Merina Removal In Menopause/anxiety/sertaline
UpdatedHi, I turned 50 in Aug 16 and started having hot flushes about a year ago. They occured once or twice an hour each day over a period of about 5 weeks. They would then disappear for 2-3 months. The flushes caused me to feel an overwhelming heat from top to toe and my whole body would become wet and droplets would appear on my face. This would last about a minute or two and then I'd be back to normal. I teach adults so this was somewhat embarrassing during lessons. My job is part-time and extremely stressful and in Nov 16, I was signed off with work related stress and anxiety. I have been on Sertraline 100mg for about 3-4 years because I had an episode of work related stress back then and had 5 months sick (there were other issues too at the time). At the age of 45, I had the Merina coil fitted due to heavy periods, and was told that it could stay in through the menopause to age 55. Over time my periods gradually became lighter and over the past year or two I get light bleeds .. more like discharge every 3 months or so which lasts a few days.
Over the past two months without many breaks I have been getting a very sudden and overwhelming thirst just before a hot flush. The duration of the flushes are about 3 minutes and I need to undress to cool myself down and gulp lots of water. Since being off sick I have been seeing my doctor regularly. He suggested I increased the sertraline to cope with the work anxiety which I should add does not seem to be effective anymore. I was also told in the past the merina and sertraline would help me through the menopause. Firstly, I don't like being on sertraline and wanted to stop taking it, an increase would mean I am relying of a drug to cope wiith work and general anxiety which is not right to me. Should I perhaps try a different anti-depressant? I fear the side-effects though and don't want to be on medication for years. I also feel that the merina is masking the menopause. How will I know when my period stops altogether? I want the merina removed but fear the consequences. I don't like the idea of the merina producing progesterone when nature is trying to reduce these hormones. I really need to go back to work next week but am terrified of not being sorted before I return. I'd appreciate any advise / feedback.
1 Reply
I started experiencing perimenopause symptoms several years ago, when I turned 42, so I understand how very miserable they can be.
My doctor prescribe Prozac/Fluoxetine for me, it is also an SSRI, and it has helped a lot. Things aren't perfect, I still experience some symptoms, but it has been known to work better than the Sertraline for such issues.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth.
Does anyone else have any advice or ideas to add?
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