Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 11) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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I have a question? If my dose of liquid methadone is 100mgs do I take 10 methadone pills (asc 116)? How long do these pills last cause I'm in withdrawal right now & don't wana waste these pills....HELP!! How long do the pills last? Is it 24hrs just like the liquid??? HURRY THANX IN ADVANCE

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take less, and with milk or something on your stomach but not to much.

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Ok, just took the new asc116 for first time about 45 mins ago. You all have me worried now. Have been on 80mg a day for about 7 years now. My Dr. Is a family friends and is bluntly honest about generics--buffed guidelines. They are allowed 20% window in either direction--for example, your 10mg methadone generic could be 12mg or could be mg, would be legal. Anyway, my doctor never stops going on about all the fraud that goes on with generics,how some of them could Literally every ducking sugar pills. They'd never get away with this s*** in Europe, and while living there never paid more than $25 for any script (with no insurance coverage). Now you all have me nervous. The little squares with score in middle and the M were fine. If these really are weaker, I'm going to start taking Tagamet to amplify effects. Fug...:(

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Wrong ,the difference in any pill is the active and inactive ingredients ..,therefore the side effects or desired effects are dif and not just in ones head same with a I G Xanax and 2 GG one has a longer window period ie it stays with u longer. True they're suppose b same but tech they're Not Facts. And I'm not a Dr and don't a any degree but I'm street wise and educated to the hilt !

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I just re read my last sarcastic remark and am manning up and say my bad everyone seeking help of any kind deserve EVERYONES HELP to achieve this...... If not now, when?? If not me, who??

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Any recommendations of a doctor in San Antonio, TX who understands what a great pain reliever methadone is and will prescribe it for chronic neck and back pain instead of the typical norco and oxy being prescribed?

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What are the effects of a Methadone10mg? Never taken before. Have taken oxycodone 10. One of those give me energy.

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Totally true. These ASC causes me to get very bad headaches.

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There is absolutely no difference. I've been on 70mg of methadone a day since I was 19, and I'm 30 now. There is no difference between the asc 116 and the 54 142...BUT, neither of them are the same quality as the rectangle ones (I'm not sure what the brand is) The rectangle ones are of a much higher quality to the point where I can take 5 a day instead of 7 a day. The rectangle ones are what I started on, and I prefer them. Before being put on the round 54s, I had no idea that generics were legally allowed to be different? So maybe it's just in my head, but it feels different to me.

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I found out these are not the same as the rectangle ones with the M scored on one side. I think the manufacturer is spelled Mallinckrodt. At first I thought they were all the same till I actually got better pain relief from the rectangle ones. I know it's not in my head as back in august of 2016 I swore there was no difference. In any case if you are using these to get off another drug the shorter you are on them the better. They are even harder to get off of because of the much longer half life. If you are just hooked on percocet or similar, you can kick the habit in one month. Don't let them drag it out. It's a racket. If it's for pain I found it to be the best thing to manage with the least amount of side effects and the drs tried a lot of different things with me.

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I'm not posting a reply I'm asking a question I have been on benzodiazepines for 12 years 9 on 6mg a day of Zanax and and 3 years on 4 mg of Ativan. My last doctor thinks it awful to be on these so she took me off with no weaning off of them put me on buspar and gabbapatin and my regular trazadone. I am dying here I can function and can hardly breath or cope with anything. Went to a new doctor and he put me on A new type of lexapro and wants to see if that will help. Well my old lexapro was at least an antidepressant and anti anxiety even though it didn't work. This new one is just an antidepressant. Not working. I am going through the worst withdrawals I can imagine and he wants me to go back to work. I dontake walks and do work out every day hoping that will work. I need something like methadone but for benzos. Help any ideas

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Do all 10 mg methadone pills dissolve easily? I've never had a pill break or dissolve so easily like these are. They are the asc 116 \ 10 mg pills.

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Re: girlie gurl (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I pray that this methadone pills work for me today i take the liquid and it works

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Re: comment (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

You are 100% correct. A lot of it is psychosomatic. Most people won't believe it but there are strict guidelines by which generics can be manufactured and it is 10% at the very most. I've had people say the ASC cheese do them well lot of people say the melon crop or better all depends on your personal taste and your state of mind

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Re: angelpuppy (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Same exact symptoms with ASC 116 vs the roxanne 54 142. It's as if I'm in withdrawal less than an hour after dosing. I take 2 pills 3x a day, and were it not for my IR breakthroughs, I would not be able to get through the day. From personal experience, CVS carries roxanne and Walgreens tends to have Ascends. I've also had bad experiences with the coffin shaped Malankroft, but not to the extent of the ASC pills. Worst case scenario, ask your prescriber to write your Rx's for dolophine with the "no substitution" box checked.

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That's not entirely true. ANY generic medication, per the food and drug administration's standards, only needs to be within 75% to 80% of the name brand counterparts strength. In addition to that, the fillers in each company's product varies. Some pharmaceutical companies try to use fillers that are an opioid adjunct, meaning they help the medication to work better, and some don't. Reformulations are just that, NOT EXACT REPLICAS. And where-as Ascends Pharmaceuticals is a newer company that originated from a Canadian subsidiary, their chemical make up may be closer to that of LAM (a longer acting methadone compound that was in theory, supposed to have a 48 hour half life, but was unsuccessful in producing the desired time frame) and which had more similarities to antagonist opioids than the USA agonist opioids.

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Re: Chris (# 229) Expand Referenced Message

Me too these ducked me up made me hurt in my back back in bed 2 days

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Re: FITZ (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Oxymorphone much stronger then oxycodone i have a high tolerance and they still work for im prescribed 5 of the30 mg oxycodenes and3 of the20 mg oxymorphone a day and the oxymorphone work so much better

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Re: me (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They are great for pain relief. Trust me i had 2 back surgeries and it works better than morphine.

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What is the best way to take these ASC 116 methadone pills effectively? I tried swallowing one and it hasn't seemed to be very effective.

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