Methadone Doctor (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Hi. I need to find help. I am addicted to pain pills and would really like to get off of them. I have tried methadone and it works, i just need help finding a doctor to prescribe it for me. I live in Michigan. If anyone knows could you please help me? I cant go to a clinic because i dont live near one. I live in the upper penninsula but would drive downstate to get a doctor.....

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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I line in my westchester county. Cane from 189-52mg in five years. Clinic is closing. I want to find a dr who will prescribed me meth. Documents proving that I'm clean. Any help

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No clinic gives you 189 mg. maybe 190 but not 189 so I don't know what clinic your on! I've been on a meth for ALOT of yrs. and know all about the clinics your either a cop or an assehole!! If you wanted to get off meth you could of got off already!!

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I dont know if you found a Dr. by now but there is one in New Hyde Park

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What about the people that have been seriously injured in car wrecks or my case a motorcycle wreck going 130mph.img prescribed provider which do nothing for me. so why don't you get off your high horse. and think about walking a mile in another mans shoes if your mind can do that. no offense

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Theres alot of meth clinics in NYC St. Vincents has one and theres another one called Kopel I think its downtown.and then just one stop into Queens theres another clinic called Bridge Plaza. hope you find one!

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Post 15 and everyone else that commented in such a ignorant manner... Need to know that,WE are not a loud to judge....I feel sorry for them if anything. Ever body suffers in one way or another. We all just have different ways of dealing/handling it all. So next time you go pointing your finger att someone. Remember three more are pointing back at you.

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I need a methadone doctor in albany area in N.Y

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Hello, I feel the same way. If you find a doctor near Philly or New Jersey who can prescribe methadone for pain can you let me know?

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Where in ny on long island can i get methadone prescribed? I need help bad!!! I cant go to a clinic because i dont drive and also it is impossible too get into the clinic here!! I really need a dr that will help me please

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#15.... Karma has probably sucked for you since you posted that comment years ago. So am I allowed to be on pain meds...which I'm now dependant on due to breast cancer and had a double mastectomy? Just wanted to run it by you FIRST. D***HEAD

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Good luck with that. That will be next to impossible. These days only 2 places Rx methadone...clinics & pain mgmt clinics...which is now rare for a pain clinic to do. I hope you have some luck...I know that same feeling of not being able to drive, but somehow I did it & that's now been many years.

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Im glad you said something I could not believe how rude they were I have been in pain for so many years im on methadone it also helps me not use I am not a looser or a person looking to feel high. I'm a mother of (4) children who can barley get up in the am cause my back hurts so bad so thar person "had enough" well just have (2) words for them F*** OFF!!!!!

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EXACTLY! Hope you are making it ok tafy! :)

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Hi im 30 year old female on methadone n i need a private doctor i live on long island ny do u know one

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Hello~You can go to this site and it may possibly help you find a doctor in your state/area. The website is However, it will be somewhat hard to find a doctor that will Rx methadone. A doctor that is not an addiction dr CAN Rx methadone, but ONLY for pain- not for addiction purposes. However, if your need is for addiction purposes and that's why you are looking into methadone, you would have to attend a methadone clinic (and NY is a great state for Methadone Maintenance of the best actually). But there is another option, a regular doctor (one that holds a special license/certificate to Rx Suboxone) can Rx Suboxone...a newer medication for opiate addiction, and you would not have to attend a clinic. More and more doctors are becoming able to prescribe Suboxone so that is a good option, especially because it works wonders! You will also be able to find Suboxone (Buprenorphine) doctors on I hope this helps some! Good luck!

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i need more info im not good at reading between the lines...

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Hello 'CONCERNED.' You said you need help because you can't read through the lines. What do you need help with? I will try to answer any questions if I possibly can.

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I've been on methadone 30yrs. and I'm on 30mg. I'm so scared! I'm 54 and afraid of the serious withdrawals, I fear I'm gonna be on meth . forever any advice??

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I've been on methadone for 4 years. I was on 80 mgs most of the time, the past month I've quickly tapered down to 20 mgs and jumped. I'm now on day 4 with the help of 20 mgs yesterday. So I kind of feel like I've started over!

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@Lynsey Have you been taking any medications to help you with your withdrawals while you have been tapering?
@Joannf54 Don't let serious withdrawals keep you from finding yourself again. Physical withdrawals will not kill you, just make sure you are getting medical treatment during that time. Mental withdrawals also need to be dealt with, that is probably the most critical aspect while trying to live your life again without the methadone.

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