Methadone Withdrawal Support (Page 2)
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I would like to know the best over the counter med to help with my methadone withdrawals and pain. I have little money no insurance and hurt like never before. I'm determined to be 100% clean.

38 Replies (2 Pages)

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Mrs BMW I doubt your going to see this but if u do i was wondering how your doing now and if u made it thru withdrawals. Cause I just start methadone and now wondering if I should get the hell off it now.

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Methadone not cheap where I'm from! Where are you? I'm on 120 MLG and I'm told the best thing to do is cut your dose slowly, don't go cold turkey if you don't have to.

If you must, you definitely want to try to get a quit kit" some city clinics give them away, they have Benadryl and Tylenol and anti diarrhea medicine, a doctor should prescribe you clonadine for your blood pressure and anxiety mess like Ativan Klonopin or xanax will really help but are highly addictive themselves so only take for a few days

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Kratom is about to be put on the schedule 1 controlled substances in the US on September 10th. So, the only other OTC option is IMMODIUM LOPERAMIDE 2MG TABS. LOPERAMIDE IN THE IMMODIUM IS A MILD OPIOID AND EASES WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. GOOGLE IT. NOT TELLING ANYONE TO TRY IT. JUST WHAT I HAD TO USE IN THE PAST.

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Please try kratom. You can buy it at Kraken kratom. I stopped at 60 mg using this plant. It saved my life.

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I feel your pain. I have used Benedryl and Valium to help get off of Xanax. I only had Valium for a little while and then m doctor prescribed Buspar for anxiety. I can't say that helped alot, but perhaps some and any little bit helps. The Valium definitely helped, as does the Benedryl. Best of luck to you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

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Disturbed, definitely NOT coming off Xanax. Been there done that. I was hallucinating and everything! Ty though

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Hey "fooled" - Np, anything I can do to help u! But as my clinic doc just told me that when u get down to that low go even slower. What I would do is try 2mgs/day for cpl days (altho either i missed or u didnt mention ur current dose) go to 1mg and u could even split dose if its too rough meaning take half the dose and then either an equal time later or when u cant handle it no more then take the other half, make sense? & when ur down to only 7-8mgs left try to dose every other day if u can cuz the stuff does stay in ur body for roughly 24-36hrs. But LISTEN TO UR BODY N HOW U FEEL-THAT WILL TELL U WHAT'S BEST!! But yes unfortunately u will probably have major discomfort and some sleepless nights-hell yes it sucks I've dealt w/ it many times. As far as natural s*** for sleep try a high dose of melatonin or valerian-like 2-4x higher than the normal dose, it wont hurt u but it's helped me. Not sure if you know or not but the ingredient in benadryl is the EXACT SAME as what they use in tylenol pm- it's called diphenhydramine and i've taken as much as 350mgs & it does give me a sense of "calm" & if ur wanting to sleep make sure ur in bed, don't try to stay awake thru it cuz then its harder to fall sleep & something else that's very important is I didn't just start at 350mgs, I think I tried like 150 at 1st & it does take a good hour or so to kick in but as soon as u feel it try to go to sleep!! Trust me on this! Gosh I wish I had more info for u or could help more!!!! ALWAYS REMEMBER U R NOT ALONE AND I KNOW UR STRONG AND CAN DO THIS!!!! ANYMORE QUESTIONS OR JUST WANNA TALK PLEASE RESPOND ANYTIME AS MY SLEEP HRS VARY AND I'M IN CHICAGO AND ITS 1:20PM NOW. I REALLY WISH U ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD AND HOPE EVEN 1 THING I SAID HELPS U! KEEP IN TOUCH!!!!!

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Disturbed, ty for the response. I'm on 9 mgs at the clinic and subsidize 15 mg at home. I'll be off the clinic in 4 days any suggestions as to how to wean off the 15mgs would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi again, im sorry the post I said I addressed to jessup I addressed to u"fooled..." and I agree w ur meds for the side effects n pain but like I saidTHE SLOWER U CAN GO DOWN THE BETTER! AND THE MMORE TIME U CAN GIVE BETWEEN DECREASES THE BETTER!! And all who reads these must understand that I AM NOT a doctor at all but the info I know is just thru MANY personal experiences and many try an try agains!

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Hi "nottoosmarttobefooled" I did read them both (the one where u explained ur W/D from methadone& the 1 where u said oyster shell calcium, really?) If theres more I did not see cuz im on a tablet. I wish we could actually talk to each other as im all thumbs w computers but they dont let u put contact info up. but my 1 post I put up "to jessup..." may help u too and REMEMBER U R NOT ALONE, IM SORRY U R GOING THRU THIS, CUZ SO AM I SO I KNOW FIRSTHAND IT SUCKS! BUT U WILL GET THRU IT &IF U HAVE ANY IDEAS HOW WE COULD GET IN TOUCH, IF U WANTED TO OF COURSE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW

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@Disturburd please read my post. I could use the help

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Yes to "nottoosmarttobefooled", im comin off of methadone too. 10mgs/week and yes its HELL. However I have a sheet from my clinic about "withdrawal from methadone" which I wish I could get to u! It says "in general u shouldn't decrease by any more than 3-5% of ur dose each week giving urself at least 10-14 days between decreases for your body to adjust. The jist is 'the slower the better' & towards the end of W/D u may want to do 1mg decreases every 2 weeks. LISTEN TO UR BODY THO AND HOW U FEEL AS WHAT I JUST SAID IS ONLY A GENERAL GUIDELINE. IF U NEED TO ALTER IT TO HOW UR BODY & MIND FEEL IT'S OK!!!! ALSO, it says u should take a multi vitamin and AT LEAST 2,000MGS OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM/DAY which it says will help w muscles cramps joint aches & irritability. Also says, take a B-COMPLEX PLUS C, & ADDITIONAL C (as much as 5gms and up. This helps the body adjust in general to the decreases in dose". All that was basically verbatim & keep in mind that all I told u was some of what the sheet says altho I do 100% agree w/ "the slower the better". I agree from my own experiences as I have been thru W/D more times then there are probably leaves on my big ass tree lol!!

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Hi Jessup, again im sorry and I feel for u! I think we both could use some support from someone who knows what we r going thru!! I am going down 10mgs a week, its HELL!!! I have an info sheet from my clinic about coming off methadone that I wish I could get to u. AND I SWEAR ON MY MOMMA'S GRAVE-REST HER SOUL-I AM NOT SOME CRAZY PERSON W/ ANY AGENDA. ID LIKE TO HELP & SUPPORT U IF I CAN, EVEN THO I DON'T KNOW UR STORY. BUT I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE HAVING NO SUPPORT! MY MOM WAS MINE TIL SHE PASSED ABOUT 3YRS AGO & IT STILL FEELS LIKE YESTERDAY. GOOD LUCK AND WHETHER WE SPEAK OR NOT YOU ALWAYS HAVE ME IN YOUR CORNER & U ARE NOT ALONE!!! {edited for privacy}

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Really? Oyster shell calcium? Never heard that. Glad to know there's something else out there to help. Thanks for the tip. I'm going down 2 mgs a day, no choice. And it's very unpleasant to say the least. I'm almost off now but I've been supplementing about 15 mgs a week. Any advice beside what I already know would be appreciated.

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Oh sweety IM SO SORRY! !!! I KNOW IT'S HELL AND THEN SOME!!! I'm going through similar & unfortunately all I can recommend is to go down AS SLOW AS U POSSIBLY CAN!!! And my clinic told me 2,000mg of oyster shell calcium should help help w the muscle aches. If u need to talk im here {edited for privacy}

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I'm detoxing off methadone right now and although it's true nothing will take them away 100% there is a few things that will help. Allergy pills( benadrl) for the running nose, ibuprofen for pain, Xanax for anxiety, gabapentin helps a lot also. Anti diarrhea pills help and muscle relaxers for leg twitching. I've bought some extra dones to help as well. About 1/2 every other day until you get down to nothing then 1/4 1/8 etc. Methadone tablets are cheap. I wish you the best.

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I hate to tell you this but nothing will stop your withdrawals from methadone. The only thing that may help you is ibuprofen for the fevers. I went to a physicians assistant who prescribed me gabapentin (which i am alergic to)and clonidine which only lowers your blood pressure. I am on 18 days without methadone 80mgs a day or more depending on the day and the withdrawals the first week and a half are pure hell!.... I'm feeling better in some ways but still feel paralyzed with fear whenever I have to go somewhere. Work has been extremely difficult. Nobody to take care of me financially or I'd be sitting here in a ball waiting for disability to come thru. I'm so sorry you have to go thru this. Good luck!!! You'll need it!!

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