Men Taking Althea Pills
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hi, im a 20 year old gay guy. is it okay for me to take althea pills? what would be the side effects of taking it...? thank you...

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I'm Rene 17years old pwede na ba ko mag take ng pills???

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Hi po im mae im 18 year old.i dont have husband but im curios with althea pill for its good planning to take the it ok to take the pill at my young age??

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h3ello.. anu po ba ang effect ng pills to ladyboys.?

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when the men used an pills it can be killed a man who taking the pills

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Gusto ko rin po sana nagmake ng pills pero takot ako sa mga side effects nila..

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Prostate Cancer
Another effect of estrogen on men is an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The prostate, a small gland found anterior to the rectum, is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate releases prostate fluid that makes up a part of ejaculate, and cells within the prostate respond to circulating hormones. Prolonged exposure to estrogen or estrogen-mimicking chemicals can cause an increased risk of prostate cancer.
A study published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2003 studied the levels of environmental estrogens on men with or without prostate cancer. The study found that men with prostate cancer had significantly higher levels of these chemicals in their bloodstream. Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology in 2007 indicates that natural estrogen promotes prostate cell proliferation and increases inflammation-two processes that promote cancer development.

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hi, i think marami namng gays na nag ttake ng pills and is happy with the effect ksi nga nag bibigay xa ng female hormones. But I remember wn i was in nursing school our prof told us a story about sa ka kilala nyang gay working sa parlor.. happy xa sa effect ng pills ksi nga kuminis ang skin nya at lumalaki dw ung breast nya hangang sa may lumabas na na discharge ayon nag pa check xa at nasa 1st stage na xa ng cancer.. so i dnt know wt happened nxt kasi matagal na un eh many years ago.

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