Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

264 Replies (14 Pages)

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You should NEVER call anyone a liar unless you have personal experience to bring to the table. I have the EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE you are lacking. Brands make a HUGE difference. In my experience ascend brand are the absolute worst for pain. They do not cause withdrawal for me, however I do get headaches. It seems this particular generic is designed to keep you from being sick, not for pain management. Roxane brand is decent, however I choose not to use that particular brand because it makes me feel high, it does work for pain, just not for very long. Malickrodt brand is AMAZING. It doesn't make me feel high and keeps the pain away for the time stated and works the way this medication *methadone* was designed to. Before you judge someone harshly and call them a liar; you should should be objective and listen to what they have to say. Just because someone is on methadone doesn't make them a liar scum bag junkie. I've been on it for about eleven years and I am neither. Please bring an open heart and open mind with you in your career.

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It is not easier to detox on Methadone because of the longevity of the withdrawals which last over a month and sometimes come back even after that..U will think u r ok and then another wave hits u...I wish to god I would a stayed hooked on tabs and oxys cause I think I could have kicked them easier..But I was told no withdrawals from Methadone. Boy was that a lie....The worst part about methadone withdrawal is the back,leg pain and 0 sleep & the mental part of knowing it will last over 30 days ..Its hell trust me on this...I have tried to quit many times.But if u have to go to work everyday it is almost impossible.Nah it is impossible!

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not exactly they have to be allowed some kind of variation. I know the Extended Length ones are allowed a percentage of varience-I don't remember off hand what it is, 5-10-15%, but even if the regular length aren't remember things can go wrong in manufacturing. You just can't trust markets to be free of risk of contamination, accidents, wrongdoing, or even even greed on mass scales.

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I get 120 10mg oxycodone and 90 10mg methadone and I'll pay $98 at TARGÉT and $120 at Riteaide but Riteaide is the only one with the oval methadone and the round ones are like placebos so I pay the extra

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For starters asc116dones are garbage. I've been eating methadone for years and the hold me like eating norco.garbage and 10mg of done is still 10mg. Please inform yourself b4 you post any allowed a 20% loss margin. Yes legally they can be 8mg.

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January, 2012

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hey these are made by ascend labs and there relatively new but they work fine if you ask me, a pretty decent generic, you should have no problems.

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Okay cool thanks. For some reason last night about an hour after taking my first 2 of this pill I became really nauseous and threw up. I have been on this medication everyday for over a year and have lowered my dosage from 90mg a day down to 50mg so this has never been a side effect that I've experienced so hopefully it was just a fluke thing! Thanks for the response.

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I dont know why as far as a reason that they are made that way but.. i assume because there is no coating.. so when they come in contact with moisture they puff up and start to disintegrate.. so to poo out a whole one is just not possible in my mind.. it would make sense though so they get into your system faster. I have been sick and taken them and they made me even more nauseous, threw up and was worried i threw them up..but they disintegrate so fast that i was fine..

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You speak the truth, my friend. Now about my multiple experiences with 116: The first time I took it I was Ill, but did not make the connection yet as I was only mildly so. I was, however, disappointed about the efficacy of the medication; the 54/142's and the rectangles always deliver top notch pain management, and suddenly I was once again reliving my broken vertebrae all over again. For the next few months, due to Safeway Pharmacy's inadequacies in supply ordering, I had to procure my methadone elsewhere, so the problem was merely a financial one, but last month I was finally able to go back. But, lo and behold, I was again crushed to find the 116's, and now I'm going through the entire uncomfortable fiasco, for once ending this argument that this medication is different from the others, not nearly as desirable, and quite possibly dangerous.

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I think a lot of the responses defending the asc 116 are folks who work for ascend. Otherwise, how can they make such absolute statements. So they are trying to tell me the generic orange juice or soda etc is of the exact quality as the high end name brand of the same product. Generic juice is sour. Minute maid is sweeter. Florida natural is awesome. But they are all Orange juice and therefor exactly the same is their argument. SMH

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Wish it had been only "in my head" SICK with exact symptoms as when I unknowingly ingest dairy. Back on round 10mg Roxane thanks to a kind caring pharmacist that spent 20 minutes doing research for myself and others like me. PEACE EVERYONE!! :-)

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I'm so sorry i had to use a different pharmacy today to get my methadone... They gave me the asc 116 , and they suck big time. Had to take five ten mg and still don't feel s*** and my pain is still here..

Sorry but I disagree with anyone that says it's in your pissed....

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Hey everyone,

I have myself always was fond of the rectangle ones with the M with the square outlining the M, then I tried changing pharmacies due to Walgreens always not having it in stock so I went to 24hr CVS who carry the round 54-142 but last month they messed up and didn't have even close to the quantity I get 310 and this is the nonsense I dealt with years ago with Walgreens because when they didn't have it I honestly would drive to at times and last month I went to 6 different pharmacies 24hrs and regular and either no we don't have that in stock at the moment or don't have that quantity and finally I said the hell with it and I tried the Walgreens I stopped goin to and yes they had it! So lucky #7 had it but the pharmacist told me that they are not the same as CVS was giving me (54-142) so I said well they're 10mg Methadone right? Yes just different manufacturer so I said that's fine thinking it was gonna be the rectangle ones and I picked them up and nope at first glance I thought they were 54-142 but when I went to take them I saw the ASC 116 so in my opinion they aren't stronger and they may be a tad bit weaker but I also re hurt my back worse so I can't be sure but as withdrawals go Nope neva not even close. I've been taking Methadone since 2006 and was on everything out there til a year b4 I was on OC's from 98-2005 also Fentanyl Dilauded Opana Percs Vic's everything in Between so I was really f***ed up I was an addict 100% but I saw another Dr who asked if I'd be willing to try Methadone for pain instead of going back on all the other crap so I agreed and I'm very happy I did!!! You do get that opioid/opiate euphoric feeling but only for 3-5 days then that stops but pain relief is 2nd to none like the others I felt like they only worked when I was high but as soon as it was gone my back would start hurting again etc and the more u take. So he started me on 50mg a day the first month then moved me to 80 mg but I still needed a lil more so I talked to my primary care dr and said all I do is drive to the other dr just to get a script so could you just write it etc and he agreed which helps me a lot and as of 2008-09 I've been on 100mg a day til a few months ago now it's 110mg but don't notice much difference to it but two.

More or 120mg feels like it did when I was put on 100mg at first on a 1-10 my pain is back to being bearable most days it's say 5 but I always have days were it's 7-8 and on my best days which is like 2 days or so a month it might be like a high 3-4 but that's only about 20-30 days a year. So I don't seem to notice a difference between the 54-142 and the ASC-116 but I agree that the ones with the M and scored on the other seemed to work the best and no way could some1 pass a whole tab out methadone is extremely water soluble that's why once it touches your tongue or anything wet it starts to disintegrate so your full of sh??it !!!' That's for all three companies they all go to mush instantly when anything wet touches them some of the inactive ingredients or fillers and binders don't all disappear when they mix the orange 40mg tabs with water the lil pieces left behind are inert ingredients not the Methadone. I've almost threw up if I didn't have a drink right there in my other hand or in front of me and would almost lose my meds from gagging so I'm well aware of methadone and other opiates/opioids from taking them myself. For myself I wish I was giving this before I got all messed up on the other painkillas. Because methadone for myself here's my pluses compared to say OC's etc.. Ok after awhile u don't catch a buzz or high unless u abuse them so now my heads nice and clear, Pain relief is 2nd to none for myself, u can take it all in one dose or split it up, I don't look at the time to see if it's time to pop more, also I have a much much more better quality of life like night and day and I'm not bugging out if I run low so I apologize for the length but it is what it is so goodluck and stay healthy!Thanks

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I've been on the malikraut (not spelled right I know) 10mgs for 12 yrs and last week I got my monthly filled and it was these ASC 116 circle tabs. I did not notice until i got home and the pharmacist did not say anything about the change. I have been taking them for one week now and I can't tell a difference. I will admit I worried about it but I can't say anything changed.

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Mallinkrot is the best in people's minds cause their shaped like little coffins.. Roxane and Asend are all the same s***. Opiates and opiods are a mind f*** and if you think any different then you need to learn about addiction

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Rectangles are the best of them all in my opinion. And I've tried the wafers and the liquid methadone as well. Milligram for milligram rectangles are the champs!!!!

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I agree 100%. Where is FDA when u need them? And how are these even allowed to be on the market as a 10mg methadone tablet? I thought to be labeled as 10mg methadone that it must contain 10mg of methadone. I have a very hard time believing that these asc 116 contain methadone at all. I feel no pain reilief whatsoever from these and would refuse to accept them if giving to me by any pharmacist. I prefer the m57 71 any day of the week

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I've been on methadone for about 10 years and have taken probably every brand out there but I have got the ASC 116 twice and both times same effect ( not strong enough ) so it's not in your mind or your lying about how much you took or what you've eaten for the day. And I have heard this from everyone I know , they all say the same thing I do about this brand that they are weak.

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Had a good month with Malinkrodts but on next refill was told only ASC was available. was i gonna live with that crap? Luckily..sorta...switched to CVS and was told they only carry Roxane brand. So better than crappy ASC. I live in a Malinkrodt manufacturing city..wish I could get my med from there. I hope someone will put ASC out of business. They totally suck.

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