I have not gone into withdrawal or had any withdrawal symptoms at all.
I have gained 45 pounds being on Methadone so I am ready to get rid of the extra weight. I hope this Garcinia works can help as well as it says.

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I would say since that garcinia acts almost like a cleanse i can deffinetly say that it is causing you to withdrawl. The only reason methadone will not work well is if its really really old. If your experiencing those symptoms i would try doing a split dose that way you have some for after you take the garcinia if you continue to use it.

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I am on ms cotin and 10 mg percocet. Lord I thought it was just me !!## But the shakes and cold sweats made me stop. I didn't know anything about the interactive issues. Just figured I was not used to it. And wont be getting used to it either because I just felt too yucky

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Hi.. I've been on methadone for almost 4 yrs now. I'm on 120mg at a clinic. I've gained so much weight cus its given me a bad sweet tooth. My nose runs constantly. I took Garcia casibo and noticed i felt sick with stomach cramps an sweating a few hours after i took it. I did not think it was the garcinia. Few months later I mentioned that im gonna b taking the garcinia an that's when somebody mentioned that it causes withdrawal. That's when i began to google it and found many people have had the same experience... Although i hear it does help with weight loss, somebody lost 20lbs.

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I'm gona try to see if this work a. I have taken it 2-3 hours before I dosed and I didn't feel withdrawals but when I had to take my second dose I felt withdrawals. Do u think I can take 2 of the pills in the morning 2-3 hours before my dose and be fine? I rele want to loose my weight!

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I'm on Percocet n Vicodin and am takin cambogia garçinia and I am having side effects that I think interfere withthe effects n potency of the opiates also I think vitamin supplements do ass well I'm stopping all one at a time and I believe I'm narrowing it down

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I feel very heartfelt for you...and for you to be so gracious to all others. Wow. My heart goes out to you.

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Hi I have been taking methadone for about 7 years and I just got my garcinia Cambogia in the mail and now I'm scared to take it, I have been reading all the messages about everyone starts to withdrawal soon after taking it. I wonder if it would help to detox the methadone out of my system so I could finally be off of methadone!! I've gained a lot of weight and my teeth are getting cavities one after another!

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I take 100 mgs of liquid methadone a day and been taking forskolin and garcinia extract for over a month so far and haven't had any withdrawal. My husband is on 60 mgs of methadone he thinks that it leaves his system quicker so he takes two F&G tablets when he wakes and around noon takes he methadone dose then around 6pm takes two more F&G tablets. He since then has had no problems with withdrawal. I believe it's just everyone's bodies are different..

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I read somewhere to take the garden is 2-4hours befor taking the methadone, I just recieved received the garcenia zt& green coffee zt in the mail today. Reading all of this is definitely making me procrastinate with taking it. I'll probably wait until i get my take home bottles so I can take it a few hours before I dose bc during the week I dose at 7am so waking up super early & taking the supplements before that isn't ideal for me

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I am having the same problem. They should have warned me of this side effect, as i would nEVER have touched Methadone knowing. Go ahead. Being thin and healthy is more important, and really the best thing you can do to loose weight is to lower your dose. I have been doing that.

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To all those people having issues with taking methadone and garcinia together. Garcinia will block much of the uptake of methadone if it's still in your stomach when you take your methadone. Try taking your methadone 2-3 hours AFTER taking the garcinia. That way the garcinia can't block the methadone at your stomach. BUT, garcinia raises metabolism so you may find your methadone dose being metabolized much quicker than before.Taking a larger methadone dose is NOT recommended so if you cannot find a dosing schedule that minimizes your methadone being metabolized quicker to the point where you can deal with any adverse side effects, then you may have to stop the garcinia or talk to your Dr. About switching pain meds. It all depends on how badly you need/want to lose weight and the amount of discomfort you're willing to endure to reach that goal. You should ABSOLUTELY NOT submit yourself to full on methadone withdrawal on purpose for any reason! That can be life a life threatening decision you may not live to regret!
There are many other medications besides methadone that are very effective for chronic pain relief that won't have the more noticeable side effects when mixed with garcinia. Tell your Doctor's nurse to have the Dr. Research garcinia BEFORE you go in and then he/she can give you a much better recommendation about what you should take with the garcinia in place of methadone. Good luck!

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No problem. I need to lose weight desperatly myself and when I kept hearing all the great things about the Garcinia cambogia I felt like i finally hit the jackpot. Only to feel like I've never taken methadone in my life. I can't do it. But congratulations on your weight loss.

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I know this is 2yrs ago but its withdraws. I too am on methadone & the 1st time I took the Garcinia cambogia (before I went to bed that night), early the next morning I felt like I was hit by a truck. It's not a coincidence. But I don't understand myself why it would interact like that smh.

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My husband is actually on subutex and his insurance pays for it. 90- 8mg pills. He did have trouble in the beginning cus they didn't want to pay so he switched type of insurance an he's good now..reason y they give it to him, it works better. He was still sick taking the suboxone. But.. I'm on methadone clinic. My insurance pays it. I get dosed every day at a clinic 110mg solution. We both have addiction problems. I ordered the garcinia pills to lose weight cus I gained 92 pounds in a year. After a couple hours I didn't feel well, my stomach hurt and I got anxiety. I didn't know at time I mite be withdrawing, I just knew I took the pill n didn't feel well maybe cus I didn't eat. Few months later somebody mentioned to me that on methadone it puts u in withdrawal. That's when I googled it to see and come to find out people had similar reactions. Although I heard someone lost 30 pounds but they felt sick.

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