Meditator/ketamine For Depression (Top voted first)
UpdatedI will go to the states to take ketamine treatment for depression. Ketamine is probably a great pill for depression, as recent research indicated. By the way, i am searching for friends who may have the same problem and same opinion--want ketamine--in states. I already tried to commit suicide 4 times. I entered in Japanese military forces for about 6 months, I've done Shikoku Henro meditation everyday 2-8 hours. i don't exercise everyday, due to these struggles. My mind is so much better. However, I feel my limit recently. final solution is ketamine, i recognized.
Why I still have heavy problem, maybe I try to juggle too much heavy stress simultaneously. these stressors make me really sick. If you are interested in my article, be my friend please?
You can post back on here. {edited for privacy}. Anyway I have to go to the states as soon as possible.
My psychiatrist in Seattle treated me like a drug seeker too. I went along with his theory at first, then decided it was just his opinion, and that I was the one who had to live with the misery of depression. I decided to go for it; I've had one infusion and will need two more before we know if it will work. My point: do what is best for you. The doctors don't know everything. This is cutting edge and is working for people.
Hi Toshi. I live in the states and will be trying Ketamine infusions at a clinic in my area in April. I have struggled with PTSD for three years. Please keep in touch. I know this is not easy. And we need to stick together. :)
Toshi, please see the Ketamine Advocacy Network. You will find other ketamine patients like yourself, and a list of US doctors who offer ketamine. Good luck.
Hello, Toshi! How are you?
While it has been shown to help with severe depression, Ketamine is a very potent medication that is usually only prescribed as a last resort, when someone has exhausted their other options. It carries the risk of causing some possibly dangerous side effects, such as cardiac arrhythmia, bradycardia, increased intracranial pressure and anorexia.
What else have you tried to treat your depression? Some people do better with a combination of several different medications. Have you ever consulted a psychiatrist?
thank you rikee. i will ask this organaization.
thank you verwon. I tried exercise/work out, social skill train/sigmunt floit method/zazen meditation/Ssri zorft luvox/ any other pill for instance, hypnodoom, debass. in esepially exercise, zazen makes my brain function get better. when I was child, I couldn't speak, I couldn't eat my mothers meal. i evolved so much. now I can eat, speak.
but most severe problem for me is not to able to feel affection to human, not to able to feel happy. finnaly i decided to take ketamine. perhaps my brain function is so crazy. im interested in anti nmda reciepter medicine, ketamine namenda. i know side effect. but I can forgive side effect. im not afraid anymore.
maybe tomorrow I can get first I try it.all I have to do is to be more calm down.if I get more calmdown,Good Idea will come here,like zazen.
Excellent, Toshi! I wish you the very best of luck with it.
Please post back and update me! Thanks!
ok,I will go states,tommorow or day after tommorow.and I accept ketamine treatment.if I try to ketamine,I will post back here.
I already arrived in Los Angels. from now on I will need to meet with a doctor who provides cheaper cost.
Hey,I have to get ketamine by myself.
Caz ketamine infusion therapy is crazy expensive.
I already investigated in ketamine doctor,but almost doctor is like this.
Maybe NYC doctor is best.
Later I get money,
And then I go this doctor.
Ketamine is hardly crazy expensive there are a number of doctors charging 250-350 per round of treatment and only 8-12 treatments might be necessary for remission. The real problem is that Ketamine is not a cure, it is a treatment so after a few weeks you will need another treatment and a few weeks after that another.
Most antidepressants run in the 5-600 dollar a month range IF you were paying for them out of pocket. Ketamine is less expensive than that.
My doctors have tried this "combining several medications" route. Almost killed me twice. Most serotonin re-uptake inhibitors come with a HUGE list of drug interactions.
The wrong combination or wrong dosages can cause Serotonin Toxicity or Serotonin poisoning which kills thousands in the USA each year. (many more due to misdiagnosis or attributed to heart failure, Flu, etc.) I had a fever over 104.7 at one point along with violent muscle tremors and agitation. Didn't sleep for over 72 hours.
Stacking medications should be a last resort, period.
Hi all, I hope I'm posting under the ketamine thread, not used to posting. I just started intranasal ketamine and was wondering if anyone can give me information or tell me how you responded.
I've been on every antidepressant on the market and gone through hell and back and back again.
I'm suicidal every day but nothing helps.
Saw something about Ketamine for treating depression but I've asked all my Drs in my area (South Carolina) and they won't even discuss it. Then they treat me like an addict seeking crack. These are Drs I've known for years.
Does anyone in the upstate South Carolina, Atlanta, Charlotte areas know of any psychiatrists or pain management Drs who are willing to give Ketamine treatments?
Geeez. I'm not looking to go to a rave with half a pound of "special-k" and OD in the parking lot. I'm suffering from chronic pain, depression, and PTSD.
Please help if you can.
Well, I guess the rich can treat their depression, pain, and PTSD.
The rest of us will just have to suffer.
Ketamine treatment is WAY out of my ability to afford. I just work for a living. I don't manage mutual funds or launder money for the cartels.
Back to square one.
I tried ketamine. But not good for me. effect never proceeded 1 week. To me, benzoazepine medicine are just as good.
I wanna try namenda. By the way I will participate in an anti depression experiment in USA. Anyway better off than now, if it were dangerous medication.
And I have heard about drugs like "Molly" fixing depression.
It is available subcutaneous in Australia. May be cheaper to go there AURA medical Sydney
Good luck
God Bless
Hope you find something to help
Good on you for meditation and exercise they can help
Do not harm yourself, you are precious and sound like a great sensitive soul
Take care
Hello Toshi! My name is Charlie and I know this may be too late or maybe not about coming to the United States for Ketamine treatment for depression. it's June 30 2015 now and I'm starting this Friday July 3rd. I was told to just drive with someone who can drive me home because it will be my first ketamine infusion. my second will be Sunday the 5th of July and then the feedback I give will let the doctor know if it's the right treatment to be on and stay on. I hope you have been able to try the ketamine therapy? If so please let me know how it worked for you! If your ever in New York get in touch with me! Well Goodluck to you & hope it does work out great for you! Regards, Charlie
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