Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 2)
UpdatedWhat company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market? friend gets asc 116....I still get the 54....he pays exactly the need to shop or call parmacies before u take in your hard pharmacy changes one price, 3blocks down charges Doubled...and don't think big phams like Wal-Mart is cheaper. it isn't... call's legal.
The 116 are not strong at all I've took 3 at once and nothing...... Compared to the 54 these are not worth money nor time...
You speak the truth, my friend. Now about my multiple experiences with 116: The first time I took it I was Ill, but did not make the connection yet as I was only mildly so. I was, however, disappointed about the efficacy of the medication; the 54/142's and the rectangles always deliver top notch pain management, and suddenly I was once again reliving my broken vertebrae all over again. For the next few months, due to Safeway Pharmacy's inadequacies in supply ordering, I had to procure my methadone elsewhere, so the problem was merely a financial one, but last month I was finally able to go back. But, lo and behold, I was again crushed to find the 116's, and now I'm going through the entire uncomfortable fiasco, for once ending this argument that this medication is different from the others, not nearly as desirable, and quite possibly dangerous.
Oh my, what a tangled world we weave...
Here it is in a nut shell - well at least for me.
54/142 brand Roxanne - so far THE BEST
Malinkrot Coffins - don't dissolve well, but very few fillers to make you sick. Not too bad.
ASC 116 By far the absolute worst pill I have ever taken. I've tried them for two months now - they're s***. I ran out last month because I wasn't getting ANY pain relief and to take the occasional extra pill. Bad. If you have a new Rx for methadone, please make sure that they are Roxanne 54/142.
I just picked up some Dilaudid 8 mg and do not really feel any effect from them at. I have been taking Norco 10-325 for years and switched to Percocet 10-325 and didn't feel anything from that either. So I'm trying out the Dilaidid in hopes that it works. I also have been taking 10 mg Methadone for over ayear. Can my tolerance be so high from taking 60 mg or more of the Methadone per day so the break thru pain meds just really don't seem to work? I'm a diabetic with dilebitating nerapothy.
Do you use a prescription discount card? Here in CA it had saved me over half fit my methadone script . Just Google it and print it out. I would take a couple and your pharamacy can let you know which is cheaper and.
Ive been takin methadone round and rectangle since 2009- i just had my first asc116 and was happy with the result, so i dont agree with everyone saying its s*** and completly agree with it being in ya heads. Whether the inactive ingridient you are more sensitive to or not. You got your dif brand pills and in the back of your mind decided they suck before you took them and then your body helped your brain out with concouisly deciding. Also those lower pills wont have an effect on you if youve been takin methadone long. Daulid should give you result though
Not true. Malincrodt hasn't been putting the full strength in their drugs for a while now. I have severe pain. Everytime I get a malincodt pain pill and I've Fortin five mg percs. 30 mg oxy and ten mg methadone I end up with very littlebpain relief. This company should be sued. I broke three bones in my left foot 3 days after I just started a brand new job as an auto mechanic. I went to work on that broken foot. I would take four 5 mg oxy and could work for four hours and then take four more. I ran out at lunch so I took my hard copy to Fred Meyer and they gave me malincrodt brand. I took pill after pill until forty pills were gone and never did get enough pain reliefvto work. Lost my new job and lost my doctor because I ended up back in emergency to get another persciption. I am now on 30 mg oxy. For chronic back and foot pain for injuries from a sixty mile an hour head on collision.I normally get activas brand pills . They work great. Everytime I get malincrodt I endbup taking 2-3 more pills to get the same pain relief as with the activas brand. I've had the same problem with their 10 mg methadone. After three days of taking their methadone I end up in withdrawal. And since I get a months supply I was in serious pain and withdrawal for the rest of the month. Fourteen years amalinkrodt was the best pills on the market. I requested them. But for at least the last couple two or three years they are seriously ripping off the paitents who get stuck with their phony or at least very weak pain relief products. I ask my pharmacist about having them analyzed by a laboratory but he told me it would cost a hundred thousand dollars to get those kinds of diagnostics run. That's what he told me. This is a real problem for people who are really in pain because they either have to suffer or they end up taking more medicine then prescibed making them to appear to be abusing their meds just trying to get relief. Its a great sugar pill they can give addicts because they are not in pain. I have confirmed this many times as well as others I know. Malinkrodt is using a damaged or rigged scale when it comes to their pain products. They make billions while people suffer.
I recently got the 116. Ive been taking the 5412 for years just fine. The 116 was like taking the weakest hydrocodne. I suffered in agonizing pain til I got my 5412 back weaks later. Also I was taking twice the dose of the 116 with no relief. With the 5412 I was just fine again. However because of this situation I am in a mess because no one believes me. So Im looking for folks with the same situation happen.
How is it in my head when i didnt notice the manufacturing change til days of agony. If you havent experienced the situation then you do not know. Also there are pharmacists that will tell you there is a difference on how the different manufacturer will cause differences on how the med reacts with the body.
I have used both the asc 116 and the 54 142. I don't see any difference. I think that the asc 116's are better. They seem to work faster and last longer, but that's just my opinion.
Like I said, How can it have been in my head, when I did not know their was a brand change at first. All I know is my meds stopped working, and even at twice the dose did not work. After about 4 days of agony I examined the pills closely and saw the asc116. So weeks later I get my 54142's and I got relief at the regular dose. In addition I have had a college professor studying chronic pain, an addiiction treatment doctor and a pharmacist tell me that technically the drugs are the same but how they r put together with other inactive ingrediants can alter how your body absorbs and reacts to the drug. Last but not least I have read several articles about quality. It is like anything else. Like Bordens Milk is awesome. Great Value milk is s***. They are both milk but there is a noticeable difference. Why do people comment so strongly when they really do not know. If you have not exeperience what I have with this situation, then I am happy for you that is great. However just because you did not have a problem does not mean that there is no problem. We all react differently to chemistry products
I think a lot of the responses defending the asc 116 are folks who work for ascend. Otherwise, how can they make such absolute statements. So they are trying to tell me the generic orange juice or soda etc is of the exact quality as the high end name brand of the same product. Generic juice is sour. Minute maid is sweeter. Florida natural is awesome. But they are all Orange juice and therefor exactly the same is their argument. SMH
I take both the asc 116 and the 54/142 and I have found no difference. I like them both. They both seem to work the same. This is just my opinion.
yea 60mg of dones bloccks antyother opiate
ASC 116 is horrible methadone. There is no comparison. No matter of talking or considerations can change my mind. I get sick, I have to use more than normal even though I am really good about controlling my meds. It constipates me, has a TON of fillers which are bad for you. These are just awful. Unfortunately, they are also the cheapest methadone out there. So pharmacies are more than happy to buy them.
Regarding the methadone, 10,mg rectangles vs. Round from different supplier, MY PHARMACIST of the past 20 years did some research and THE RECTANGULAR 10mg methadone ARE different! The BINDING AGENT IN RECTANGULAR HAVE DOUBLE THE LACTOSE than the round 10 mg. Anybody LACTOSE INTOLERANT or even SENSITIVE to dairy CAN get quite sick on the rectangles!! I must also take a LACTAID pill 2 times a day and I take 60mg methadone daily. HOPE THIS INFO HELPS THOSE ILL ONES I READ ABOUT. PEACE
It's in our head, perhaps but you must agree that each company uses different fillers which is true, just look them up. One may cause more sickness to ones body then another, its all chemicals and chemistry..........
Wish it had been only "in my head" SICK with exact symptoms as when I unknowingly ingest dairy. Back on round 10mg Roxane thanks to a kind caring pharmacist that spent 20 minutes doing research for myself and others like me. PEACE EVERYONE!! :-)
Hi I am in Dublin and on method too how do u find taking. yours ,paddy
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