Medrol Pak Withdrawal Symptoms 3 Weeks Later? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hello. I was prescribed a Medrol pak (6 days 4mg) for a sinus infection. I felt great while taking it. Finished up on 8/12. Couple days later started getting awful hot flashes Few days later jittery in the mornings and loads of anxiety. Then started having trouble sleeping...tossed and turned all night with waves of hot flashes. I'm 6 months postpartum and nursing a baby. Do you think these symptoms are withdrawal from the Medrol? It's right at 3 weeks now. I've had sweaty hands, jitters, racing heart. When will it end? What will help it?

89 Replies (5 Pages)

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RacerD. I hope all your cardiology test results came back good. I now have answers to all my symptoms.... the MEDROL threw me into full blown Menopause. I am suffering from pretty much EVERY side effect, including menopause induced food allergies. I was in perimenopause for only 6 or so months. I have an appt with my OB Jan 3rd. They are working on me seeing someone before then to start me on HRT. I wasn't fond of HRT, but my quality of life sucks now, since I didn't have the chance to ease into it naturally.
I am hoping I will get some normalcy back...
I'm wishing good luck on your quest, and I will come back to update.

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I was in perimenopause for less than a year. Last year at my OB, my hormones were still in normal range, and I was still getting periods before I started the pack. This last test had me in full Menopause. The Dr. couldn't be 100% positive, but it is unusual to go from a semi-regular periods to full Meno in three months.... with the severity of my Meno side effects. I only had mild hot flashes (maybe 2-3 per day, 1 overnight) and mild dizziness that went away after a few seconds; AND still sleeping thru the night. Now, If a side effect is listed, I pretty much have it.... in extreme. The heart palps and increased heart rate are the worst. Sleep and less stress and anxiety will hopefully help with the heart palps.
I see the nurse practitioner on Friday, since I didn't want to wait until January to see the DR. We will discuss HRT's. These have been the worst 6 weeks of my life. I want to be normal again.

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I didn't want to take an anti-depressant since my problem is hormones. I believe once my hormones are back in track, that the rest will be as well. Estrogen and progesterone are such important hormones, regulating everything from mood, stress and anxiety to heart palps. I hope that everything will get regulated quick, with minimal side effects, including my fast heart rate.
I will keep you updated.

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How did your appointment go Friday? Hope well and you have a new course of action. It if wasn't for me nursing I would do the HRT but I did go so a shrink Friday and she said the Medrol pak propelled my postpartum anxiety onto the fast track. It was already brewing but slowly and the steroid blew it up. So yay. I guess I'm on the right med to get this under control but it's taking forever. Sucks.

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My appt on Friday went ok. Had to see a different dr. since the nurse practitioner had a death in the family... boy, she was awful!! She prescribed an HRT dose much to high!! Plus, I had a mild alergic reaction to the Estradiol. I've talked to the nurse practitioner, and she will prescribe something much lower. I did take the estradiol for two days, (I cut the pills in half) and noticed a difference, so I'm hoping the prempro will help. I will start that early next week. I'm tired of the heart issues, nausea, sleep problems, and (thankfully, only mild) food allergies. Thanksgiving will be tough this year. :(
Have a good Thanksgiving... updates to follow.

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Well... no HRT worked for me. The Prempro had terrible side effects, and I quit taking them after one pill; gave me terrible heart palps on the lowest dose. My heart rate is finally getting better, and so are my palps on their own. And, I'm now getting between 5 - 7 hours of sleep at night. My hot flashes are getting less frequent as well. I really wanted to take the hormones to help with these menopausel food allergies. Since everything else is getting better, I'm hoping (praying) the allergies will also. These have been the worst 2 months, and I am powering through to get back to my normal routine.
I'm still getting bouts of nausea and lightheadedness. I sure hope that will get better as well.
I'm hoping that things are getting more back to normal for you as well... I'll update on my progress. So hard to believe that a few pills can change a person's life completely. :(

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Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well! I am a 31 year old male who just finished a 6 day methylprednisolone 4mg pak yesterday for a possible pinched nerve (Had been having some tingling in my arm and chest paints). I had several tests done on my heart, and they all came back clear. I took all of the pills prescribed from 6 to 1, and only had 1 day during the trial period when i had high BPM, heart racing, feeling of anxiety. Today, my first day without the medication, I started experiencing these symptoms again (high BPM, shortness of breathe) . I have also started having a pulsing feeling in my temple, as well as some tingling in my arm. Is this fairly normal from what you all have experienced when coming off a 6 day trial of the steroid? Also, is this something you all think i should follow up with my doctor on, or give it a few days? Thanks so much!

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Hi Gaban. I had high blood pressure after the pack for about 3 weeks, and the racing heart for about 2 months. I was nauseas for a full month after. I am now three months out after taking the pack, and I am still having problems; the worst being SEVERAL new food allergies. (I wasn't allergic to anything before, now I'm allergic to almost everything) I did have a bad reaction in the fifth day, and severe insomnia for 1 1/2 months. I hear that the side effects should last only 2-3 weeks after the pack, but I am still dealing with withdrawel... going to see an endo January 4th. I hope that recover quickly...

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Thanks for the info! Hope you start feeling better as well! The biggest symptoms I have stillbee experiencing are some ongoing fatigue, racing heart at times, and inflamed/enlarged veins on side of my temple which just started while taking the 6 day from what you've heard, most withdrawal/side effects after stopp g the medication should go away within a couple of weeks? I'm surprised it stays in the body that long but guess your body has to recover from taking steroids. Any recommendations to help the body recover? Thanks!

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I have been diagnose with RA and Fybolmaiga my Dr. put me on a week of Methylpred.dosepak now I have been off for two days now and I feel dizzy,lightheaded,light headaches,my body feels more pain now.Is it because of the Methylpred?

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Yes. It normally takes a month or two to feel normal after a dose pack... some feel normal after 3 - 4 weeks. Then, there are some of us, for whom it takes 6+ months.
It is listed in my chart not to give, since I was extremely Secaucus sensitive to it. I had a bad anxiety attack, sending me to the ER on the fifth day, back in October 2016. I am still not back to normal, with nausea every day, and an over active immune system. It took me almost 3 months for my heartrate and BP to get normal again.
Good luck to you, I hope that you recover quickly.

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Ugh....sounds like it is really being stubborn. I am much better but attribute it to the Lexapro. Who knows what I would be like if I didn't finally give in and take it. The steroid caused my post-partum anxiety to go through the roof. Definitely caused some hormonal or anxiety issues coming off and compounded the anxiety I was already having being a new mom. I don't like being on the medicine but the alternative was horrific. I'm finally sleeping without sleep aides and the nausea and heart palps are much better and I hardly get it all now. Have you thought about a low dose anti-depressant? Lexapro is pretty good from what others have told me. I'm hoping it kicks things back to normal and I'll start to taper off in another month or two. What an ordeal. I will NEVER take that again.

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I have now started HRT. I'm using a estrodiol patch, and I am NOW able to take a progestin pill, without having an allergic reaction. I am feeling better now (finally!) Although I still have bad days. These have been the WORST 4 months of my life, and I am praying that all these food issues will go away with time.
I know most people have no issues taking the MEDROL pack, but I definitely was not one them.

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Glad you are getting some relief FedUp. I'm feeling better now finally too and think the Lexapro is making me a bit blah. I have cut my dose down and want to talk with the doctor about weaning. I think the damage done by the Medrol is finally reversing itself. I took the Medrol in early August. Geez. Unreal. My mom was recently prescribed a Medrol pak for a sinus issue and she refused it after all my hell.

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IT's not worth it if you can get by without it. The risks are just too great in my opinion. I'll never take another one again.

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Be careful with the lexpro...took it for anxiety caused by another med, and it made everything worse. Only took it for 9 days, and had terrible withdrawls from it. 5mg

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It has been about 6 days since my last does from the medrol pack, i had two packs, i switch back and forth from. I was down to 3 per day and i stopped cold turkey...MISTAKE. I am profusely sweating-HOW LONG SHOULD THIS LAST

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Glad you are better now!! I'm 1 1/2 months off the Lexapro and finally starting to feel myself again. Suffering from some lex withdrawal but it's ok. I still blame all this and messing with my hormones on the Medrol pak. I'll never take it again.

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Going on 5 weeks for me. They're not as bad as they were a week ago but really lingering...

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I wrote on 8/18/17 about Medrol (the 6-day pack). I've been reading about Fed Up's experience with allergies. I wonder if my severe throat spasms are related to that. I had severe and strong breath intakes for a few long minutes.
Yesterday, I forgot to mention something that may be TMI and it was humiliating. Both times the spasms happened, they were so severe that I actually wet myself. There was no control and I'm glad I was home! This has never happened to me. These events took place while I took the Medrol and a short time after I stopped taking it. I've been going through every reply related to Medrol to see if it is related to these episodes.
There are always a myriad of side effects for each drug, and who's to know if there is one that is not listed. I've seen my primary and an ENT who didn't have much to say about it. I'm still afraid of repeat events.

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