Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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Actually I Do NOT KNOW! Some fly by night drug company making the sorriest methadone on the market.I speak only from my personal experience of many years or should s a lifetime f fighting chronic pain. Stay away from it!

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I agree with everyone on how horrific ASC is. What can we do about it? Where can complaints be sent to? We should start a petition or campaign to STOP manufacturing that brand. Med people out us out with names, addresses and how to go about it. It should be on Tv like the bad meds commercial with a lawyer to contact. We need a legal suit against Ascend pharmaceuticals. This is one ridiculous medication. Period.

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It may be the same amount of active ingredient but the binders are different which can cause medication to be different. It's not in your head. They are different. I have taken many of different brands and some work better than others.

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Why are all these pharmacies suddenly using new stuff , tosave money its all about money fr drug companies and kickbacks its real greaseball crap. No one is trying to help the patient amymore.

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There is definetely a difference, my skin has been crawling and I couldn't figure out what was going on because I don't pay attention to my meds, I just take as prescribe, I am only on four a day but let me tell you I have never been through this and I literally felt like I had bugs under my skin. I definetely don't recommend trying these.

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Good I'm glad your pharmacy carries your generic brand of choice. At the end of the day all that matters is your comfort and liberty to live a pain free life is realized. Any time taking away from that Liberty is atrocious and sets us back to the dark ages. We can always differ on ideology so long as the suffering are adequately medicated.

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Same here, these pills don't seem to be consistent, some months there OK and other months I feel like my body is fighting withdrawal, and constant pain, I hate these ones, of I had the choice I would always take the other ones, I think these are placebo that they screw with the dose with, they SUCK!!!

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You're totally wrong. Each pharmaceuticals company buys their ingredients from different sources. Yes there may well be 10mg like all the others but what about the quality of the ingredients... what about the way they make them?? These things can make a difference. That is basic chemistry dude. You can mix the same compounds in a slightly different way and end up with more than one outcome...

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These methadone SUCK! I've been on methadone for 10 years and always have used the "coffin" shaped ones...little rectangles. Now the pharmacy's only have these crap ones and it has no effect on my pain management. Which really sucks. I think they did something funny when making these. It's just funny to me that when the insurance companies started cracking down on us methadone users and making us taper down..that's when these pills came flooding the pharmacies...maybe I'm just paranoid and my body reacts different to these for some reason but who knows. I do know a lot of people who are this same problem though. Sad really. They put us on these and then play with us and our health. I know methadone is not the best to be on but it sure does help my pain! As long as they are legit and not these lame ones

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If you are feeling ok on ASC 116 then you don't need methadone....period........!

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ASC 116 should be pulled from market ,I've taken twice my dosage and hasn't affected my pain ,when I put one on my tongue there is no bitterness,I have taken methadone for 22 yrs,this is my first taking ASC 116,I have slipped into withdraws,they should be tested .

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is asc116 the same generic methadone as 54142

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The 116 are not strong at all I've took 3 at once and nothing...... Compared to the 54 these are not worth money nor time...

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Regarding the methadone, 10,mg rectangles vs. Round from different supplier, MY PHARMACIST of the past 20 years did some research and THE RECTANGULAR 10mg methadone ARE different! The BINDING AGENT IN RECTANGULAR HAVE DOUBLE THE LACTOSE than the round 10 mg. Anybody LACTOSE INTOLERANT or even SENSITIVE to dairy CAN get quite sick on the rectangles!! I must also take a LACTAID pill 2 times a day and I take 60mg methadone daily. HOPE THIS INFO HELPS THOSE ILL ONES I READ ABOUT. PEACE

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You must have a high tolerance at this point if 12 10mg Opanas are not helping with pain.

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I've go to a clinic and have taken all brands and generics of methadone. All were about the same EXCEPT the asc 116. They were horrible. Barely kept me from being sick. Felt like I was on the verge of getting sick over the 3 days I took them.

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I had them all and I don't feel any difference between the three of them.

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no way would it make it through your digestive system they bust down soon as you put them in your mouth

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I totally agree with your reply.

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I gotta call bs on ANYONE who says a generic is the same as name brand as generic 10mg is 10mg down the line is bs!... The FDA allows a product to be 80-85% of what it says on its label especially in PKs and I have been taking meds since age 17, 36 now and the generics are different from one to the next and it is in a person head to some extent but if they are taken and tested I know they would not all come out at 10.0000mg bc they don't have to. But personally in my head and liver, I prefer Aurobindo Percs, Mallinckrodt Methadone and Greenstone Xanax Bars. thnx a Hole bunch lol

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