Methadone Doctor (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Hi. I need to find help. I am addicted to pain pills and would really like to get off of them. I have tried methadone and it works, i just need help finding a doctor to prescribe it for me. I live in Michigan. If anyone knows could you please help me? I cant go to a clinic because i dont live near one. I live in the upper penninsula but would drive downstate to get a doctor.....

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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Rather than using Methadone, many people are having much better luck beating their addictions with Suboxone, which contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine.

Unlike Methadone, which often requires a lifetime maintenance dose, most people on Suboxone eventually end up completely drug free.

It is an opiate, so it may cause side effects such as: drowsiness, nausea, dizziness and dry mouth.

To see if there is a doctor trained in its use in your area, you can check:

Is there anything else I can help you with?

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I would really appreciate it if I could find a doctor that would prescribe methadone it would really help me out if anyone knows one, or if there is a doctor willing to help me,

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I live in NY-Long Island and I'm in search of a doctor who will prescribe methadone for chronic back pain from herniated discs. I have tried everything with the exception of surgery, and methadone is the only thing that seems to work. I don't want to go to a clinic, just to a private doc who will prescribe it for me. If anyone knows of any docs that can help, I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide me with. Thanks for listening.

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hey d***head that is talking s*** to people with drug problems..first of all, if you are so clean and dont do s*** then why in the hell are you even on this website? this is over your head and you have no idea how hard it is for people and yes it is bulls*** that the methadone clinics charge so damn much a week. I have a 3 month old daughter and just had to leave the clinic because i cant afford it. so now im in bad withdrawal trying to raise a child. I just cant stand judgmental a**holes like you who have no idea what its like. and i think your a little liar because if you dont take drugs then get off this website and stop reading our problems then..because you obviously dont no anything about it, so keep your comments to yourself. And to the person talking about methadone costs, your exactly correct. Its not right, at all.

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I live in suffolk county and would like the name of a dr that will rx methadone cause i don't want to have to go to clinic..not to mention they said they aren't even taking new patients. Suboxone not helping me. I'm assuming you told the other person that cause they need to get into ny or something but I just need the name of the dr so I can make an appt. thanks

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there is a methadone clinic in elgin , they just opened and they are realy nice people it is 77 a week here is the address for anyone looking for a place to go the name is mathers clinic and the phone number is 815-701-4231 585 n. tollgate rd ste e elgin il 60125 and if you go can you please tell them janice and scott sent you. hope i can help someone out

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everyone that doesnt have a back problem has no clue.

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You're unbelievably mis-informed about what methadone does. When taken properly as prescribed it does NOT cause euphoria or a high. It simply keeps withdrawal from harsh painkillers away. Although Methadone was made available to soilders during WW2 used as a long lasting pain killer to help treat soilders with priority yet not leave others waiting to suffer. It was around the time Vietnam rolled around that it got such a bad rap because doctors found it helped soldiers deal with withdrawals from H as they were moved from the battlefield. H provided quick physical pain relief for less threatening injuries but more importantly from the maddening pain they felt for being part of the evils being perpertrated. The moment society discovered Methadone was being used for addiction as well as pain relief it became stigmatized. Yet doctors write prescriptions for Vicodin, OxyContin and every other painkiller sun and it's considered ethical. I'm pretty sure if a discovery were made that Percocet helped withdrawal it would be pulled off the market in a heartbeat by self-righteous, pompous, uneducated "judges" like yourself. Methadone much like any other OTC pain killer has it's pros and cons. It goes without saying that if someone takes more than the recommended dose it would produce a high BUT so would NyQuil. Methadone is simply longer-lasting and NOT as damaging to the liver as acetemetaphine and other popular pain medications. Especially for people with moderate to severe pain who must take painkillers on a DAILY basis. Next time you decide to post your opinion you may want to do some research first.

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Have you tried high dose vitamins? I know I can't take OTC NSAIDS because of stomach ulcer, Caused by one, and have found that if I take 4grams of vitamin C daily, it keeps temporary pain at bay. In addition, it is one of those 300 cellular processes nutrients, others are magnesium and zinc. Magnesium and C are both antiinflammatories as well as fish oil. But you must take a minimum of 400-600 mg of Mg, 2000-4000 mg of C and 15-50 mg of zinc. And 1000 mg of EPA on the fish oil.

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Hey had Enuff, (post 15).... as someone else mentioned, I'm sure you have a weakness. Maybe your over weight, have acne you can't get rid of, are addicted to food or smoking or something else....I'm sure there's some thing. Obviously you have never had to deal with any chronic pain. You are very ignorant & arrogant! I don't usually wish ill on anybody however, you deserve to have to deal with some long term pain! Maybe, just maybe it would teach you the meaning of the word EMPATHY! If you have had enough of reading what's going on with people on the site, get the hell off of it and don't read it!!! Hope you have a miserable day!

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Hi.Wesley...I agree! U were kind. Me not so much to mr had enuff's post. My post is from "in response to had enuff" if u care to read it. He obvoiulsy isn't caoable of empathy! Hope u feel better. :-)

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You can google methadone clinics in Brooklyn, I used to live in manhattan and there literally ALL OVER! So I'm assuming there in Brooklyn and Queens as well. Some hospitals have clinics as well. The only bad thing is you have to go everyday, no Dr will prescribe it like suboxone. Good Luck :)

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I read your post...and it moved me so much. I wanted to check in and see if you are making it ok? Man you have been through it. Don't ever listen to anyone that tells you that you shouldn't be on pain meds...I'm quite sure you couldn't make it through many a day without them. I hope this finds you feeling better and I enjoyed your post!
ALL MY BEST TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!(My 2 posts are above at BRCA Survivor)

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Can I get a little more information? Like what dosage you have been taking and are you taking anything else? I took methadone for almost 10 yrs and today I have been clean for over a year. I may be able to give you some advice on what to do, to relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms and also some moral support if needed. Let me know.

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Hi to you both- Deb and Travis. I wish I could help but all I could do is give a directory of buprenorphine and methadone treatment facilities that is located on SAMHSA's website, and I know that isn't what you are looking for.
It is very hard to find any doctors that are not at a pain clinic or who only work alone as a pain control physician who will prescribe any pn medications for chronic pain. Some doctors will prescribe pn medication once but will then refer pts to a pain management doctor if they are needing ongoing treatment (it's mostly due to some newer 'ish' regs).
I understand completely because I was once in that same situation. I finally had to bite the bullet and see if I could be accepted into an OTP (Methadone 'clinic'), and I have now been there many years. I so did not want to do that and did not think I would or could qualify, but I did and the rest is history. I go once per month and after all is said and done it costs approx $300 per month (I have very good BC/BS insurance through MBUSI...and it pays ZERO). But anyway- I completely understand what you both are going through!
I wish you both well and I will do some searching to see what I can find. I am part of a network of people that comes in handy at times! So I shall ask them and I will also do some searching. If I come across anything for either of you...I shall let you know!
I wish you both the very best!

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To had enuff from 2010,You sound like a rude,arrogant, judging hypocrite!!For people like you I have to wonder if you have ever experienced pain in the slightest way?Most who are addicted to pain meds became that way not by choice but because they had unbearable pain and couldn't deal with it anymore!! Talk about God help us all, I say God help your soul WHEN the day something horrible happens to you and you are begging for a pill to give you some relief!!Keep judging, if not already you will be in the shoes of us u have judged!!!Just hope God has pitty for you!!!!

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Methadon is worse than pain pills. No doctor will prescribe methadon to replace another opiate. Only clinics will give you methadon. It's a nightmare. It's like being a diabetic. You need it to function. Clinics are like drug dealers. What they say goes. Period

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There is a place I know on Greenfield Road in Oak Park. I dont know the address or what its called but if I remember correctly its in between 9 and 10 mile on Greenfield.

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I live in Tennessee (knoxville) and have been in a methadone clinic for over 2 years and my clinics just ridiculous anymore. I need a Dr. not a clinic....clease help.I save chronic pain not just for addiction.

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Nickynub, I saw your comment to Cenna about getting to NY once or twice a month! I can and if you could get back to me it would be greatly appreciated.I need a Doc because methadone is the only thing that works for my myofacial pain. Hope you see this message and get back to me!

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