Methadone Maintainance & Weight Gain!!! Help!!! (Page 4) (Top voted first)



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I am having the same problem!! I have blew up like a balloon! I was taking water pills thinking it would help but it is not. Any suggestions?? Please help??

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Methadone isn't evil. Methadone doesn't have an agenda. It can't. It's not alive. It's not the best opiate to take for maintenance. If doctors were honest, poppy tea would be much less toxic but they can't admit that and keep their careers. Given the ridiculous drug laws in most countries, methadone is what is available that works. Suboxone is fine if it works for you but I don't even like being in the same ROOM with that stuff (talk about evil, KIDDING). Look my point is that methadone has been the only realistic chance at becoming stable again for many thousands of people since paying for a less toxic, more suitable, and more effective opiate to take everyday (i.e. Morphine) just isn't realistic. If it didn't work out well for YOU, just leave it there. Frightening people needlessly about a drug that could very well help them by proclaiming that it is EVIL is silly and irresponsible. I know the short comings of methadone well. But it's still the most effective way to stop having to be labeled a criminal because of my affinity for opiates that I and countless others have found. I'm glad you've found what works for you. But remember that what works for some may not work for everyone. It sounds like someone didn't tell you that when YOU first started methadone treatment.

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Hang in there. Methadone slows down your metabolism. Not to mention your respiration rate. I, too, gained many pounds the first year I was on it. It kills your libido too. Everyone is different. It took a while for the weight to go away and my body to adjust. It's so worth it. Life sucked so badly before maintenance. Treatment was a revolving door and I was a chronic relapser. You are never alone. I wish you the very best life has to offer. May good karma always be with you

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I am on 55 mg for the last 4+ years. I have been on a steady dose. I would like to get down to a very low dose to help with pain but I no longer feel need it for S/A. I am currently having a separate issue with workers comp and it is causing some issues with me being able to start a decrease... Long story... Anyway for the last month I have been taking Vitadone and it truly has made a huge difference in such a short time. I recommend it to all Methadone clients. Of course speak with your own dr first but I swear by it now and will continue taking it as long as I am on Methadone, which just might be forever due to chronic pain. I am going to get to the lowest dose possible that will still control my pain.

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Hi, I so know how u feel I've been tiny skinny my entire life never weighing more than 110lbs. And also in my teenage years and as a young adult suffered severe anorexia and bulimia. I was totally against methadone maintenance BUT I AM A CHRONIC RELAPSER and couldn't find a SUBUTEX provider because I burnt all those bridges with each Doctor :( So while in rehab it was HIGHLY recommended that I go on Methadone so with long thoughts and talks with my family and counselors I decided to start it, I gained over 150 lbs. in 6 months! I instantly began retaining water after just 2 days of dosing at 10mgs. I did ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I COULD TO STAY SOBER AND GET MY LIFE BACK AND IM DOING BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE!! Methadone is GREAT for treating addiction if u r willing to put in the other work involved and some people do NOT retain water or GAIN ANY WEIGHT! :( CRAZY WISH I COULD BE LIKE THAT! After getting and staying at a therapeutic dose of methadone I started HERBAL LIFE (diet) joined PLANET FITNESS and STARTED TANNING & getting my nails done again and since then I've lost a lot of weight! I'm also on a prescribed diuretic through my PCP & am still working very hard at continuing my weight lose goal, staying sober, and feeling good about me again! It's NOT easy BUT what in life is, especially those things that we want very badly! I wish u ALL THE BEST AND AM SENDING POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND ENERGY YOUR WAY!!

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I had the same problem. Went from 165-235lbs in 2011. I have had the constipation problems as well. Try upping ur fiber Iintake. Methadone attacks your calcium levels in your bones. It will make you damage your teeth. After three yrs I got kicked off the program. Rapid detox. 160mgs minus 10mgs every 3 days. Never touched it again. Went to the dentist for my teeth, back to normal. I have to say it was the hardest drug I ever had to deal with. It ate me up and spit me out. I'm 6 mnths clean of everything illegal U CAN DO IT!

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I just bought a bottle of Vitadone and I'm not eating in the middle of the night like I was! I recommend it. Guys say it is also good for sweating and constipation and like I said sugar cravings.

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I was on the methadone clinic for 6 long years. When I finally came off methadone I was at 283. I'm only 5'3. I went from a size 12 to a 24!!! It was horrible! Thank you Suboxone. It saved my life! I finally feel like a normal human being.

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I gained 80lbs in 4 months the last time I was in a methadone clinic. I don't believe it's the methadone that causes the weight gain; in my experience it was the fact that I shot straight up to a high and unnecessary dose of 150mg. I found that the high dose caused sugar cravings so bad that I became addicted to Cookies n creams Blue Bell brand ice cream only. It's all I ate 24/7 anytime I was hungry and nothing else. Unfortunately I gained the 80 lbs without knowing what hit me. I immediately dosed myself down to 40; as I found it was all I needed for the opioid cravings and it immediately stopped my ice cream addiction and 4 months later all my weight was gone. That was back in 2010. I'm in treatment again for 6 months now; so far staying at a low dose of 50 and no addiction to sweets, no weight gain and keeping my opioid cravings at bay. I hope this helps.

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I also haven't had my period since January 2015, I haven't read about anyone having that issue but slot of women would be too embarrassed, I had an ultrasound done and they saw nothing every doctor I've seen say methadone but then the counselor acts like the doctors don't know what their talking about and makes me go to a different office

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For all those dealing with the inevitable adverse effects of methadone when used as ORT there are some things that can eleviate the wieght gain, sluggishness, excessive perspiration and insomnia.FIRST It is essential to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and full lab work up. If the results indicate that no underlying medical condition are the cause there is an excellent nutritional supplement that can assist you greatly. Marketed under the name Vitadone. It can take up to a month to derive substantial benefits but it has proven miraculous for myself and for many others in my network of recovering addicts.It is essential to educate yourself as much as possible so insensitive or uniformed clinical support staff won't profligate this misinformation.Everyones recovery is individual and no person should detour your commitment to recovery.Dont give up Increased physical activity healthier diet and nutritional supplementation will ease these soul crushing side effects of methadone as an Opiod replacement protocol.hang in there...

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Nicky Nub,

That comment is about as valid and real as your username. Hormonal issues greatly enhance the adverse effects of methadone when used for addiction maintenance in females. What benefit do you receive from making insensitive and scurrilous remarks when folks are reaching out for hope, understanding and knowledge. I just don't understand that passive aggressive response.

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Wow, I just noticed this thread started in 2006!!!! Its crazy, 11 years later and it's still a huge problem; literally...

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I went from a 12 to a 24 also.. it was bad really really bad.

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I think it's Nutridone or Vitadone. It's not prescription though. You can order it online.

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Vitadone is available over the counter. U can also purchase it online. And also look it up, so u can read up on it.

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Just a hopeful update for some of the women talking about the weight gain. I was at 120 of liquid daily and have slowly tapered to 50 without feeling a thing. I have however dropped 40 lbs already without even trying! It's amazing. Barely any sugar cravings, but the hot flashes and sweating are still awful. Having confidence back is so great!!!

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Re: Dodge (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

Wow, you are a complete ignorant *****. This bulls*** stigma you spew will end up killing countless people.

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Re: Jen (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, he/she is a real special kind of stupid! He offers nothing to this conversation and his ignorance shines.

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Re: BARBIE (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

ive been reading everyone's postings and ur the only one who spoke of exercise. I've been on methadone for 4 yrs almost and I've gained I think 60 to 80 pounds. Right now I can't come off the methadone cuz I'm too fragile to relapse into pills again. I wanted to know what exercises u do, which help the best for weight loss. I heard swimming is good. I also have unbelievable swelling.

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